Package: gssrdoc 0.5.0

gssrdoc: Document General Social Survey Variable

The General Social Survey (GSS) is a long-running, mostly annual survey of US households. It is administered by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). This package contains the a tibble with information on the survey variables, together with every variable documented as an R help page. For more information on the GSS see \url{}.

Authors:Kieran Healy [aut, cre]

gssrdoc.pdf |gssrdoc.html
gssrdoc/json (API)

# Install 'gssrdoc' in R:
install.packages('gssrdoc', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:

  • gss_dict - Data Dictionary for the GSS Cumulative Data File 1972-2022
  • gss_panel_doc - Codebook for the GSS Three Wave Panel


2.08 score 24 scripts 1 exports 21 dependencies

Last updated 7 months agofrom:3765474402. Checks:OK: 1 NOTE: 6. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKNov 11 2024
R-4.5-winNOTENov 11 2024
R-4.5-linuxNOTENov 11 2024
R-4.4-winNOTENov 11 2024
R-4.4-macNOTENov 11 2024
R-4.3-winNOTENov 11 2024
R-4.3-macNOTENov 11 2024



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Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Abortion if woman wants for any reasonabany
Abortion if woman wants for any reason (grid on web)abanyg
How concerned is r about abortionabcare
Should a woman get an abortion for any reasonabchoose
1st argument against abortionabcon1
2nd argument against abortionabcon2
3rd argument against abortionabcon3
Law should allow abortion for birth defectsabdefct1
Wrong for woman to get abortion for birth defectsabdefctw
Strong chance of serious defectabdefect
Strong chance of serious defect (grid on web)abdefectg
Women only: women should be able to have legal abortionsabfelegl
How firm is r's opinion on abortionabfirm
Aboriton legal for gender selectionabgender
Have abortion if probable defectabhave1
Have abortion if health endangeredabhave2
Have abortion if couldn't afford childabhave3
R would help with arrangements for abortionabhelp1
R would help with paying for abortionabhelp2
R would help with paying for abortion-related other costsabhelp3
R would help with emotional support for abortionabhelp4
Woman's health seriously endangeredabhlth
Woman's health seriously endangered (grid on web)abhlthg
Importance of abortion issue to rabimp
How much info does r have on abortionabinfo
Should people be able to use health insurance for abortion - ver yabinspay
Should abortion ever be legalablegal
Woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for abortion - ver xabmedgov1
Woman and doctor or govt should decide what info needed for childbirth - ver yabmedgov2
Men only: women should be able to have legal abortionsabmelegl
R has a moral opposition to abortionabmoral
Married-wants no more childrenabnomore
Married-wants no more children (grid on web)abnomoreg
Heard supreme court decision on abortionaborct
Past 12 months r web to learn abortionabort12
Low income-cant afford more childrenabpoor
Law should allow abortion if family low incomeabpoor1
Low income-cant afford more children (grid on web)abpoorg
Wrong for woman to get abortion if low income?abpoorw
1st argument for abortionabpro1
2nd argument for abortionabpro2
3rd argument for abortionabpro3
Pregnant as result of rapeabrape
Pregnant as result of rape (grid on web)abrapeg
How long have you lived in other countries?abroad
How many days absent from work past 6 monthabsent
Not marriedabsingle
Not married (grid on web)absingleg
Abortion if husband opposesabspno
Difficulty of obtaining abortion in r's stateabstate1
Change abortion laws in r's state to make it easier or harder to get an abortionabstate2
How scientific: accountingaccntsci
R accept others even when they do things wrongaccptoth
Number of asian r is acquainted withacqasian
Number of regular church attendee r is acquainted withacqattnd
Number of black r is acquainted withacqblack
Number of brenda r is acquainted withacqbrnda
Number of child care worker r is acquainted withacqchild
Number of cohabiting pplr is acquainted withacqcohab
Number of strong conservative r is acquainted withacqcon
Number of police officer r is acquainted withacqcops
Number of democrat r is acquainted withacqdems
Number of electrician r is acquainted withacqelecs
Number of asian family memberacqfmasn
Number of black family memberacqfmblk
Number of cohabiting family memberacqfmcoh
Number of conservative in family memberacqfmcon
Number of gay family memberacqfmgay
Number of family member going church regularlyacqfmgo
Number of family member owning second homeacqfmhme
Number of hispanic family memberacqfmhsp
Number of liberal in family memberacqfmlib
Number of family member named lindaacqfmlin
Number of family member named markacqfmmrk
Number of family member not going churchacqfmno
Number of family member in prisonacqfmpri
Number of unemployed family memberacqfmune
Number of white family memberacqfmwht
Number of gay r is acquainted withacqgay
Number of regular church attendee r is acquainted withacqgoatt
Number of hispanic r is acquainted withacqhisp
Number of ppl owning second home r is acquainted withacqhome
Number of janitor r is acquainted withacqjans
Number of jose r is acquainted withacqjose
Number of karen r is acquainted withacqkaren
Number of keith r is acquainted withacqkeith
Number of kevin r is acquainted withacqkevin
Number of lawyer r is acquainted withacqlaws
Number of strong liberal r is acquainted withacqlib
Number of linda r is acquainted withacqlinda
Number of maria r is acquainted withacqmaria
Number of mark r is acquainted withacqmark
Number of ppl in military service r is acquainted withacqmils
Proportion of same race as r among all acquaintancesacqmyrac
Number of asian in neighborhoodacqnhasn
Number of black in neighborhoodacqnhblk
Number of cohabiting ppl in neighborhoodacqnhcoh
Number of conservative in neighborhoodacqnhcon
Number of gay in neighborhoodacqnhgay
Number of regular church attendee in neighborhoodacqnhgo
Number of ppl owning second home in neighborhoodacqnhhme
Number of hispanic in neighborhoodacqnhhsp
Number of liberal in neighborhoodacqnhlib
Number of linda in neighborhoodacqnhlin
Number of mark in neighborhoodacqnhmrk
Number of non church attendee in neighborhoodacqnhno
Number of ppl in prison in neighborhoodacqnhpri
Number of ppl unemployed in neighborhoodacqnhune
Number of white in neighborhoodacqnhwht
Number of non church attendee r is acquainted withacqnoatt
R had sex with acquaintance last yearacqntsex
Number of ppl in prison r is acquainted withacqprisn
Number of rachel r is acquainted withacqrachl
Number of republican r is acquainted withacqreps
Number of shawn r is acquainted withacqshawn
Number of social worker r is acquainted withacqsocs
Number of ppl currently unemployed r is acquainted withacqunemp
Number of asian in voluntary associationacqvaasn
Number of black in voluntary associationacqvablk
Number of cohabiting ppl in voluntary associationacqvacoh
Number of conservative in voluntary associationacqvacon
Number of gay in voluntary associationacqvagay
Number of regular church attendee in voluntary associationacqvago
Number of ppl owning second home in voluntary associationacqvahme
Number of hispanic in voluntary associationacqvahsp
Number of liberal in voluntary associationacqvalib
Number of linda in voluntary associationacqvalin
Number of mark in voluntary associationacqvamrk
Number of non church attendee in voluntary associationacqvano
Number of ppl in prison in voluntary associationacqvapri
Number of unemployed ppl in voluntary associationacqvaune
Number of white in voluntary associationacqvawht
Number of white r is acquainted withacqwhite
Number of asian in current or previous workacqwkasn
Number of black in current or previous workacqwkblk
Number of cohabiting ppl in current or previous workacqwkcoh
Number of strong conservative in current or previous workacqwkcon
Number of gay in current or previous workacqwkgay
Number of regular church attendee in current or previous workacqwkgo
Number of ppl owning second home in current or previous workacqwkhme
Number of hispanic in current or previous workacqwkhsp
Number of strong liberal in current or previous workacqwklib
Number of linda in current or previous workacqwklin
Number of mark in current or previous workacqwkmrk
Number of non church attendee in current or previous workacqwkno
Number of ppl in prison in current or previous workacqwkpri
Number of ppl unemployed in current or previous workacqwkune
Number of white in current or previous workacqwkwht
How important to be active on soc or pol associationactassoc
R active in church groupactchurh
R active in farm organizationactfarm
R active in fraternal groupactfrat
R active in school fraternityactgreek
R active in hobby clubacthobby
Outside leisure activity in the past 12 monthsactivnat
How likely r to do something if unjust law being consactlaw
R active in literary or art groupactlit
R active in nationality groupactnat
R active in any other groupactother
R active in political clubactpolit
R active in professional societyactprof
R active in school serviceactschl
R active in service groupactserv
R active in sports clubactsport
How well r carries out usual social activitiesactssoc
R active in labor unionactunion
Ppl at work throw things when upset with ractupset
R active in veteran groupactvet
R active in youth groupactyouth
Would r go to counselor if child was r'sadcou
Would r have child on med by counselor's adviceadcoumed
Would go to a medical doctor if he was r's childaddoc
Would have child be on med by docs adviceaddocmed
Would r get advice from family if child was r'sadfam
Would r have child be on medication by fam adviceadfammed
Advertised for a job in newspaper'sadforjob
Children should be given counseling for adhdadhdcon
What does r know about adhdadhdknow
What does r know about adhd (verbatim)adhdknw
Children should be given medication to treat adhdadhdmed
Is adhd a real diseaseadhdreal
Would r check child into a hospital if was r'sadhos
Would r have child be on med by hospital staffadhosmed
Consent to possible data linkageadminconsent
R express admiration for blacksadmirblk
Best way to match birth mothers with adopters?adoption
Have ever legally adopted a childadoptkid
Would r go to a psychiatrist if child was r'sadpsy
Would r have child on med by psychiatrists adadpsymed
Would r get advice from teachers child if was r'sadtch
Would have child be on med by teachers adviceadtchmed
Household members 18 yrs and older (household roster)adults
Adults 18+ in hh(experimental version)adults_exp
Total adults in hh (household composition version)adultsinhh
Have you advanced, same level or lostadvances
Other ppl will take advantage of r if not carefuladvantge
R can ask close friend software helpadvcfrnd
R can ask son or daughter for software helpadvchld
R can ask coworker software helpadvcowrk
R can ask other family members software helpadvfam
All of the greatest advances for humanity have come from science and technologyadvfmsci
Sci rsch is necessary and should be supported by federal govtadvfront
Person #1 is r's advisoradvisor1
Person #2 is r's advisoradvisor2
Person #3 is r's advisoradvisor3
Person #4 is r's advisoradvisor4
Person #5 is r's advisoradvisor5
R can ask librarian software helpadvlib
R can ask acquaintance software helpadvofrnd
R can ask parent for software helpadvpar
How far in advance do you schedule workadvsched
R can ask sibling or sibling partner software hadvsib
R can ask spouse or partner for software helpadvsp
How familiar r is with term advanced searchadvsrch
R can ask other student software helpadvstu
R can ask work supervisor software helpadvsup
R can ask teacher software helpadvtchr
I am inclined to feel i am a failureafailure
R's firm has aff. action programaffact
How likely congress give serious attention to r's demandsaffctlaw
Favor preference in hiring blacksaffrmact
People act as if they are afraid of rafraidof
Belief in life after deathafterlif
Would suffer than let the one r love sufferagape1
Not happy unless the one s happiness is before ragape2
Willing to sacrifice wish to let the one achieveagape3
Would endure all things for the one r loveagape4
Age of respondentage
Age of person #1age1
Age of person #2age2
Age of person #3age3
Age of person #4age4
Age of person #5age5
If born outside usa, what age were you when you permanently moved to usaagecmeus
Should aged live with their childrenaged
Should grown children live with parentsagedchld
Should aged live with their children (no volunteered response on web)agednv
Should aged live with their childrenagedpar
Should aged live with their children (with volunteered response on web)agedv
Importance of age to payageemp
Age of first person in household screeningagehef1
Age of tenth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef10
Age of eleventh person in household screening (if applicable)agehef11
Age of twelfth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef12
Age of thirteenth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef13
Age of fourteenth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef14
Age of second person in household screening (if applicable)agehef2
Age of third person in household screening (if applicable)agehef3
Age of fourth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef4
Age of fifth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef5
Age of sixth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef6
Age of seventh person in household screening (if applicable)agehef7
Age of eighth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef8
Age of ninth person in household screening (if applicable)agehef9
R's age when 1st child bornagekdbrn
Age of r at born-again experienceagerborn
Age of r at religious experienceagerelex
Age when first marriedagewed
R's age at current marriageagewedcr
Gov $ for stdnts with avg inc and gradesaidavg
Gov. should assist low-income college studentaidcol
Gov. should provide housing to pooraidhouse
Govts resp: assist industrial growthaidindus
Govts resp provide childcareaidkids
Govt money for low income studentsaidneedy
Govts resp: provide for the elderlyaidold
Have govt info pgm on safe sex practicesaidsads
Age of aids victim closest to raidsage
Age of aids victim 2nd closest to raidsage2
Age of aids victim 3rd closest to raidsage3
Condom can reduce aidsaidscndm
Has aids victim closest to r diedaidsdead
Has aids victim 2nd closest to r diedaidsded2
Has aids victim 3rd closest to r diedaidsded3
Pay aids victims disability benefitsaidsfare
Have govt pay for all aids health careaidshlth
Require aids victims to wear id tagsaidsids
Allow insurer's to test applicant for aidsaidsinsr
#People r knows infected with aidsaidsknow
A health-look person may have aidsaidslook
Have testing for aids before marriageaidsmar
Govt money for high achieving studentsaidsmart
Race of aids victim 2nd closest to raidsrac2
Race of aids victim 3rd closest to raidsrac3
Race of aids victim closest to raidsrace
Region of aids victim closest to raidsreg
Region of aids victim 2nd closest to raidsreg2
Region of aids victim 3rd closest to raidsreg3
Prohibit aids-students at public schoolsaidssch
Sex of aids victim closest to raidssex
Sex of aids victim 2nd closest to raidssex2
Sex of aids victim 3rd closest to raidssex3
Public schools teach safe sex practicesaidssxed
R's relationship to closest aids victimaidswho
R's relation. to 2nd closest aids victimaidswho2
R's relat. to 3rd closest aids victim to raidswho3
Govts resp: provide for the unemployedaidunemp
Aim of artaimofart
Neighborhood affected by air pollution over the last 12 monthsairpollu
People running country don't carealienat1
Rich get richer, poor pooreralienat2
What you think doesn't countalienat3
You're left out of thingsalienat4
Powerful people take advantage of youalienat5
People in wash d.c. are out of touchalienat6
How alike: orange & bananaalike1
How alike: dog & lionalike2
How alike: eye & earalike3
How alike: egg & seedalike4
How alike: table & chairalike5
How alike: work & playalike6
How alike: fly & treealike7
How alike: praise & punishmentalike8
Everyone benefit from traditional familyallben
Situation caused by food or chemical allergiesallergic
Everyone hurt from traditional familyallhrt
Experience connection to all of lifealloflfe
All levels of org are involved in stress preventionallorglevel
Allow communist to speakallowcom
Allow racial intermarriageallowmar
Allow racist to speakallowrac
Alt med provides better solutionsaltmed
How satisfied r with alt health treatmentaltsat
How important to have american ancestryamancstr
Agree america is a better countryambetter
How important to have been born in americaambornin
How important to be a christianamchrstn
How important to have american citizenshipamcit
Agree i would rather be a citizen of americaamcitizn
It is impossible to become fully americanamcult
How important to be able to speak englishamenglsh
How important to feel americanamfeel
How important to respect america's laws etcamgovt
Gets along well with other childrenamicable
Gets along with other children-version yamicably
Gets along with other children-version zamicablz
How important is being an american to youamimp
Degree r invokes just american identityamissue
Degree r invokes primary identity as americanamissue1
How important to have lived in america for lifeamlived
America should follow its own interestsamownway
American doing enough to protect environmentamprogrn
R pride in being americanamproud
How proud being americanamproud1
American quality of life vs other indus. nationsamrank
Agree there are things make me ashamedamshamed
Agree sports makes me proud to be an americanamsports
Tv should give preference to american filmsamtv
Believe in supernatural power of deceased ancestorsancestrs
How long did your anger last?angrlast
Felt angry at someone?angry
Was an event recalled?angryev
Last time r felt really angryangryfam
Last time r felt really angryangrygvt
Last time r felt really angryangrywhy
Last time r felt really angryangrywrk
Which bodily features be best suited to a small animal living in a cold climateanheat
Next to health, money is most importantanomia1
Wonder if anything is worthwhileanomia2
No right & wrong ways to make moneyanomia3
Live only for todayanomia4
Lot of the average man getting worseanomia5
Not fair to bring child into worldanomia6
Officials not interested in average mananomia7
Don't know whom to trustanomia8
Most don't care what happens to othersanomia9
Animals have rights tooanrights
Scientists shld be allowed to do research animals' pain & injuryanscitst
Ok to test on animals to save humansantests
Anti-religious material should be bannedantirel
Anti-war demonstrationantiwar
Felt anxious and tense?anxious
Can choose any doctor i likeanydoc
Applied directly to employersappemps
How scientific is architecturearchitct
Ever picked up or charged by policearrest
R use art site in past 30 daysart30
Attended exhibit alone or with othersartatt
Attended with spouse or partnerartatt1
Attended with childartatt2
Attended with friendartatt3
Attended with relativeartatt4
Attended with otherartatt5
Did not go due to costartcost
Did r go to an art exhibit in last 12 monthsartexbt
Was exhibit attended freeartfree
R obtain information on art exhibit past yearartgn
Thru art and music we come closer to godartgod
Did not go because couldn't find anyone to go withartgst
Told have arthritis or rheumatismarthrtis
Use web to find info about artistsartinfo
Did not go since not of interestartint
Excellent artists able support themselvesartists
Did not want to go to that locationartloc
Most imp factor in not attending art exhibitartmostoth
Use web to learn about upcoming exhibitsartmus1
Use web to learn about existing exhibitsartmus2
Visit museum after learning on webartmus3
Other reason why did not goartothr
Use chatrooms about artsartschat
Web change mind about arts on webartschng
Effect of global warming: arctic seals are threatenedartseals
How many hours at arts websitesartshr
How many minutes at arts websitesartsmin
R learn something new on web about artsartsnew
Outdoor art activity in past 12 monthsartsout
Did not go due to lack of timearttime
Did not go because too dificult to get therearttrvl
Use web to look at art worksartview
Imp of low cost in decision to attend exhibitartwhy1
Imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend exhibitartwhy2
Imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend exhibitartwhy3
Imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend exhibitartwhy4
Imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend exhibitartwhy5
Imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend exhibitartwhy6
Imp of location in decision to attend exhibitartwhy7
Was there another major reason in decision to attend exhibitartwhy8
Other major reason in decision to attendartwhy9
Felt ashamed of something you'd done?ashamed
Govt investigate use of computersaskcomp
Govt investigate workers crime recordsaskcrime
Govt investigate workers alcohol useaskdrink
Govt investigate workers illegal drug useaskdrugs
R asked someone else for helpaskelse
Govt investigate workers finances for securityaskfinan
Govt investigate workers foreign familyaskforgn
Govt investigate foreign business contactsaskfrbiz
Govt investigate foreign travelaskfrtrv
Asked relatives friends colleagues to helpaskhelp
Govt investigate workers mental healthaskmentl
Has r asked someone else for help with softwareaskother
Govt investigate workers sexual orientationasksexor
R figured out problems with web on ownaskwksch
Has r asked someone at work for help with softwareaskwork
Percentage change population of asians in 25 yrasnchng
Does r feel close to asiansasncls
Does r know asians from communityasncom
Do asian-americans get proper govt attentionasngovt
Asians discriminated in housingasnhouse
Asians discriminated in jobsasnjobs
Does r know asians as relativeasnrel
Does r know asians from schoolasnschl
Does r know asians from workasnwrk
Ever read a horoscope or personal astrology reportastrolgy
Astrology is scientificastrosci
Felt at ease?atease
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious groupatheists
R is an athletic personathletic
How often r attends religious servicesattend
Freq of r's relig svc attendance at age 12attend12
Freq of r's mom's relig svc attendanceattendma
Freq of r's dad's relig svc attendanceattendpa
Has r attended group conferencesattndgrp
At what age were you first sexually attracted to same sexattractd
Attended a political meeting or rallyattrally
Last 7 days attend a worship serviceattreg
Last week attended religious services?attrelig
Attended sports event in lst yrattsprts
Attend religious events during the last weekattweek
My job is controlled by my machineautomatn
R heard of persons in r's firm having jobs replaced by computersautonojb
Attended auto race in lst yrautorace
Boycotted products for pol reasonsavoidbuy
R changed shopping place due to presence of mentally ill pplavoidmh
Is 1st person staying somewhere else now?away1
Is 10th person staying somewhere else now?away10
Is 11th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?away11
Is 12th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?away12
Is 13th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?away13
Is 14th person (visitor) staying elsewhere now?away14
Is 2nd person staying somewhere else now?away2
Is 3rd person staying somewhere else now?away3
Is 4th person staying somewhere else now?away4
Is 5th person staying somewhere else now?away5
Is 6th person staying somewhere else now?away6
Is 7th person staying somewhere else now?away7
Is 8th person staying somewhere else now?away8
Is 9th person staying somewhere else now?away9
Household members less than 6 yrs oldbabies
Kids 0-6 in hh(experimental version)babies_exp
R had back pain in the past 12 monthsbackpain
Most of my problems are due to bad breaks.badbrks
Situation caused by own bad characterbadchar
Ballot used for interviewballot
Sci research is strongly in favor of harmful resultsbalneg
Sci research is strongly in favor of benefitsbalpos
How successful balancing work & familybalwkfam
Govt should ban gatheringsbangather
Rate of ba degree earning in college respondent attendedbarate
You have base of operationsbaseofop
Spiritually touched by beauty creationbeausprt
How often do you think people take advantagebefair
Importance of believing in god w o doubtbelieve
Agree better if people were more like americansbelikeus
Govt should require use of seat beltsbeltup
R believe what doctor saidbelvedoc
I try to be pleasant so not to upset oth.beplesnt
Number of other close friendsbestfrd
Which language r speaks more fluentbetrlang
Science makes our lives betterbettrlfe
Situation will improve on its ownbettrown
Bible is highest authoritybiblauth
Feelings about the biblebible
Describe your feelings about the biblebible1
Feelings about the bible (no volunteered response on web)biblenv
Feelings about the bible (with volunteered response on web)biblev
Feelings about the bible:version zbibley
R see oneself as someone who is reservedbig5a1
R see oneself as someone who is sociablebig5a2
R see oneself as someone who is generally trustedbig5b1
R see oneself as someone who tends to find fault with othersbig5b2
R see oneself as someone who does a thorough jobbig5c1
R see oneself as someone who tends to be lazybig5c2
R see oneself as someone who is relaxedbig5d1
R see oneself as someone who gets nervous easilybig5d2
R see oneself as someone who has an active imaginationbig5e1
R see oneself as someone who has few artistic interestsbig5e2
Like or dislike bigband musicbigband
Sci knowledge: the universe began with a huge explosionbigbang
Universe began with a big explosion: true or falsebigbang1
Universe expanding since it began: true or falsebigbang2
Support or oppose bilingual educationbilinged
Number of biological childrenbiokids
How scientific: biologybiosci
Best policy on gmf vs narrow interest: business leaderbizbstgm
Best policy vs narrow interest: business leaderbizbstgw
Business leaders best for countrybizbstnk
Best policy vs narrow interest on fed inc tax: business leaderbizbsttx
Business revenue last yearbizgross
Influence on restricting gmf by business leadersbizinfgm
Influence on global warming policy: business leaderbizinfgw
Business leaders how much influencebizinfnk
Influence on reducing fed inc taxby business leadersbizinftx
How well business leader know risk by nuclear powerbiznuke
Business people do more for environmentbizpeop
Percentage ownership r holdsbizshare
Feel thankful for r's blessingsblessngs
Percentage change population of blacks in 25 yrblkchng
Does r feel close to blacksblkcls
Give college aid to blacksblkcol
Does r know blacks from communityblkcom
Black people get less than they deserveblkdsrv
Best way for blacks to improve positionblkgains
Do blacks get proper govt attentionblkgovt
Blacks discriminated in housingblkhouse
Opinion of political influence of blacksblkinflu
Blacks discriminated in jobsblkjobs
Generations of slavery make change hard for black peopleblkmblty
Does r know blacks as relativeblkrel
Does r know blacks from schoolblkschl
Spend more on black schoolsblkschs
Have conditions for blacks improvedblksimp
Black people do not try hard enoughblktry
R agrees right & wrong not black & whiteblkwhite
Does r know blacks from workblkwrk
Tax breaks for black areasblkzone
Number of blacks in militaryblnumok
Number of blacks in military-version yblnumoky
Like or dislike blues or r and b musicblues
Like or dislike bluegrass musicblugrass
R had bar or bat mitzvah when r was a childbmitzvah
Workers should be represented on the board of directors at major companiesboardrep
How often r uses bookmarksbookmark
Books in home of r age 16books16
How often does r have extra timebored
How often is r bored at workboredom
Was r born in this countryborn
What kind of house r's family lived at birthbornhome
In what country were you bornbornsp
Borrow money #1borrow1
Who does r turn to first when large money neededborrow1a
Borrow money #2borrow2
Who does r turn to second when large money neededborrow2a
Have you borrowed $100+ from another personborrowed
Quality of mgmnt-employee rels: r's firmbossemps
Management & workers always in conflictbosswrks
Have ever boycotted a product past 5 yearsboycott
Sci knowledge: father gene decides sex of babyboyorgrl
Women in command of military basesbrass
Liking for brazilbrazil
How likely x is experiencing nervous breakdownbreakdwn
Does r see public official asking for a bribe in last five yearsbribe
1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, assertedbrkdas1
2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, assertedbrkdas2
1st mention what r did when felt ner. breakbrkddo1
2nd mention what r did when felt ner. breakbrkddo2
3rd mention what r did when felt ner. breakbrkddo3
Duration, severity of nervous breakdown feelingsbrkddur
1st mention what help r soughtbrkdhlp1
2nd mention what help r soughtbrkdhlp2
3rd mention what help r soughtbrkdhlp3
1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputedbrkdimp1
2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputedbrkdimp2
3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, imputedbrkdimp3
What nervous breakdown is, other codesbrkdoth
1st mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptomsbrkdsym1
2nd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptomsbrkdsym2
3rd mention, what nervous breakdown is, symptomsbrkdsym3
When feelings of nervous breakdown happenedbrkdtime
1st mention cause of ner. break feelingsbrkdwhy1
2nd mention cause of ner. break feelingsbrkdwhy2
3rd mention cause of ner. break feelingsbrkdwhy3
Do private companies comply with regulationsbrlawfl
Do private companies avoid taxesbrnotax
Contact with brotherbrocall
Number of adult brothersbronum
Travel time to brotherbrotime
How often visit brotherbrovisit
R knows what an internet web browser isbrowser1
Can r give the name of a web browserbrowser2
R specify name of web browserbrowser3
Death of someone clsoe before age 16brv16
Number of brother deathsbrv16bronum
Death of childbrv16child
Number of stepchild deathsbrv16chinum
Number of cousin deathsbrv16cuznum
Number of father deathsbrv16dadnum
Number of daughter deathsbrv16daunum
Number of father in law deathsbrv16filnum
Number of friend deathsbrv16frndnum
Number of grandmother deathsbrv16gmanum
Number of grandfather deathsbrv16gpanum
Death of grandparentbrv16grand
Number of mother in law deathsbrv16milnum
Number of mother deathsbrv16momnum
Death of someone elsebrv16oth
Number of other deathsbrv16othnum
Death of parentbrv16par
Number of partner deathsbrv16partnum
Death of siblingbrv16sib
Number of brother-in-law or sister-in-law deathsbrv16silnum
Number of sister deathsbrv16sisnum
Number of son deathsbrv16sonnum
Death of spouse or partnerbrv16sp
Number of spouse deathsbrv16spnum
Death of someone close in past 5 yearsbrv5
Number of brother deathsbrv5bronum
Death of childbrv5child
Number of stepchild deathsbrv5chinum
Number of coworker deathsbrv5cowknum
Number of cousin deathsbrv5cuznum
Number of father deathsbrv5dadnum
Number of daughter deathsbrv5daunum
Number of father in law deathsbrv5filnum
Number of friend deathsbrv5frndnum
Number of grandmother deathsbrv5gmanum
Number of grandfather deathsbrv5gpanum
Death of grandparentbrv5grand
Number of mother in law deathsbrv5milnum
Number of mother deathsbrv5momnum
Death of someone elsebrv5oth
Number of other deathsbrv5othnum
Death of parentbrv5par
Number of partner deathsbrv5partnum
Death of siblingbrv5sib
Number of brother-in-law or sister-in-law deathsbrv5silnum
Number of sister deathsbrv5sisnum
Number of son deathsbrv5sonnum
Death of spouse or partnerbrv5sp
Number of spouse deathsbrv5spnum
How often does r call best friendbstcall
How often does r visit best friendbstvisit
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1a
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1b
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1c
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1d
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1e
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp1f
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2a
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2b
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2c
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2d
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2e
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp2f
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3a
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3b
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3c
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3d
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3e
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp3f
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4a
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4b
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4c
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4d
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4e
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp4f
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5a
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5b
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5c
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5d
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5e
What are the groups you both belong to?bthgrp5f
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious groupbuddhsts
People with secret should be subject to wiretappingbugging
Home broken into during the last yearburglr
Govt should let biz decide how to protect envirbusdecid
Pay difference in companiesbuseqinc
U.s. business to protect environmentbusgrn
Attitude toward racial busingbusing
Favor busing 10 yrs agobusing10
Power of business and industrybuspow
Amount of tax on business and industrybustax
Would you buy a car from a businessbuyauto
Would you buy furniture from a businessbuybed
Does employee ownership matter when r thinks about buying from a companybuyesop
Would you buy home maintenance from a businessbuyfixes
Would you buy a house from a businessbuyhome
R use web for product information in past 12 mobuyinf12
R sought information purchase past yearbuyinfgn
R use web to purchase products in past 12 monthbuyit12
Would you buy legal svcs from a businessbuylaw
How important to choose products for pol reasonsbuypol
Who has final say about buying things for homebuythngs
Percent of company stock r bought from own moneybuyvalue
Friends black or whitebwfriend
How many people send emailbyemail
How many friends discuss problems via emailbyemprob
How many people talk to on phonebyphone
Man vs woman cabinet positioncabgndr
Has r called software company for helpcallcomp
Felt calm?calm
Went camping in lst yrcamping
Govt camera surveillance at workcamwrk
Liking for canadacanada
Would use search engine for information on candidatecaninf1
Would go to portal site for information on candidatecaninf10
Would go to govt site for information on candidcaninf11
Would refuse to answer not sure don't knowcaninf12
Does r mentioned any specific url?caninf13
First site mentionedcaninf14
Would use category directory information on cancaninf2
Would use bookmark for information on candidatecaninf3
Would guess or type site name for information ocaninf4
Would seek advice for information on candidatecaninf5
Would use chat group for information on candidacaninf6
Would go to candidate site for information on ccaninf7
Would go to politics site for information on cacaninf8
Would go to news site for information on candidcaninf9
People can be trusted or cant be too carefulcantrust
How firm is r's opinion of death penaltycapfirm
Importance of death penalty issue to rcapimp
How much info r has on death penaltycapinfo
Favor or oppose death penalty for murdercappun
Does r favor capital punishmentcappun2
What was the most important reason?carbuy1
R's own previous knowledge made r buycarbuya
A friend or relative recommended r buycarbuyb
An acquaintance recommended r buycarbuyc
General reputation made r buycarbuyd
R saw their advertisementcarbuye
R searched for the best pricecarbuyf
Convenience made r buycarbuyg
Purchased a car from a dealership past 5 yrs?cardealr
What would you do in this situationcardo
Who should pay for costs of care for under school age childcarecost
How committed to group is rcaregrp
Most concerned possible effect of global warmingcaremost
Who should provide childcare for under school age childcareprov
Those in need have to take care of themselvescareself
Who in household cares for sick in familycaresick
Who in household cares for sick in familycaresik1
Car trip in the past 12 monthscarhr
Have you purchased a used car past 5 yrs?carprivt
R carried a stranger's belongingscarried
What your friend has a right to expect from youcarright
Car pollution danger to my familycarsfam
Car pollution danger to envircarsgen
Car pollution will increase in next 10 yrscarsten
How often r uses web directoriescatdrcty
If catholic what identitycathid
Children attend catholic schoolcathsch
Feeling thermometer:catholicscathtemp
Civil liberties - video surveillancecctv
How much time felt depressed in past wkcesd1
How much time sleep was restless in past wkcesd2
How much time felt happy in past wkcesd3
How much time felt lonely in past wkcesd4
How much time felt sad in past wkcesd5
Help regarding important change #1change1
Help regarding important change #2change2
Life changes from religious change1changed1
Life changes from religious change2changed2
Life changes from religious change3changed3
How likely x s situation caused by bad charactercharactr
Is r associated with charismatic movementcharisma
R use web for chatrooms in past 12 monthschat12
Chatroom hours per weekchathr
Chatroom minutes per weekchatmin
Situation by a chemical imbalance in the brainchembal
Pesticides danger to my familychemfam
Buy pesticide free fruits, vegetableschemfree
Pesticides danger to envirchemgen
Pesticides danger to envirchemgen1
Person #1 is r's childchild1
Person #2 is r's childchild2
Person #3 is r's childchild3
Person #4 is r's childchild4
Person #5 is r's childchild5
Children's lives improvedchildren
Number of childrenchilds
Total children in hh (household composition version)childsinhh
Liking for chinachina
Government should verify financial assetschkfinan
People with secret should be subject to monitoringchkonjob
People with secret should be subject to monitoring ofchkother
Government should verify spouse's financial assetschkspfin
Government should verify tax recordschktaxes
Govt check international travel recordschktravl
Children benefit from traditional familychldben
Should families get benefits if both parents workchldcare
Death of childchlddth
Education improving?chldeduc
How willing r have children make friends with chchldfrnd
What should be done to help a named youthchldhlp
Health care improving?chldhlth
Housing improving?chldhome
Children hurt from traditional familychldhrt
Ideal number of childrenchldidel
Love improving?chldlove
Expect more childrenchldmore
Moral-religious training improving?chldmorl
How many children expectedchldnum
What r think may be wrong with a named youthchldprb
How serious r consider his or her problemchldprob
Neighborhood safety improving?chldsafe
How willing r have child in same class of r's chchldsch
Qualities for boys or girlschldsex
Qualities for boys or girls:variantchldsex1
Acquiring job skills improving?chldskls
Children expected in 5 yearschldsoon
Supervision improving?chldsup
Time with kids improving?chldtime
Vignette askedchldvig
Think about the situationchnang1
Yelled or hit somethingchnang10
Waited for feelings to passchnang11
Tried to accept the situationchnang12
Left the situationchnang13
Thought about how to get revengechnang14
Planned how to end the relationshipchnang15
Other (specify)chnang16
Had a drink or took a pillchnang2
Talked to the person i was angry atchnang3
Talked to someone elsechnang4
Tried to forget itchnang5
Tried to change the situationchnang6
Prayed for help from godchnang7
Fantasized about a magical solutionchnang8
Went out to get some exercisechnang9
How likely i'll try to find job in another org.chngeorg
How often r try to persuade other to share viewschngeoth
I would change my work for something differentchngewrk
R changed religion because of experiencechngrbrn
R changed religion because of experiencechngrel
How often change start and end timeschngtime
How often r allowed change schedulechngtme
I would change my job for something elsechngwork
Choice what to do in life important for freedomchoice
Political parties don't give real policy choiceschoices
Help for household tasks #1chores1
Help for household tasks #2chores2
R had enough choices among docschosedoc
Children attend christian schoolchrissch
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious groupchristns
Only those who accept jesus as savior can achieve salvationchrstsav
Membership in church-related groupschurchtx
Does r participate in church activitieschurhact
Is church group church itselfchurhgrp
Is r a member of church or synagoguechurhmem
Do churches have too much power?churhpow
Number of years r attended church schoolchurhsch
Age of murder victim closest to rcideage
Age of murder victim 2nd closest to rcideage2
Age of murder victim 3rd closest to rcideage3
#People r knows murdered in last yearcideknew
Race of murder victim 2nd closest to rciderac2
Race of murder victim 3rd closest to rciderac3
Race of murder victim closest to rciderace
Region of murder victim closest to rcidereg
Region of murder victim 2nd closest to rcidereg2
Region of murder victim 3rd closest to rcidereg3
Sex of murder victim closest to rcidesex
Sex of murder victim 2nd closest to rcidesex2
Sex of murder victim 3rd closest to rcidesex3
R's relationship to closest murdereecidewho
R's relationship to 2nd closest murdereecidewho2
R's relationship to 3rd closest murdereecidewho3
Has r smoked cigarettes in last weekcigweek
Are you a citizen of america?citizen
How important: politician consider views of citizencitviews
I am a citizen of the worldcitworld
Does r follow public affairs?civic
Civil rights demonstrationcivright
Subjective class identificationclass
Subjective class identification (2021)class1
Like or dislike classical musicclassicl
Hs and coll studts read too many classicsclassics
Subjective social class-version yclassy
Neat and cleanclean
Who in household does cleaningclean1
Neat and clean-version ycleany
Neat and clean-version zcleanz
Clergy shouldn't try to influence govt decisionsclerggov
Clergy shouldn't try to influence votersclergvte
Climate has been changing due to human activityclmtcaus
Impact of climate change for americaclmtusa
Impact of climate change for worldclmtwrld
Cloning makes identical copycloning
How close are persons number 1 and 2?close12
How close are persons number 1 and 3?close13
How close are persons number 1 and 4?close14
How close are persons number 1 and 5?close15
How close are persons number 2 and 3?close23
How close are persons number 2 and 4?close24
How close are persons number 2 and 5?close25
How close are persons number 3 and 4?close34
How close are persons number 3 and 5?close35
How close are persons number 4 and 5?close45
How close feel to blackscloseblk
How close r is to person 1closeto1
How close r is to person 2closeto2
How close r is to person 3closeto3
How close r is to person 4closeto4
How close r is to person 5closeto5
How close feel to whitesclosewht
Desire to be closer to godclosrgod
Sex of leader1clrggen1
Sex of leader2clrggen2
Sex of leader3clrggen3
Leader1 was married at the timeclrgmar1
Leader2 was married at the timeclrgmar2
Leader3 was married at the timeclrgmar3
Was saq self administered or interview administeredclrgmode
R had sexual contact with leader1clrgsex1
R had sexual contact with leader2clrgsex2
R had sexual contact with leader3clrgsex3
Any of them were close friends or family membersclsclsex
How close do you feel to your neighborhoodclsenei
How close do you feel to north americaclsenoam
How close do you feel to your stateclsestat
How close do you feel to your town or cityclsetown
How close do you feel to americaclseusa
Use clssmtesclssmtes
How scientific is computer programmingcmprgmng
Does r know what a computer virus iscmpvirus
How often r contacts their most-contacted extended family membercntctfam
How often r contacts their most-contacted close friendcntctfrd
Contacted politician or civil servant to express viewcntctgov
How often r contacts their most-contacted adult childcntctkid
How often r contacts their most-contacted parentcntctpar
How often r contacts their most-contacted siblingcntctsib
Control r feels over own lifecntrlife
Rate of ba degree earning at college partner attendedcobarate
Partner's highest degreecodeg
Partner's denominationcoden
Partner diploma, ged, or othercodipged
Highest year school completed, partnercoeduc
Total number of students enrolled at college partner attendedcoeftotlt
Partner ever work as long as a yearcoevwork
How fundamentalist is partner's current religioncofund
Ratio of graduate to undergraduate students at college partner attendedcogradtounder
People should live together before marriagecohabfst
Did r live with spouse before marriagecohabit
Living together as an acceptable optioncohabok
Year of birthcohort
Number of hours partner worked last weekcohrs1
No. of hours partner usually works a weekcohrs2
Partner's industry code (2010)coind10
Partner's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco codecoisco08
Jail draft resister's?cojail
What sort of jew is r's partner currentlycojew
Chance blacks get to college ahead of whitescolaff
Chance whites excluded from college over blackscolaffy
Allow anti-religionist to teachcolath
Should communist teacher be firedcolcom
Should communist teacher be fired ycolcomy
The highest degree r have earnedcoldeg1
Allow homosexual to teachcolhomo
R major in collegecolmajr1
R 2nd major in collegecolmajr2
Allow militarist to teachcolmil
Allow anti-american muslim clergymen teaching in collegecolmslm
Should chances for college be changed?colop
R's skin colorcolor
Allow racist to teachcolrac
R has taken any college-level sci coursecolsci
Number of college-level sci courses r have takencolscinm
Allow socialist to teachcolsoc
Percentage american indian living in r's communitycomamind
Percentage asian living in r's communitycomasn
Percentage black living in r's communitycomblk
Punishment damaging national security computercomdata
Punishment emailing documents unauthorized percomemail
Religion helps people to gain comfort in times of trouble and sorrowcomfort
Percentage hispanic living in r's communitycomhisp
Percentage jews living in r's communitycomjews
People in community still know who had mentalcomknows
Feelings about communismcommun
Feelings about communism 10 yrs agocommun10
Travel time to workcommute
Antarctica should be reserved or opencomorsci
Which company would r prefer to work forcompany
Does r use computer somewhere elsecompelse
Govt check personal financial recordscompfin
Does r use computer at friends housecompfri
Does r have computer at homecomphome
Does r use computer at librarycomplib
Punishment for downloading porn at officecomporn
Does r use computer not at home or workcompoth
Size of perf based pay depend on profitscompperf
R's understanding of questionscomprend
Does r use computer at schoolcompschl
R use computercompuse
Annual wages in previous year were higher than same jobs in other companiescompwage
Does r use computer at workcompwork
Punishment for snooping in a computer systemcomsnoop
Punishment stealing national security computercomsteal
Punishment for damaging a computer systemcomsys
Type of community in which r livescomtype
Percentage white living in r's communitycomwht
How long has r lived in city where r lives nowcomyear
Conflict between young and oldconage
Confidence in militaryconarmy
Military:version zconarmyy
Confidence in business and industryconbiz
Confidence in major companiesconbus
Major companies:version zconbusy
Confidence in churches and religious orgsconchurh
Working and middle classes in conflict?conclass
Confidence in organized religionconclerg
Organized religion:version zconclery
Confidence in us congressconcong
Confidence in courts and legal systemconcourt
R free from conflicting demandscondemnd
Used condom last timecondom
Sci knowledge: the continents have been movingcondrift
Confidence in educationconeduc
Education:version zconeducy
How many people r sees face to faceconf2f
Confid. in exec branch of fed govtconfed
Confidence in the federal government xconfedvac
Confidence in the federal government yconfedvacy
Exec branch fed govt:version zconfedy
Confid in banks & financial institutionsconfinan
Banks & financial institutions:ver zconfinay
Should ethnic congressmen represent ethnic groupscongeth
How much congregation help out with illconghlp1
How much congregation help out with probconghlp2
How often congregation make too much demandconghrm1
How often congregation critical of things r doconghrm2
Confidence in government departmentscongovt
Conflict between natives and immigrantsconimm
Family income in constant dollarsconinc
Employed and unemployed in conflictconjobs
Confid. in united states supreme courtconjudge
United states supreme court:version zconjudgy
Confidence in organized laborconlabor
Organized labor:version zconlaboy
Confidence in congressconlegis
Congress:version zconlegiy
Confidence in medicineconmedic
Medicine:version zconmediy
Have ever contacted an elected officialconoffcl
Confidence in pharmaceutical companies xconpharvac
Confidence in pharmaceutical companies yconpharvacy
Confidence in pressconpress
Press:version zconpresy
Respondent income in constant dollarsconrinc
Like or dislike contemporary rock musicconrock
Confidence in schools and educ systemconschls
Confidence in scientific communityconsci
Scientific community:version zconsciy
Participation/recording consentconsent
Considerate of othersconsider
Considerate of others-version yconsidey
Considerate of others-version zconsidez
Conflict between social top and bottomconsoc
Web make r contact elected officialcontact
Have blacks positive contribution to countrycontblk
Have chinese positive contribution to countrycontchn
Have cubans positive contribution to countrycontcuba
Feeling thermometer:conservativescontemp
Have english positive contribution to countryconteng
Felt contented?contentd
Have irish positive contribution to countrycontirsh
Have italians positive contribution to countrycontitl
Have jews positive contribution to countrycontjew
Have japanese positive contribution to countrycontjpn
Have mexicans positive contribution to countrycontmex
Have muslims positive contribution to countrycontmslm
How often r has contact with poor peoplecontpoor
Have puerto ricans positive contribution to countrycontpr
How often r has contact with rich peoplecontrich
Self-control-version ycontroly
Self-control-version zcontrolz
Confidence in televisioncontv
Have vietnamese positive contribution to countrycontvn
Television:version zcontvy
Workers and management in conflict?conunion
Farmer's and city people in conflict?conurban
Convicted of crime everconvictd
Number of people r contacts with on a typical weekdayconwkday
Conflict between poor and rich in usa?conwlth
Partner's census occupation code (2010)coocc10
R use cooking site in past 30 dayscook30
Who in household prepares the mealscooking1
R's attitude toward interviewcoop
R's attitude toward interviewcoop2
Other protestant denominationscoother
Think about life is part of larger forcecope1
Work together with god as partner'scope2
Look to god for strength & supportcope3
Feel god is punishing for sincope4
Wonder whether god has abandoned mecope5
Try to make sense without relying on godcope6
Partner's occupational prestige score (2010)copres10
Partner's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)copres105plus
Punish draft resister's?copunish
Partner's religious preferencecorel
Must be corrupt to get to top in americacorrupt
Opinion of corruption by politiciancorrupt1
Opinion of corruption by government administratorscorrupt2
How widespread corruption is in pub service in americacorruptn
Type of college partner attendedcosector
Partner's socioeconomic index (2010)cosei10
Percentage of some college educ in coocc10 based on acs 2010cosei10educ
Percentage of $45k+ earners in coocc10 based on acs 2010cosei10inc
Leader1 was r's counselorcounsel1
Leader2 was r's counselorcounsel2
Leader3 was r's counselorcounsel3
Like or dislike country western musiccountry
Courts dealing with criminalscourts
Courts dealing with criminals (no volunteered response on web)courtsnv
Courts dealing with criminals (with volunteered response on web)courtsv
Courts dealing with criminals-version ycourtsy
How often does r contact cousincousins
Covid vaccine evercovid12
Does partner supervise anyonecowksup
Person #1 is r's coworkercowork1
Person #2 is r's coworkercowork2
Person #3 is r's coworkercowork3
Person #4 is r's coworkercowork4
Person #5 is r's coworkercowork5
Quality of rels among workers: r's firmcowrkers
Number of close friends at work placecowrkfrd
Coworkers can be relied on when r needs helpcowrkhlp
How hard to say how people work at workplacecowrkhrd
Coworkers take a personal interest in rcowrkint
Relations between coworkerscowrkrel
Partner self-emp. or works for somebody elsecowrkslf
Partner self-employed, with employees, or work for someone elsecowrkslf2
Partner work at family business or on family farmcowrkslffam
Partner's labor force statuscowrksta
R last use crack cocainecrack30
View about origin and development of mancreation
Image of god as creatorcreator
Emotion work less carefully past 4 wkscrelesse
What if more restrictions reduce crimecrimdown
How firm is r's opinion on crime issuecrimfirm
Should police detain a known criminal?crimhold
Importance of crime issue to rcrimimp
How much info does r have on crime issuecriminfo
People convicted of serious crimes lose citizen rightscrimlose
Should police open mail of a criminal?crimread
Should police tail a known criminal?crimtail
Should police tap phone of a criminal?crimtap
What if more restrictions increase crimecrimup
Contrast between creator and healercrtrheal
During march-may 2006, was r resident in household or institutioncshutyp06
During april-june 2008, was r resident in household or institutioncshutyp08
During april-june 2010, was r resident in household or institutioncshutyp10
During april-june 2012, was r resident in household or institutioncshutyp12
How many yrs r worked for current employercurempyr
R called software companycussup
R allowed a stranger to go ahead of you in linecutahead
Should the government cut debt?cutdebt
Cuts in govt spendingcutgovt
Reduction in length of work weekcuthours
Cut govt spending-govt positioncutspdfg
Cut govt spending-r's positioncutspdr
What is your daily wage before taxdaily
How r's daily work is organizeddailywrk
Attended dance perf in lst yrdance
How often does r work in dangerous condsdanger
How dangerous r thinks person 1 is to othersdangoth1
How dangerous r thinks person 2 is to othersdangoth2
How dangerous r thinks person 3 is to othersdangoth3
How dangerous r thinks person 4 is to othersdangoth4
How dangerous r thinks person 5 is to othersdangoth5
X should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to othersdangroth
X should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment if dangerous to xdangrslf
How dangerous r thinks person 1 is to themselfdangslf1
How dangerous r thinks person 2 is to themselfdangslf2
How dangerous r thinks person 3 is to themselfdangslf3
How dangerous r thinks person 4 is to themselfdangslf4
How dangerous r thinks person 5 is to themselfdangslf5
Computer data threat to individual privacydatabank
Month and yr began first jobdatefrst
Date of interviewdateintv
Date schooling completeddatesch
Contact with daughterdaucall
Number of adult daughter'sdaunum
Travel time to daughterdautime
How often visit with daughterdauvisit
Public daycare center ok for kid ( 3 yrs?daycare1
Private daycare center ok for kid ( 3 yrs?daycare2
Babysitter ok for kid ( 3 yrs?daycare3
Friend or neighbor ok for kid ( 3 yrs?daycare4
Relative ok for kid ( 3yrs?daycare5
When did most errors occurdaynight
Govt should support declining industries to protect jobsdclindus
R's possible vital status as of 2014death
Relatives died since age 16death16
Relatives died in last 5 yrsdeath5
Murderers should get death penaltydeathpen
Deciding whether or not to buy an automobiledecauto
Deciding whether or not to buy bedroom furnituredecbed
Importance of bible in making decisionsdecbible
Imp of church teachings to make decisiondecchurh
When i make important decisions in my life, i rely mostly on reason and evidencedecevidc
Deciding on major charitable gifts.decgift
How are your working hours decideddecidwrk
Who makes decision about how to bring up childrendeckids
How able is x to decide managing own moneydecmoney
Imp. of family & friends to make decisionsdecoths
Imp of personal judgment to make decisiondecself
America should follow decision of intl orgdecsorgs
How able is x to decide receive treatmentdectreat
R has defined benefit pension plandefpensn
Defense spending-govt positiondefspdfg
Defense spending-r's positiondefspdr
Move funds for police to social servicedefund
Ever work for military supplier?defwrkev
Currently work for military supplier?defwrknw
R's highest degreedegree
Thought one was someplace beforedejavu
How well will democracy work in america in ten yrsdem10fut
How well did democracy work in america ten yrs agodem10pst
R feels that family make too many demands on rdemands
Democratic rghts shouldn't be restricted by govtdemrghts
How well democracy work in americademtoday
How well the system of democracy in america works?demworks
If protestant, denomination r raised indenkid
Specific denominationdenom
Denomination - follow-on versiondenom_next
Denomination in which r was raiseddenom16
Denomination of school children attendeddenomsch
If protestant, r's spouse's denominationdensp
Denied raise without reason at workdenyrais
R is a dependable persondepndabl
Told have depressiondepress
Size of perf based pay depend on workgroupdeptperf
Belief in the devildevil
Told have diabetesdiabetes
R ever diagnosed with mh problemdiagnosd
Emotion prevent desired activities past 4 wksdidlesse
Health prevent doing desired activities past 4didlessp
R had difficulty getting specialty carediffcare
Why observation disagrees self iddifrace1
Why observation disagrees self iddifrace2
Why observation disagrees self iddifrace3
People belonging to different religions cannot get along with each other when lidifrel
Some ppl hold standard in workplace that others don?difstand
How often r went out to eat or drink with at least 3 non-family membersdinefrds
Who in household plans mealsdinner
Diploma, ged, or otherdipged
R has given directions to a strangerdirectns
R has a hearing problemdisabld1
R has a vision problemdisabld2
R has a physical disabilitydisabld3
R has other physical disabilitydisabld4
R has emotional or mental disabilitydisabld5
R has difficulty in learning remembering or concentratingdisabld6
R has difficulty in daily activitiesdisabld7
Does r have disabilitydisblty
Whites hurt by aff. actiondiscaff
A man won't get a job or promotiondiscaffm
A woman won't get a job or promotiondiscaffw
A woman won't get a job or promotion (no volunteered response on web)discaffwnv
A woman won't get a job or promotion (with volunteered response on web)discaffwv
Chance blacks promoted ahead of whitesdiscaffy
Situation caused by lacking discipline in thediscipln
How often r discuss politicsdiscpol
Personally experienced itdiscwhy1
Happened to someone closediscwhy2
Happened at workdiscwhy3
Heard about it in mediadiscwhy4
Heard about it elsewherediscwhy5
Other sourcesdiscwhy6
Discrimination at work in past 5 yrsdiscwk5
R is treated with less courtesy or respect than othersdisrspct
Divorce as best solution to marital problemsdivbest
Husb better if bad marrge ended by divdivhubby
Should feuding parents stay together for kidsdivifkd1
How easy should divorce be if kidsdivifkid
Kids better if bad marrge ended by divdivkids
Divorce lawsdivlaw
Divorce laws (no volunteered response on web)divlawnv
Divorce laws (with volunteered response on web)divlawv
Divorce laws-version ydivlawy
Childless couples stay married even with problemsdivnokd1
How easy should divorce be for kidlessdivnokid
How easy is it to get a divorce todaydivnow
Ever been divorced or separateddivorce
Divorced in last 5 yrsdivorce5
Relatives divorced in last yeardivrel1
Relatives divorced between 5 & 1 yrs agodivrel4
Wife better if bad marrge ended by divdivwife
Don't know response to pay itemsdk
Doctors aren't as thorough as should bedoc1
Doctors recommend surgery if no other waydoc10
Doctors willing to refer me a specialistdoc11
Doctors unable to tell me all the optionsdoc12
Doctors deny me the treatment neededdoc13
Doctors put cost consideration above caredoc14
Doctor not really care me as a persondoc15
Doctor not really care me as a persondoc15a
Doctors judgment trusteddoc16
Doctors judgment trusteddoc16a
Doctor does not do everything should for medoc17
Doctor put medical needs above all otherdoc18
Doctor put medical needs above all otherdoc18a
Doctor a real expert in taking care problemdoc19
Doctor a real expert in taking care problemdoc19a
Doctors do best to prevent worryingdoc2
Doctor tell me if a mistake was madedoc20
Doctor tell me if a mistake was madedoc20a
Doctors sometimes take unnecessary risksdoc3
Doctors are careful to check everythingdoc4
Doctors treat patients with respectdoc5
I hardly see the same doctors each timedoc6
Doctors avoid unnecessary patient expensesdoc7
Doctors cause worry because don't explaindoc8
Doctors ignore old problems care new onesdoc9
How often visit alt health care practitionerdocalt
R prefers doc ask opiniondocaskme
How r trust doc put health above costsdoccosts
R leaves decisions up to doctordocdecid
Docs care more about earnings than patientsdocearn
Doctor provided enough infodocinfo
Use a directory list for health care plandoclist
R agree with doc decision to not order mridocnomri
R relies on doctors knowledgedocrely
How satisfied r with office visitdocsat
How satisfied r was with last doctor visitdocsat1
Medical skills of docs not as good as should bedocskls
Ask for physician-assisted suicidedocsui
Would r switch physiciansdocswtch
Docs can be trusteddoctrst
Vignette about the doctordocvig
How often visit doctordocvst
Here are the things you said (#secl_name) should do... interviewer: read listdofirst
How long spent on learning by doingdoingdys
Have completed this on-the-job trainingdoingfin
Include informal learning by doingdoingtrn
Has r developed emergency plansdone911a
Has r stockpiled suppliesdone911b
Has r purchased things to make them saferdone911c
Has r learned where to get more info about terrorismdone911d
Has r duplicated important documentsdone911e
Has r reduced air traveldone911f
Has r reduced travel by traindone911g
Has r reduced use of public transportationdone911h
Has r changed mail handling proceduresdone911i
Has r become vigilant of what is going on around rdone911j
Has r avoided travel to certain citiesdone911k
Has r avoided tall buildingsdone911l
Has r avoided national landmarksdone911m
Has r done anything else to deal with terrorismdone911n
Specify what it is r has donedoneelse
How likely to do nothing if coworker not workingdonothng
Has r figured out problems with software on owndoonown
R figured out problems with web on owndoself
Played sports in lst yrdosports
D.o.t. code - relation to datadotdata
D.o.t. code - general educ develop.dotged
D.o.t. code - relation to peopledotpeop
Temme prestige scaledotpres
D.o.t. code - specific vocat. prepdotsvp
D.o.t. code - relation to thingsdotthng
Has evil in the world caused r doubtdoubts1
Has personal suffering caused r doubtdoubts2
Has science-faith conflict caused doubtdoubts3
Has feeling of meaninglessness caused doubtdoubts4
Importance of performance to paydowell
Help for depression #1down1
Who does r turn to first for help when depresseddown1a
Help for depression #2down2
Who does r turn to second for help when depresseddown2a
Felt down and blue in past 4 wksdownblue
Treatment for downheartedness cure conditiondowncure
Treatment for downheartedness improve familydownfam
Treatment for downheartedness improve feelingsdownfeel
Does r know how to download files from wwwdownload
Treatment for downheartedness improve quality of lifedownqol
Treatment for downheartedness rely less ondownrely
Return to the draft?draft
Conscientious objector exempt from draftdraftco
College students exempt from draft?draftcol
Defense occupations exempt from draft?draftdef
If emergency, return to draft?draftem
If return to draft, draft women?draftfe
If emergency, draft women also?draftfem
Gays exempt from draft?draftgay
Married persons exempt from draft?draftmar
Parents of small chldrn exempt frm draftdraftpar
Went to a live dramadrama
How often r links from homepagedrctlink
Ever drink alcoholic beverages?drink
How often at least 1 but less than 3 drinksdrink1
How often at least 12 but less than 20 drinksdrink12
How often at least 3 but less than 5 drinksdrink3
How often at least 5 but less than 8 drinksdrink5
How often r has 6 or more drinks in a daydrink6up
How often at least 8 but less than 12 drinksdrink8
How many drinks r have on a day when drinkingdrinkday
How often r drinks 4+ drinks in one daydrinkday1
Largest number of drinks in a day last 12 monthsdrinkmax
How often at least a sip but less than one full drinkdrinkmin
How regularly r drink over last 12 monthsdrinkyr
Drive less for envir reasonsdrivless
Before got the job took a drug and alcohol testdrugtest
Ever drink too much?drunk
Dwelling compared to others in citydwelcity
In last 5 yrs, r has been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/ldwell5
Type of structuredwelling
Type of structure in which the respondent livesdwellpre
Dwelling compared to others in nbrhddwelngh
Does r own or rent home?dwelown
Did rs family own or rent home when r was age 16dwelown16
R deserves earningsearndes
Who earns more money?earnmore
How many in family earned moneyearnrs
Hubby or wife earns more dollarsearnshh
Hubby or wife earns more $earnsmor
Sci knowledge: the earth goes around the sunearthsun
How difficult was case to geteasyget
R's view about eating genetically modified foodseatgm
In a typical week, on how many days do you eat beef, lamb, or products that conteatmeat
Last week had a meal at a restauranteatout
Agreement by economists on effect of reducing fed inc taxecoagree
Best policy vs narrow interest on fed inc tax: economistecobsttx
Influence on reducing fed inc taxby economistsecoinftx
Hours per week use computer household managementecomhrh
Hours per week using other computer hsehld mngmecomhro
Hours per week using work computer hsehld mngmnecomhrw
Minutes per week use computer household managementecomminh
Minutes per week using other computer hsehld mnecommino
Minutes per week using work computer hsehld mngecomminw
Past 12 months r web to learn economyecon12
Predictions for national economy in next yeareconfutr
Economic progress dependent on environmentecongrn
Has national economy improved last yeareconpast
How scientific: economicseconsci
Main source of economic supporteconsup
Main source of economic supporteconsup1
Best-needs replacedeconsys
How important school in developing skillsedcskill
Young should complete formal schoolingeddone
Aged should complete formal schoolingeddone1
Highest year of school completededuc
Education level of person #1educ1
Education level of person #2educ2
Education level of person #3educ3
R use education site in past 30 dayseduc30
Education level of person #4educ4
Education level of person #5educ5
Importance of educ & qualif. to payeducemp
Equal opportunity to obtain education?educop
How effective r thinks developing emergency planseff911a
How effective r thinks stockpiling supplieseff911b
How effective r thinks purchasing things to make them safereff911c
How effective r thinks learning where to get info about terrorismeff911d
How effective r thinks duplicating important documentseff911e
How effective r thinks reducing air traveleff911f
How effective r thinks reducing travel by traineff911g
How effective r thinks reducing use of public transportationeff911h
How effective r thinks changing mail handling procedureseff911i
How effective r thinks becoming vigilanteff911j
How effective r thinks avoiding travel to certain citieseff911k
How effective r thinks avoiding tall buildingseff911l
How effective r thinks avoiding national landmarkseff911m
How effective r thinks that iseff911n
Supervisor effective solve work/personal conflictseffctsup
In past 30 days feel everything thing efforteffort
Total number of students enrolled in college respondent attendedeftotlt
Life meaningful only if you provide meaningegomeans
Liking for egyptegypt
Harassed electronically at workeharaswk
Who should pay for help for elderlyeldcost
Adult children are imp to help elderly parentseldersup
Grandparents should help grandchildren financiallyeldfnce
Who should provide help for elderlyeldhelp
How fair last natl election: opprtunities of candidateelecfair
Sci knowledge: electrons are smaller than atomselectron
How honest last natl election: counting of voteselecvote
Govt audit email and internet at homeemailhme
Email hours per weekemailhr
How often does r link in an email from friendemaillnk
Email minutes per weekemailmin
Govt audit email and internet at workemailwrk
When r first began using emailemailyr
Felt embarrassed about something?embarrss
R send or receive to or from church membersemchurch
R send or receive to or from family members atemfamloc
R send or receive to or from other family membersemfamoth
R send or receive to or from friendsemfri
How many email messages received per dayemget
How many personal messages received per dayemgetp
R send or receive to or from group membersemgroups
Hours per week use computer emailemhrh
Hours per week using other computer emailemhro
Hours per week using work computer emailemhrw
Minutes per week use computer emailemminh
Minutes per week using other computer emailemmino
Minutes per week using work computer emailemminw
Civil liberties - monitor emailsemonitor
In the past 7 days, how often r has been bothered by emotional problemsemoprobs
Treatment for emotion cure conditionemotcure
Man and woman emotionally dependent-independentemoteoth
Treatment for emotion improve family relationsemotfam
Treatment for emotion improve feeling aboutemotfeel
Treatment for emotion improve quality of liemotqol
Treatment for emotion rely less on othersemotrely
R have tender feeling for people less fortunateempathy1
R does not feel very sorry for people having proempathy2
R feels protective towards people taken advantageempathy3
Others misfortunes do not disturb rempathy4
R does not feel pity for someone treated unfairempathy5
R often quite touched by thingsempathy6
R describes oneself as a soft-hearted personempathy7
Do you receive health insurance from employeremphlth
Current employer offer health care insurance to r as employeeemphlth1
Employers coverageemphlth2
Name of insurance or hmoemphplan
R involved in any task force for decision-makingempinput
Does r employ othersemployer
Does r prefer self-employment or not ?empself
Received formal training from employeremptrain
Years worked for your present employerempyears
How many email messages sent per dayemsent
How many personal email messages sent per dayemsentp
R send or receive to or from business contactsemwrkawy
R send or receive to or from coworkersemwrkloc
During the next 12 months, how difficult r's household to make ends meetendsme12
How difficult or easy is it for r's household to make ends meetendsmeet
Have a lot of energy in past 4 wksenergy
Engineers agree nuclear powerengagrnk
Attitude toward printing ballots only in englishengballt
Being engineer boringengbrng
Nuclear engineers best for countryengbstnk
Engineers want to make life better for avg personengbtr
Happy if daughter engineerengda
Engineering work dangerousengdgr
Know what engineers doengdo
Engineers earn lessengearn
Engineers don? Have funengfun
Engineers work for good of humanityenggood
Engineers only interested in workengint
Liking for englandengland
Better if english is only language used in schoolenglish
Engineers usually work aloneenglone
How scientific is engineeringengnring
How scientific: engineeringengnrsci
Nuclear engineers understand nuclear powerengnuke
Engineers odd and peculiarengodd
English official language of u.s.engoff1
Favor law making english the official languageengoffcl
Engineers help solve probengprob
Engineers not religiousengrel
Consider work in engineer fieldengresp
Happy if son engineerengson
Opinion on teaching classes only in englishengteach
English threatened by languages spoken by immigengthrtn
English unites all americansengunite
Ballots should offered other languages than engengvote
Nuclear engineers how much influenceenhinfnk
How much do you enjoy being outside in nature?enjoynat
Problem effect family mostenprbfam
Most important environment problemenprbus
Entity mentions in religious changeentity
Past 12 months r web to learn environmentenviro12
R feels equally close to all personseqclose
Govt should redistribute wealtheqincome
How important: govt treat everybody equallyeqtreat
Everyone should look out for selfequal1
Business profits benefit allequal2
Govt shld insure jobs and stable pricesequal3
Responsibility of govt to meet needsequal4
Social welfare benefits are disincentiveequal5
One is able to live well in americaequal6
Business profits are distributed fairlyequal7
Social standing due to abilityequal8
Govts resp: reduce income differencesequalize
Should govt reduce income differenceseqwlth
Govt reduce income differences-version yeqwlthy
Does r favor or oppose era?era
How firm is r's opinion on eraerafirm
Importance of era issueeraimp
How much info does r have about eraerainfo
Does r understand what era meanserameans
Has r heard or read about eraeraread
Does r favor or oppose eraeratell
1st reason favor-oppose eraerawhy1
2nd reason favor-oppose eraerawhy2
3rd reason favor-oppose eraerawhy3
Example of erosionerosion
R is member of esopesop
Would r rather work for a company with an esop or cash sharingesopnot
Felt in touch with someone far awayesp
1st mentioned country of origineth1
2nd mentioned country of origineth2
3rd mentioned country of origineth3
Minorities must adapt to american cultureethadapt
Ethnic change in 25 yrs good for countryethchng
How close feel to your ethnic or racial group?ethclose
Ethnic groups in us differentethdiff
Minority history adequately taught in schoolethhist
R american vs ethnic identityethid
R primary identity as ethnic or americanethid1
Us harmony by ignore ethnic differencesethignor
Importance of ethnic group to rethimp
Degree r invokes primary identity as ethnicethissu1
Degree r invokes ethnic identityethissue
Country of family originethnic
Eth minorities never fit in am mainstreamethnofit
Type of response about ethnicity:rethnum
Do ethnic orgs promote separatismethorgs
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Austriaethregion1
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Hungaryethregion10
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Irelandethregion11
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Italyethregion12
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Lithuaniaethregion13
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Netherlands (dutch/hollethregion14
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Norwayethregion15
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Polandethregion16
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Portugalethregion17
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Romaniaethregion18
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Russia (ussr)ethregion19
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Belgiumethregion2
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Scotlandethregion20
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Spainethregion21
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Swedenethregion22
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Switzerlandethregion23
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Turkeyethregion24
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Yugoslaviaethregion25
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other europeethregion26
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Algeriaethregion27
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Democratic republic ofethregion28
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Egyptethregion29
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Czechoslovakiaethregion3
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Ethiopiaethregion30
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Kenyaethregion31
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Nigeriaethregion32
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? South africaethregion33
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Sudanethregion34
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Tanzaniaethregion35
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Ugandaethregion36
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other africaethregion37
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Bangladeshethregion38
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Chinaethregion39
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Denmarkethregion4
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Indiaethregion40
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Indonesiaethregion41
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Japanethregion42
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Pakistanethregion43
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Philippinesethregion44
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? South koreaethregion45
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Thailandethregion46
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Vietnamethregion47
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other asiaethregion48
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Iranethregion49
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? England and walesethregion5
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Iraqethregion50
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Israelethregion51
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Jordanethregion52
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Saudi arabiaethregion53
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Syriaethregion54
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? United arab emiratesethregion55
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Yemenethregion56
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other middle eastethregion57
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Argentinaethregion58
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Boliviaethregion59
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Finlandethregion6
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Brazilethregion60
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Chileethregion61
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Colombiaethregion62
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Ecuadorethregion63
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? French guianaethregion64
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Guyanaethregion65
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Paraguayethregion66
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Peruethregion67
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Surinameethregion68
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Uruguayethregion69
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Franceethregion7
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Venezuelaethregion70
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other south americaethregion71
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Belizeethregion72
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Costa ricaethregion73
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? El salvadorethregion74
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Guatemalaethregion75
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Hondurasethregion76
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Mexicoethregion77
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Nicaraguaethregion78
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Panamaethregion79
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Germanyethregion8
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other central americaethregion80
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? American indianethregion81
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Canadaethregion82
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Canada (french)ethregion83
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Puerto ricoethregion84
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other north americaethregion85
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Cubaethregion86
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Haitiethregion87
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Dominican republicethregion88
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Jamaicaethregion89
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Greeceethregion9
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other caribbeanethregion90
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Australiaethregion91
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Papua new guineaethregion92
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? New zealandethregion93
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Samoaethregion94
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Jamaicaethregion95
From what country or countries did your ancestors come? Other oceaniaethregion96
Individual of same ethnic group similarethsame
Ban opinions harmful to other groupsethspkno
Allow free speech offensive to ethnic groupsethspkok
Society recognize right of ethnic traditionsethtrads
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Europeethworld1
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Africaethworld2
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Asiaethworld3
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Middle eastethworld4
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? South americaethworld5
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Central americaethworld6
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? North americaethworld7
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Caribbeanethworld8
From what part of the world did your ancestors come? Oceaniaethworld9
Is r born again or evangelicalevangclx
Is r evangelical christianevangcly
Ever felt going to have a nervous breakdown?evbrkdwn
Have you ever purchased a homeevbuyhme
R ever use crack cocaineevcrack
Has r ever been divorcedevdiv
Ever drank any alcoholic beverageevdrink
In life, r has ever been prevented from moving bc landlord believed r was gay/leevdwell
In life, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/bievharjb
R ever inject drugsevidu
Have you ever had a paid job for 1 year or+evjob
Have ever given birth to/fathered a childevkid
In life, r has ever been denied a job or fired bc employers believed r was gay/levlosejb
Ever had mental health problemevmhp
In life, r ever been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r waevnegjob
Important to encourage non-christians to accept jesus as saviorevngelze
Sci knowledge: human beings developed from animalsevolved
Humans developed from earlier species: true or falseevolved1
Elephants evolved from earlier species: true or falseevolved2
Ever have sex paid for or being paid since 18evpaidsx
Has r ever smokedevsmoke
Have sex other than spouse while marriedevstray
Ever been unemployed two weeks +evunemp
Ever work as long as one yearevwork
Artistic excellence found in folk artexcelart
Felt excited or interested in something?excited
America should exclude illegal immigrantsexcldimm
Man vs woman senior executiveexecgndr
Rank in society of chairmenexecrnk
Satisfaction with past jobexjobsat
Cause of religious change1expchng1
Cause of religious change2expchng2
Cause of religious change3expchng3
Better way to test drug btw control and non-controlexpdesgn
Importance of experience to payexpernc
Other people take advantage of r if not carefulexploit
Why is it better to test drug this wayexptext
Importance of different employer training for jobexptrain
Expression of unpopular ideas important for freedomexpunpop
Effect of global warming: polar bear's become extinctextinct
Did r receive perf based payment in 2001extr2001
Received performance based payment in 2005extr2005
Did r receive any performance-based incentives in 2017extr2017
Extra pay in 2021extr2021
Other problemsextra1
Other problemsextra2
How much earned from additional jobs in past yrextraern
Eligible for performance based payextrapay
Total dollar value of pay in previous yearextraval
Did you work multiple jobs in past yrextrawrk
Year of the most recent perf based paymentsextrayr
Neighborhood affected by extreme weather over the last 12 monthsexweathr
How familiar r is with term e-zinesezines
Use facebookfacebook
Mental treatment for child make parent feel likefailure
People fair or try to take advantagefair
People fair or notfair5
Asians committed to fair and equal treatment ofairasns
Blacks committed to fair and equal treatment offairblks
How fair is the income distribution in americafairdist
How fair is what r earn on the jobfairearn
Hispanics committed to fair and equal treatmentfairhsps
Division of work unfair to you or spousefairhwrk
Jews committed to fair and equal treatment of afairjews
People fair or try to take advantage (no volunteered response on web)fairnv
People fair or try to take advantage (with volunteered resposne on web)fairv
Whites committed to fair and equal treatment offairwhts
Has death in family strengthened faithfaith1
Has birth of child strengthened faithfaith2
Has marriage strengthened faithfaith3
Has sexual pleasure strengthened faithfaith4
Asians committed to strong familiesfamasns
What kind of business is this?fambiz
Blacks committed to strong familiesfamblks
How couples monitor budgetfambudgt
Reason not living with parentsfamdif16
Which of the following best describes your situation?famdif16y
How you and your spouse organize your financesfamfinan
Number of family generations in householdfamgen
Hispanics committed to strong familiesfamhsps
Living with parents when 16 yrs oldfamily16
How often r felt: demand of family life interfere with jobfamintjb
Jews committed to strong familiesfamjews
How successful in family lifefamlife
R's family's negative attitudes about mh problemsfammhneg
Would you sacrifice job opportunities for familyfamorjob
Having serious trouble with spousefamper1
Separating from spouse or partnerfamper2
Breaking up with fianc?E)famper3
Having serious trouble with a childfamper4
Having serious trouble with friendfamper5
Divorced or separatedfamper6
Do r family's members put pressure on r about the way r lives or organizes theirfampress
Importance of family resps. to payfamresp
Rank in society of rfamrnk
Family life suffers if mom works f-tfamsuffr
How often fam life interfere jobfamvswk
How often difficult to conc at work because family respfamvswk1
Difficult to concentrate wrk bc of fam responsibilityfamvswrk
Whites committed to strong familiesfamwhts
Best way to org family work life with under school age childfamwkbst
Wor'st way to org family work life with under school age childfamwklst
How hard to take time offfamwkoff
Self supporting - live off welfarefareasns
Self supporting - live off welfarefareblks
Self supporting - live off welfarefarehsps
Self supporting - live off welfarefarejews
Self supporting - live off welfarefareso
Self supporting - live off welfarefarewhts
How scientific is farmingfarming
People can't change the course of their livesfatalism
Image of god as fatherfather
In the past 7 days, r's average fatiguefatigue
Permission to access r's facebook accountfbaccess
Past 12 months r web to learn gender issuesfe12
Afraid to walk at night in neighborhoodfear
Felt fearful about somethingfearful
Does r feel safe and secure at homefearhome
Can wife refuse to have childrenfebear
Do women command over menfebrass
R's concern about women's rightsfecare
Mother working doesn't hurt childrenfechld
Mother working doesn't hurt children - issp versionfechld2
R favors women as ministersfeclergy
College opportunities for womenfecolop
Are women assigned to dirty jobsfedirty
How much does r trust federal governmentfedtrust
How r feels towards asian americansfeelasns
How r feels towards african americansfeelblks
How often felt down in past 2 weeksfeeldown
Amount of fees paidfeelevel
Feel gods presencefeelgod
How r feels towards hispanicsfeelhsps
How often felt nervious in past 2 weeksfeelnerv
How religious is rfeelrel
How r feel towards caucasiansfeelwhts
Fee given to get casefeeused
Better for man to work, woman tend homefefam
Are women assigned to combatfefight
How firm is r's opinion on women's rghtsfefirm
Best way for women to improve positionfegains
Has r given money to women's rights orgsfegive
Wife should help husbands career firstfehelp
Should hire and promote womenfehire
Govt should aid women seeking jobsfehlpbus
Govt should aid women seeking higher edfehlpcol
Women should be given preference in jobsfehlpjob
Do women raise effectiveness of militaryfehlpmil
Women take care of home not countryfehome
Importance of women's rights issue to rfeimp
Income for women vs. men with same bkgdfeinc
Opinion of political influence of womenfeinflu
How much info r has on women's rgtsfeinfo
For or against preferential hiring of womenfejobaff
Job is best way for woman to be indepfejobind
Job opportunities for womenfejobop
Ever joined org working on women's rgtsfejoin
How important women biologically better-suitedfekids1
How important women are taught from childhoodfekids2
How important the way society is set upfekids3
How important men have more freedomfekids4
How important it is god's willfekids5
How important men work harder explainfeless1
How important women's family responsibilitiesfeless2
How important give men better paying jobsfeless3
Way of life recommendation for womanfemarry
Fem opportunities better in military?femilop
Think yourself as a feminist?feminist
How feminine r sees selffemself
How often pay attention to women issuesfenews
Number of women in militaryfenumok
Women not suited for politicsfepol
Women not suited for politics (no volunteered response on web)fepolnv
Women not suited for politics (with volunteered response on web)fepolv
Men or women better suited for politicsfepoly
Vote for woman presidentfepres
Preschool kids suffer if mother worksfepresch
Preschool kids suffer if mother works - issp versionfepresch2
R favors women as priestsfepriest
How well local church respects women's rightsferespct
Mandatory conscription for females?feserve
How oft r & frnds think abt women's rgtsfethink
Women should work outside when no kidsfewknokd
Should women workfework
Married women work if jobs limitedfeworkif
R ever written official abt women's rgtsfewrite
Do most women work to support familyfewrksup
There are only a few people r can trust completelyfewtrsty
In past 30 days feel restless or fidgetyfidgety
Women as jet fighter pilotsfightair
Women in hand-to-hand combatfightlnd
Women as crew member of combat shipfightsea
Gss data file versionfileversion
R use financial information site in past 30 dayfin30
Change in financial situationfinalter
Going bankruptfinan1
Having a car etc. repossessedfinan2
Pawning valuables to make ends meetfinan3
Being pressured to pay billsfinan4
Major worsening financial conditionfinan5
People with secret should be subject to ques. of finanfinanqs
Could r find a job (unemployed r's)findjob
How likely r to find job with same/better benefitfindnwjb
Can find out where you will be workingfindout
Could r find a job (employed r's)findwork
R heard docs limit used of exp testsfininc
Importance to r to be told about incentivesfininc1
Best time to be told about incentivesfininc2
Best person to tell about incentivesfininc3
R likely to ask doc about incentivesfininc4
Young should be financially independentfinind
Aged should be financially independentfinind1
How scientific is financial counselingfinlcoun
Opinion of family incomefinrela
How scientific is firefightingfireftng
Type of first job held by rfirstjob
Sex of first childfirstkidsex
R's socioeconomic index of 1st occupation (1980)firstsei
First job self-employment?firstslf
Should take care of oneself and ones family firstfirstyou
What is scientist trying to find out from this experimentfishexp1
Why did you choose that answerfishexp2
What was the most important reason?fixer1
My own previous knowledge of the firmfixera
A friend or relative recommended themfixerb
An acquaintance recommended them.fixerc
General reputation in the communityfixerd
I saw their advertisementfixere
I searched for the best pricefixerf
Home maintenance services past 10 years?fixhome
How likely govt admnstrtor's be corrected when makingfixmistk
Importance of flexible hrs. in a jobflexhrs
Importance of flexible hrs. at workflexhrs1
Allow workers more flexible hoursflextime
Use flickrflickr
Flu vaccine in past 12 monthsfluvax
Heard job from one already worked therefndjob1
Heard job from relativesfndjob2
Heard job from friendsfndjob3
Heard job from acquaintancesfndjob4
Heard job from newspaper adfndjob5
Heard job through employment agencyfndjob6
Heard job from recruiter for this employerfndjob7
Heard job just came here and asked for workfndjob8
Heard job other (specify)fndjob9
Like or dislike folk musicfolk
Importance of following church teachingsfollow
Past 12 months r web to learn foreign affairsforaff12
Forbid communist to speakforbdcom
Forbids racial intermarriageforbdmar
Forbid racist to speakforbdrac
Should child be forced by law to be treated by docforcedoc
Should child be forced by law to admit to a hospforcehos
Should child be forced by law to take a prescriptionforcemed
Exposure to foreign film damage to our cultureforcult
Have forgiven self for mistakesforgive1
Have forgiven those who hurt meforgive2
Know that god forgives meforgive3
Foreigner's should not be allowed to buy landforland
American schools should teach foreign languagesforlang
Learning foreign language important math and sforlang1
Form of split questionnaire askedform
The number of days in formal trainingformldys
Have you finished all the coursesformlfin
The number of hrs in formal trainingformlhrs
Did it include formal training courseformltrn
Weight deal with experimental randomizationformwt
Foreign spies more threat 10 yrs agoforspy
Foreigner's stealing u.s. tech more threat 10 yforsteal
Case was retrievable in 2012found
Desirability of 4+ kid familyfourkids
Desir qualities of friend: creativefrdcreat
Desir qualities of friend: culturedfrdcultr
Desir qualities of friend: dynamicfrddynam
Should close friend be someone who is enjoyablefrdenjoy
Desir qualities of friend: fun-lovingfrdfun
Should close friend be someone who helps rfrdhelps
Desir qualities of friend: honestfrdhonst
Desir qualities of friend: intelligentfrdintel
Should close friend be someone who understands rfrdknows
Desir qualities of friend: responsiblefrdresp
Should close friend be someone intelligentfrdthink
What experiences in life make you feel most freefreeexp1
What experiences in life make you feel most freefreeexp2
What experiences in life make you feel most freefreeexp3
To understand the world, we must free our minds from old traditions and beliefsfreemind
What does freedom mean to youfreemns1
What does freedom mean to youfreemns2
What does freedom mean to youfreemns3
Americans have more freedom than in pastfreenow
Press should be completely freefreeprss
Free trade leads to better productsfreetrde
Contact with closest friendfricall
Attended religious services last fridayfriday
Image of god as friendfriend
Person #1 is r's friendfriend1
Person #2 is r's friendfriend2
Person #3 is r's friendfriend3
Person #4 is r's friendfriend4
Person #5 is r's friendfriend5
Have any good friends feeling closefriends
Number of close friends are neighborsfrineigh
Medical or hospital insurancefringe1
Information about child care services in companyfringe10
Assistance with the costs of day care for childrenfringe11
Dental care benefitsfringe2
Life insurancefringe3
Sick leave with full payfringe4
Maternity leave with full re-employment rightsfringe5
Flexible hours, or flextime schedulingfringe6
Cash or stock bonuses for performance or meritfringe7
A pension or retirement programfringe8
Profit sharing or stock option programfringe9
Fringe benefits are goodfringeok
Number of close friendsfrinum
Sex of closest friendfrisex
Travel time to closest friendfritime
How often visit closest friendfrivisit
Number of close friends are coworkersfriwork
Discussing price is awkward among friendsfrndawk
Does friend 1 belong to r's congregationfrndcon1
Does friend 2 belong to r's congregationfrndcon2
Does friend 3 belong to r's congregationfrndcon3
Does friend 4 belong to r's congregationfrndcon4
Does friend 5 belong to r's congregationfrndcon5
People usually get a better price from friendsfrnddeal
What is friend 1s specific denominationfrndden1
What is friend 2s specific denominationfrndden2
What is friend 3s specific denominationfrndden3
What is friend 4s specific denominationfrndden4
What is friend 5s specific denominationfrndden5
Fund.-lib. of 1st friendfrndfnd1
Fund.-lib. of 2nd friendfrndfnd2
Fund.-lib. of 3rd friendfrndfnd3
Fund.-lib. of 4th friendfrndfnd4
Fund.-lib. of 5th friendfrndfnd5
Contrast between friend and kingfrndking
How many of r's friends know each other?frndknow
What is friend 1s other prot denomfrndoth1
What is friend 2s other prot denomfrndoth2
What is friend 3s other prot denomfrndoth3
What is friend 4s other prot denomfrndoth4
What is friend 5s other prot denomfrndoth5
What is friend 1s racefrndrac1
What is friend 2s racefrndrac2
What is friend 3s racefrndrac3
What is friend 4s racefrndrac4
What is friend 5s racefrndrac5
What is friend 1s religious preferencefrndrel1
What is friend 2s religious preferencefrndrel2
What is friend 3s religious preferencefrndrel3
What is friend 4s religious preferencefrndrel4
What is friend 5s religious preferencefrndrel5
R had sex with friend last yearfrndsex
Which group meet name1frstgrp1
Which group meet name2frstgrp2
Which group meet name3frstgrp3
Which group meet name4frstgrp4
Which group meet name5frstgrp5
R first met the named alter in the groupfrstmet1
R first met the named alter in the groupfrstmet2
R first met the named alter in the groupfrstmet3
R first met the named alter in the groupfrstmet4
R first met the named alter in the groupfrstmet5
Terrorism by foreigner's more threat 10 yrs agofrterror
How often r eats fresh fruit/veggiesfrtvegs
Highest degree of first spousefstspdeg
Educ of first spousefstspedc
1st spouse's mothers highest yr of schoolfstspmed
1st spouse's father's highest yr of schoolfstspped
Year first spouse bornfstspyr
Young should be employed full-timeftwork
Aged should be employed full-timeftwork1
Is r planning/appling for us citizenship or notfucitzn
Is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (no volunteered response on web)fucitznnv
Is r planning/appling for us citizenship or not (with volunteered response on wefucitznv
How fundamentalist is r currentlyfund
How fundamentalist was r at age 16fund16
U.s. energy prioritiesfutenrgy
How likely you will be promoted next five yearsfutpromo
Degree economy will get worse over next yearfutrdown
Degree economy will improve in next yearfutrup
R use web for games in past 12 monthsgame12
R play an indoor game past yeargamegn
R use game site in past 30 daysgames30
Grew vegetables or flower's in garden in lst yrgarden
How much r favor requiring to make car's using less gasolinegasregs
Has r given money to candidate or causegavepol
Job security is goodgdjobsec
Gender of 1st persongender1
Gender of 10th persongender10
Gender of 11th person (visitor)gender11
Gender of 12th person (visitor)gender12
Gender of 13th person (visitor)gender13
Gender of 14th person (visitor)gender14
Gender of 2nd persongender2
Gender of 3rd persongender3
Gender of 4th persongender4
Gender of 5th persongender5
Gender of 6th persongender6
Gender of 7th persongender7
Gender of 8th persongender8
Gender of 9th persongender9
Gov resp to promote equalitygendereq
Mostly men or women at the workplacegenderwk
Abort defective fetusgeneabrt
R would want to abort fetus if there were genetic defectsgeneabrt2
Employer test cancer or safeworkplacegenecanx
Employers' right to hire by cancertestsgenecany
Meaning of serious genetic defectgenedef1
Meaning of serious genetic defectgenedef2
Meaning of serious genetic defectgenedef3
Genes or experiences in determining personalitygeneexps
How dangerous modifying genes in cropsgenegen
How dangerous modifying genes in cropsgenegen1
Employer vs. employee on access right to resultsgenegets
Genetic testing good or harmgenegoo1
Genetic testing good or harmgenegoo2
Genetic testing good or harmgenegood
Employers' right to hire by genetic testsgenehire
Should employers give genetic testsgenejob
Gene or learning?genenvo1
Gene or learning?genenvo2
Gene or learning?genenvo3
Gene or learning?genenvo4
Situation caused by a genetic or inherited problemgeneprob
Traits are transferred over generationgenes
Would genetically test fetusgeneself
R would want genetic test done on fetusgeneself2
Know about genetic testinggenetest
How likely x s situation caused by genetic problemgenetics
Know about genetic testinggenetst1
Vignette number usedgenevig1
Vignette order usedgenevig2
Has r moved from one kind of place to anothergeomobil
Abortion legal past 4.5 monthsgestate
How often r see people making strange gesture in publicgesttalk
Opinion of how people get aheadgetahead
Opinion of how people get ahead (no volunteered response on web)getaheadnv
Opinion of how people get ahead (with volunteered response on web)getaheadv
Opinion of why people get aheadgetaheay
Ever received welfare?getaid
How likely you would find a jobgetjob
Where did r learn other languagegetlang
Young should get marriedgetmar
Aged should get marriedgetmar1
How fish get oxygengills
Contributed money in arts, culture, etcgivart
R donated blood during the past 12 monthsgivblood
How much ought bus driver make?givbus
How much ought cabinet member make?givcabnt
Have given money to group advocating social changegivchng
R has given money to a charitygivchrty
How much ought bank clerk make?givclerk
How much ought doctor make?givdoc
Contributions to arts culture humanitiesgivearts
Given money to local congregationgivecong
Contributed money in educationgiveduc
Has r given money above regular duesgivegrp
Contributed money in environmentgivenvir
Given money non-religious charitiesgiveoth
Given money other religious orggiverel
How much ought corporate head make?givexec
How much ought farm worker make?givfarm
How much ought owner of a large factory makesgivfctry
Contributed money in priv & comm. foundgivfound
Contributed money in 1995 in healthgivhlth
R has given food or money to a homeless persongivhmlss
Contributed money in human servicesgivhuman
Should govt collect foreigner info without knowledgegivinffor
Contributed money in informal-alonegivinfrm
Should govt collect citizen info without knowledgegivinfusa
Contributed money in internationalgivintl
How much ought justice makegivjudge
How much ought lawyer makegivlaw
How much ought mason make?givmason
Contributed money in other (specify)givoth
How much ought shop owner make?givowner
Contributed money in political org. etcgivpol
Contributed money in pub-soc benefitgivpub
Contributed money in recreation adultsgivrec
Contributed money in religious orggivrelig
How much ought worker in own occupation makegivrocc
How much ought salesclerk makegivsales
R offered seat to a stranger during past 12 monthsgivseat
How much ought secretary make?givsec
How much ought skilled worker make?givskill
How much ought unskilled worker make?givunskl
Contributed money in work-related orggivwork
Contributed money in youth developmentgivyouth
How well business leader know risk by genetically modified foodsgmbiz
How well med researcher know risk by genetically modified foodsgmmed
How well elected official know risk by genetically modified foodsgmpol
Importance of attending church regularlygochurch
R's confidence in the existence of godgod
Describe your beliefs about godgodchnge
How close to godgodclose
Feel guided by god in daily activitiesgodguide
Ask for gods help in daily activitiesgodhelp
Feel gods love directly or thru othersgodlove
Feel gods love for r directlygodlvdir
Feel gods love for me through othersgodlvoth
Life meaningful because god existsgodmeans
Last week went to see a doctor?godoc
How often does r contact god-parentsgodparts
God's laws should decide right and wronggodright
Religious image to sell productsgodsells
Pro-athletes giving thanks to godgodsport
How likely x s situation caused by god s willgodswill
The success of the us is part of god’s plangodusa
Believe in god who watch over megodwatch
Experiment about goldfish and temperaturegoldfish
Attended classical or opera in lst yrgomusic
Standard of living of r will improvegoodlife
Use googlesngooglesn
Importance of following own consciencegoownway
Like or dislike gospel musicgospel
Ever receive welfare, unemp insur, etc.govaid
Govt concern for social welfaregovcare
Wrong to give govt false info for benefits?govcheat
The federal government should advocate christian values.govchrst
We can trust people in govtgovdook
Govmnt should help poor attend collegegovedop
Govmnt should reduce inc differentialsgoveqinc
Govnmnt should fix income differencesgoveqinc1
Did r correctly name governorgovernor
Govt should give financial assistance to college students from low-income familigovfnaid
Govt should finance projects to create new jobsgovfnanc
Politicians do not care about reducing inc differencesgovineq1
Us govt success in reducing inc differencesgovineq2
Govmnt should provide jobsgovjobs
The social benefits from the government make people lazygovlazy
Govmnt should spend less on poorgovless
Should govt provide health care for mental illnessgovmentl
Govmnt should provide minimum incomegovminc
Decision left to natl govt representative or citizen orgovngos
R use govt site in past 30 daysgovt30
Government do more for environmentgovtbiz
Should govt info be publicgovtinfo
Power of federal govtgovtpow
Govmnt should provide unemp benefitsgovunemp
Governments should not interfere with the attempts of any religion to spread itsgovvsrel
Had powerful religious experiencegrace
Did r's family say grace at mealsgrace16
Ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students in college respondent attengradtounder
How many grandparents born outside u.s.granborn
R's grandparents speak other language at homegranlang
Should marijuana be made legalgrass
Should marijuana be made legal (no volunteered response on web)grassnv
Should marijuana be made legal (with volunteered response on web)grassv
Should marijuana be legal-version ygrassy
Number of adult grandchildrengrkidnum
Concerned about environmentgrncon
Protested for envir issuegrndemo
Worry too much about envir, too little econgrnecon
Environment effect everyday lifegrneffme
Environmental threats exaggeratedgrnexagg
Member of envir groupgrngroup
Intl agreements for environment problemsgrnintl
Gov resp tomake industry less damaginggrnlaws
Give money to envir groupgrnmoney
Pay higher prices to help envir?grnprice
Worry too much about progress harming envirgrnprog
Sign petition on envir issuegrnsign
Accept cut in living stnds to help envir?grnsol
Pay higher taxes to help envir?grntaxes
All will die if exposed to radioactgrntest1
Nuke waste dangerous for thousands of yrsgrntest2
Greenhouse effect caused by hole in atmospheregrntest3
Using coal or gas contrib to greenhouse effectgrntest4
All pesticides cause cancergrntest5
Humans are main cause of plant & animal extinctgrntest6
Car's not imp cause of air pollutiongrntest7
Number of grandparentsgrparnum
Both belong to the same group on the listgrpboth1
Both belong to the same group on the listgrpboth2
Both belong to the same group on the listgrpboth3
Both belong to the same group on the listgrpboth4
Both belong to the same group on the listgrpboth5
Participated in a charitable org past 12 monthsgrpchrty
Participated in activity of church past 12 monthsgrpchurh
Participated in a neighbor association past 12 monthsgrpnei
Participated in other associations past 12 monthsgrpoth
R belongs to another voluntary associationgrpother
R belongs to a political partygrpparty
Participated in activity of political partygrppol
R belongs to a church or othr religious organizationgrprelig
Participated in sports group past 12 monthsgrpsport
R belongs to a sports, leisure, or cultural grpgrpsprts
Participated in activity of a trade uniongrpunion
R belongs to a trade union or professional associationgrpwork
Appeal of greatest books is univer'salgrtbooks
The great works of philosophy and science are the best source of truth, wisdom,grtwrks
Is child experiencing normal ups and downsgrwingup
Econ grwth always harms envirgrwtharm
Amer needs econ grwth to protect envirgrwthelp
Data Dictionary for the GSS Cumulative Data File 1972-2022gss_dict
Codebook for the GSS Three Wave Panelgss_panel_doc
Possibility of guerilla warsguerilla
Ever threatened with gun or shot atgun
Past 12 months r web to learn gun controlgun12
Threatened or shot at as child or adultgunage
How firm is r's opinion on gun controlgunfirm
Importance of gun control issue to rgunimp
How much info does r have on gun controlguninfo
Favor or oppose gun permitsgunlaw
Women as air defense gunner in u.s.gunner
If threatened or shot at-how many timesgunnum
Should gun control law be stricter after 911guns911
Should background check be required for private gun salegunsales
Should carrying a firearm drinking alcohol be illegalgunsdrnk
Should penalty for illegal gun sale be tougher than druggunsdrug
What peo or org have most infgvinflu1
What peo or org have 2nd most infgvinflu2
Should govt policy maintain distinct culturesgvtapart
Should govt help blend culturesgvtmelt
Govt should respect democratic rightsgvtrghts
Understanding of global warming by business leadersgwbiz
Understanding of global warming by elected officialsgwpol
Understanding of global warming by environmnt scientistsgwsci
How often save waterh2oless
What property of water is most importanth2olife
Do you expect to negotiate for a lower price?haggle
R perform forceful hand movementshandmove
Boys' chances for a happy family lifehapboys
Happiness of relt with partnerhapcohab
Felt happy?hapfeel
Girls' chances for a happy family lifehapgirls
Woman and family happier if she workshapifwrk
Happiness of marriagehapmar
General happinesshappy
How happy r ishappy7
Describe your romantic relationship?haprom
Happy or unhappy with life todayhapunhap
Harassment at work in past 5 yrsharass5
In last 5 yrs, r has ever been harassed on job bc r was believed to be gay/les/bharjob5
Modern science does more harm than goodharmgood
Feel deep inner peace or harmonyharmony
Almost everything we do harms envirharmsgrn
Since 18 r has ever found self the object of sexual advances from religious leadharsexcl
R has been the object of sexual advances/propositions from supervisor'sharsexjb
Young should have childhavchld
Aged should have childhavchld1
Enough info to get the job donehaveinfo
Image of god as healerhealer
Condition of healthhealth
R's health in generalhealth1
R use web for health information in past 12 monhealth12
R use health site in past 30 dayshealth30
Merged healthissp_d and healthissp_ehealthissp
Belief in heavenheaven
Number of hef informanthefinfo
R is how tallheight
Belief in hellhell
R looked after plant or pet of others while awayhelpaway
Should govt aid blacks?helpblk
How successful is govt: controlling crimehelpcrim
How successful is govt: fighting unemploymenthelpemp
How successful is govt: protecting environmenthelpenv
Should better off ppl help less well-off friendhelpfrds
People helpful or looking out for selveshelpful
People helpful or looking out for selves (no volunteered response on web)helpfulnv
People helpful or looking out for selves (with volunteered response on web)helpfulv
Way living helps or harmshelpharm
How successful is govt: providing hlth care for the sickhelphlth
Helped someone with hwork during past 12 monthshelphwrk
Helped somebody to find a job past 12 monthshelpjob
Should govt do more or less?helpnot
How successful is govt: decent standard of living for the oldhelpold
Willing work harder than have to help org.helporg
Willing to work harder for the firmhelporg1
To help othershelpoth
Should govt improve standard of living?helppoor
How successful is govt: dealing with america s securityhelpsec
Should govt help pay for medical care?helpsick
How important to help worse off ppl in americahelpusa
How important to help worse off ppl in rest of worldhelpwrld
More restrictions on handgun decrease crimehguncrim
Should be more restrictions on handgunhgunlaw
Who does household cleaninghhclean1
Race of householdhhrace
Household typehhtype
Household type (condensed)hhtype1
How often r and spouse disagree sharing of hh wrkhhwkdis
Sharing of hh work between r and spousehhwkfair
Importance of high pr income in a jobhiinc
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious grouphindus
Number of hispanics in militaryhinumok
Number hispanics in military-version yhinumoky
Hispanic specifiedhispanic
Percentage change population of hispanics in 25hispchng
Does r feel close to hispanicshispcls
Does r know hispanics from communityhispcom
Does r know hispanics as relativehisprel
Does r know hispanics from schoolhispschl
How many people hispanic at workhispwork
Does r know hispanics from workhispwrk
How scientific: historyhistsci
Ever punched or beaten by another personhit
Beaten as child or adulthitage
Stranger was beating up a womanhitbeatr
Stranger had hit mans childhitchild
Drunk bumped into man & wifehitdrunk
Stranger in protest marchhitmarch
If beaten-how many timeshitnum
Ever approve of man punching adult malehitok
Stranger had broken into mans househitrobbr
Afraid to be around a person with hivhivafraid
There is a lot of discrimination against people with hivhivdscrm
People with hiv have participated in immoral activitieshivimmrl
Kiss can spread hivhivkiss
Have you ever been tested for hivhivtest
In what month and year was your last hiv testhivtest1
Where did you have your last hiv testhivtest2
There is a vaccine that can prevent hivhivvac
Who r would first turn to if they needed advice about family problemshlpadvce
Who r would first turn to if they needed help because they were feeling down orhlpdown
Enough help and equip to ge the job donehlpequip
Govt support for new products and techhlphitec
Who r would first turn to if they needed help with a household or a garden jobhlphome
Does r have people to ask to influence important decisionhlpinflu
Who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a jobhlpjob
Who r would first turn to if they needed to borrow large sums of moneyhlploan
Help minorities-govt positionhlpminfg
Help minorities-r's positionhlpminr
Have ever contributed time to help the needyhlpneedy
Importance of helping others in a jobhlpoths
Who r would first turn to if they needed help with admin or official paperworkhlppaper
Who r would first turn to if they needed help finding a place tolivehlpresde
Who r would first turn to if they needed help around the house if sickhlpsick
Who r would first turn to if they needed someone to look after them while seriouhlpsickr
Importance of social usefulness in a jobhlpsoc
Who r would first turn to if they wanted to enjoy a pleasant social occasionhlpsococ
Ill enough to go to a doctorhlth1
Respondent in hospital or sanatoriumhlth10
Respondent unable to work for one month or morehlth11
A death of spousehlth12
A death of childhlth13
A death of parentshlth14
Counseling for mental problemshlth2
Infertility, unable to have a babyhlth3
Drinking problemhlth4
Illegal drugs (marijuana, cocaine)hlth5
(Husband, wife)partner in hospitalhlth6
A child in hospitalhlth7
Child on drugs, drinking problemhlth8
A death of a close friendhlth9
Healthcare provided for everyonehlthall
Suffer health prob from behaviorhlthbeh
Higher incomes afford better health carehlthbtr
Govts resp: provide hlth care for sickhlthcare
Lost confidence in self in last 4 weekshlthconf
R has health insurance coveragehlthcovr
Access to public funded health care if not citizenhlthctzn
Days of activity limitation past 30 dayshlthdays
Felt unhappy or depressed in last 4 weekshlthdep
Access to public funded health care if damage own healthhlthdmg
R sought health information doctor or nur'sehlthdoc
Suffer health prob from environ where work or livehlthenv
R sought health information friends or relativeshlthfrel
Suffer health prob because of geneshlthgene
Govt should provide only limited health carehlthgov
Health care system in us inefficienthlthinf
R sought health information past yearhlthinfo
Have health insurancehlthinsr
R sought health information general interest magazineshlthmag1
R sought health information health magazineshlthmag2
R's mental health, mood, and ability to thinkhlthmntl
People use health care services more than necessaryhlthmore
Felt couldn't overcome probs in last 4 weekshlthnot
Body aches or pains in last 4 weekshlthpain
R sought health information newspaper articleshlthpapr
R's physical healthhlthphys
R had medicare or medicaidhlthplan
Suffer health prob because poorhlthpoor
Difficulties with work or housework due to health probhlthprb
How satisfied r with health care system in ushlthsat
Would you say the respondent? Health in general is excellent, good, fair, or poohlthstrt
Willing to pay higher taxes to imp health care for allhlthtax
R sought health information tv or radiohlthtv
Source of health insurancehlthtype
Looked up online - anxiety or stresshlthwbanx
Looked up online - healthy lifestylehlthwblif
Looked up online - vaccineshlthwbvax
R sought health information wwwhlthwww
R use web for home finances in past 12 monthshmefin12
Full-time homemaker's lives improvedhmemaker
Hmo improves the quality of carehmo1
Hmo prevent doctors from prescribing testshmo2
Hmo help to control costshmo3
Hmo prevent people from getting needed carehmo4
Hmo damage trust btwn doctors and patientshmo5
Hmo take medical decisions from physicianshmo6
Hmo make emotional mental prblm more difficulthmo7
R use hobby site in past 30 dayshobby30
How home is connected to wwwhomeband
Most women really want a home and kidshomekid
Contributed to the homelesshomeless
Children attend home schoolinghomesch
Rmost recent home you have purchased.homeyear
Homosexuality: inherent or choice?homochng
Homosexual sex relationshomosex
Is homosexual sex wrong?homosex1
Number of persons in householdhompop
Total people in hh (experimental version)hompop_exp
Total people in hh (household screening version)hompoph
Honest-version yhonesty
Honest-version zhonestz
I could get out of a jamhope1
I am energetically pursuing my goalshope2
There are many ways around problems i facehope3
I see myself as successfulhope4
I can think of many ways to reach my current goalshope5
I am meeting my current goalshope6
In past 30 days feel hopelesshopeless
Hospitalized, disabled last 5 yrshosdis5
Choose hospice until patient dieshospice
Rels hospitalized in last yearhosrel1
Rels hospitalized betw 5 & 1 yrs agohosrel4
Uncomf entertaining stranger's at homehosthome
Heated arguments occur in workplacehotargus
Sci knowledge: the center of earth is very hothotcore
What is your hourly wage before taxhourly
Being housewife as fulfilling as paid workhousewrk
How intense would you say your anger washowangry
How much freedom do americans havehowfree
How get paid last weekhowpaid
Fall behind in paying rent, mortgagehrdshp1
Eviction from one's apartment, househrdshp2
Having the utilities shut-offhrdshp3
Being unable to purchase needed foodhrdshp4
Unable to afford needed medical carehrdshp5
Lacking health insurance coveragehrdshp6
How many hours per week?hrfambiz
Number of hours worked last weekhrs1
Number of hours usually work a weekhrs2
How many hours spent in arts, culturehrsart
How many hours spent in educationhrseduc
How many hours spent in environmenthrsenvir
How many hours spent in priv & comm.hrsfound
How many hours spent in health past monthhrshlth
How many hours spent in human serviceshrshuman
How many hours spent in informal-alonehrsinfrm
How many hours spent in internationalhrsintl
R preference re: work hrs and moneyhrsmoney
How many hours spent in other (specify)hrsoth
How many hours spent in political org. etchrspol
How many hours spent in pub-soc benefithrspub
How many hours spent in recreation adultshrsrec
Hours per day r have to relaxhrsrelax
How many hours spent in religious org pasthrsrelig
How many hours spent in work-related orghrswork
How many hours spent in youth developmenthrsyouth
School subjects: reading, writing, mathhsbasics
R ever took a high school biology coursehsbio
School subjects: concern for othershscaring
R ever took a high school chemistry coursehschem
R favorite subject in hshsclass1
R 2nd favorite subject in hshsclass2
Largest non white ethnic group in high schoolhseth
School subjects: job traininghsjobtr
School subjects: good judgmenthsjudge
School subjects: history, liter., artshslibart
The highest level of math r completed in high schoolhsmath
School subjects: discipline and orderhsorder
Change in ethnic status in local communityhspasn10
Do hispanic-americans get proper govt attentionhspgovt
Hispanics discriminated in housinghsphouse
R ever took a high school physics coursehsphys
Hispanics discriminated in jobshspjobs
School subjects: respect for authorityhsrespct
School subjects: science and technologyhssci
School subjects: sex educationhssexed
High school mostly whitehswht
Housing unit (hu) at address?huadd
Why there is no hu at this addresshuaddwhy
Men should earn money women keep househubbywk1
Husb shld work wife shld look after homehubbywrk
R hu interior cleanliness ratinghuclean
R use humor site in past 30 dayshumor30
Does r or spouse hunthunt
Does r or spouse or partner hunthunt1
True-false: hunting make polar bear extinct than climate changehuntbear
Went hunting or fishing in lst yrhuntfish
Does other household member hunthuntothr
Number of injuries on the job past 12 monthshurtatwk
How likely x violent toward other peoplehurtoth
How likely x violent toward oneselfhurtself
Leader1 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationshiphushrel1
Leader2 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationshiphushrel2
Leader3 tried to keep r from telling other people about the relationshiphushrel3
R do repeated liftinghvylift
Like or dislike heavy metal musichvymetal
Is r mainly respons.for hh chores?hwduties
How often r uses links in other siteshyperlnk
Told have hypertension or high blood pressurehyperten
Polar ice caps got larger or smaller over last 25 yrsicecaps
True-false: the north pole is on a sheet of iceicesheet
My job allows me make part decisionsidecide
Catholics are idolsidols
R inject drugs in past 30 daysidu30
Who would r has voted for in 2000 electionif00who
Who would r has voted for in 2004 electionif04who
Who you would have voted forif08who
Who would r have voted for in 2012 electionif12who
Who you would have voted forif16who
Who you would have voted for in 2020if20who
Who would r have voted for-1968 electionif68who
Who would r have voted for-1972 electionif72who
Who would r have voted for-1976 electionif76who
Who would r have voted for-1980 electionif80who
Who would r have voted for-1984 electionif84who
Who would r have voted for-1988 electionif88who
Who would r have voted for-1992 electionif92who
Who would r have voted for-1996 electionif96who
Agree people should support their countryifwrong
Feel ignored at workignorwk
Do what i can to help envirihlpgrn
R would enjoy job if money wasn't neededilikejob
Is child experiencing a physical illnessillphys
Success of my org. depends lot on how well i doimatter
How likely x s situation caused by imbalance in brainimbalnce
Immigrants good for americaimmameco
What statement about immigrants matches viewimmassim
Govt spend too much money for immigrantsimmcosts
Immigrants increase crime ratesimmcrime
More immigrants cause higher crime ratesimmcrmup
Immigrants undermine american cultureimmcult
Will immigrants lead to economic growthimmecon
Legal immigrants should have same education as americansimmeduc
Immigrants eligible for govt assistance?immfare
Fate of illegal immigrantsimmfate
Immigrants make america more openimmideas
Immigrants improve american societyimmimp
Immigrants take jobs awayimmjobs
Amerca should limit immigration to protect way of lifeimmlimit
More immigrants open country new ideas and cultimmnew
Immigrants cause american to lose jobsimmnojob
Are immigrants demanding too many rights?immpush
Legal immigrants should have same right as americanimmrghts
R's current immigration status right nowimmstats
Immunity should be developed by getting illimmunbetr
Will immigrants fuel unemploymentimmunemp
Will immigrants affect national unityimmunite
Should immigrants overcome bias without helpimmwrkup
Religion and churchimpchurh
Imp to r of being culturedimpcultr
Family and childrenimpfam
Imp to r of financial securityimpfinan
Friends and acquaintancesimpfrend
Imp to r of having faith in godimpgod
More important in life than save environmentimpgrn
Imp to r of having a fulfilling jobimpjob
Imp to r of having childrenimpkids
Way of life more important than being catholicimplives
Imp to r of being marriedimpmar
America should limit the importimports
Politics and public lifeimppol
Importance of the opportunity to be promotedimppromo
Free time and relaxationimprelax
Situation will improve with strict disciplineimprvdis
Situation will improve with some changes in dietimprveat
Situation will improve with medical treatmentimprvmed
How likely x s situation will improve on its ownimprvown
How likely x s situation will improve with treatmentimprvtrt
Imp to r of being self-sufficientimpself
Imp to r of having nice thingsimpthngs
Career and workimpwork
Distance below poverty lineincdef
Pay differences needed for motivationincentiv
Income differentials in usa too bigincgap
Hours per week using work computer make moneyinchrw
Earnings from all sources for this jobinclstjb
Minutes per week using work computer make moneyincminw
Income family needsincneed
R's family income when 16 yrs oldincom16
Total family incomeincome
Total family incomeincome06
Total family incomeincome16
Total family incomeincome72
Total family incomeincome77
Total family incomeincome82
Total family incomeincome86
Total family incomeincome91
Total family incomeincome98
Amount of tax on r's household incomeinctax
Estimated income status of housing unitincuspop
Industry of r first jobindfirst
Size of perf based pay depend on individualindperf
Indus10 coding statusindstatus
Indus10 coding tagindtag
Industry code based on naics 2007indus07
R's industry code (naics 2007)indus10
Industry - follow-on versionindus10_next
R's industry code (1980)indus80
Indust air pollution danger to my familyindusfam
Indust air pollution danger to envirindusgen
In general, do you think that air pollution caused by industry is…indusgen1
R preference re: manufacture service, etcindusoth
R's industry code (1970)industry
Feeling about differences in wealthineqmad
Extra pay -) people take responsibilityinequal1
Extra pay -) workers acquire skillsinequal2
Inequality exists for benefit of richinequal3
Extra pay -) people earn degreesinequal4
Pay differences -) american prosperityinequal5
Everyone benefits from business profitsinequal6
Inequality due to lack of solidarityinequal7
Influence of tv adsinfadstv
Influence of moviesinffilms
Top priority of govt: inflation or jobs?infljobs
Influence of asiansinfluasn
Influence of blacksinflublk
Influence of hispanicsinfluhsp
Influence of jewsinflujew
Influence of so. whitesinfluso
Influence of whitesinfluwht
Influence of rock & rollinfmusic
Influence of programs on network tvinfnettv
R trust business for pollution informationinfobiz
R trust universities for pollution informationinfocol
R trust govt for pollution informationinfogovt
R trust environment groups for pollution informationinfogrn
R trust newspapers for pollution informationinfonews
R trust radio or tv for pollution informationinfotv
Influence of children's programs on public tvinfpubtv
Any activities with the same group of ppl regularlyinfrmgrp
Number of in-lawsinlawnum
Feeling of inner peace important for freedominpeace
How many people seen in personinperson
Would r change insurance plansinsrchng
R's insurance plan has limitsinsrlmts
Use instagrminstagrm
Prepare written instructions explaining future carinstrctn
First type of insurance mentionedinstype01
Second type of insurance mentionedinstype02
Third type of insurance mentionedinstype03
Fourth type of insurance mentionedinstype04
Does r have internet through cell phone or pdaintaccss
Age of interviewerintage
How much of r's communication is via text, mobile phone, or internetintcntct
Interested in economic issuesintecon
Interested in local school issuesinteduc
Interested in environmental issuesintenvir
Interested how and why things happeninterest
Interested how things happen-version yinteresy
Interested how things happen-version zinteresz
Internet makes info available more peopleinternet
Joined an internet political foruminterpol
Race of interviewerintethn
Interested in farm issuesintfarm
Is interviewer spanish, hispanic or latinointhisp
Interested in international issuesintintl
Importance of interesting work in a jobintjob
Unintelligent - intelligentintlasns
Unintelligent - intelligentintlblks
How often exchange info with co-workers located outside usaintlcowk
Unintelligent - intelligentintlhsps
Large intl company damage to local businessintlincs
Unintelligent - intelligentintljews
Unintelligent - intelligentintlso
Before got the job took an intelligence testintltest
Unintelligent -intelligentintlwhts
Use internet/apps from phone or tabletintmbile
Interested in medical discoveriesintmed
Interested in military policyintmil
How interested in politics is rintpol
Interviewer s race1intrace1
Interviewer s race2intrace2
Interviewer s race3intrace3
Used internet/apps yesterdayintrecnt
Internet access in r's homeintrhome
Interview assessment of r's weightintrwght
Interested in new scientific discoveriesintsci
Sex of interviewerintsex
Interested in space explorationintspace
Year starting to use internet/appsintstart
Interested in technologiesinttech
Use internet/apps more than occassionallyintuse
Hours of internet use on weekdaysintwkdyh
Minutes of internet use on weekdaysintwkdym
Hours of internet use on weekendsintwkenh
Minutes of internet use on weekendsintwkenm
Years of service as an interviewer at norcintyrs
True-false: inuit live north of the arctic circleinuit
Effect of global warming: inuit no longer follow traditional way of lifeinuitway
R use web to invest money in past 12 monthsinvest12
R invested money past yearinvestgn
Should allow art to mock or demean religionirrelart
Offended art mocks or demeans religionirreloff
Respondent's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco codeisco08
Respondent's occupation, 1970 censusisco68
Respondent's occupation, 1980 censusisco681
Respondent's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco codeisco88
Liking for israelisrael
Filter for issp casesissp
How hard does r work at jobiwrkhard
Liking for japanjapan
Like or dislike jazzjazz
Month last paid job endedjbendmo
Year last paid job endedjbendyr
How often r felt: demand of job interfere with family lifejbintfam
Did r have any training to improve job skill past 12 monthsjbtrain
What sort of jew r isjew
What sort of jew - follow-on versionjew_next
What sort of jew r was at age 16jew16
What sort of jew r was at age 16jew16aj
What sort of jew r isjewaj
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious groupjews
Percentage change population of jews in 25 yrsjewschng
Does r feel close to jewsjewscls
Does r know jews from communityjewscom
Does r know jews as relativejewsrel
Does r know jews from schooljewsschl
Does r know jews from workjewswrk
Feeling thermometer:jewsjewtemp
Doing something meaningfuljobaccmp
Favor preferences in hiring blacksjobaff
Times r sought job information from contact outsidejobcntct
Who makes decision for your jobjobcntrl
Times r sought job information from co-workersjobcowrk
How easy if r find a job as good as current onejobeasy
Could r find equally good jobjobfind
How easy for r to find a same jobjobfind1
Times r sought job information from friendsjobfrnds
Can help othersjobhelp
Occupation is recognized and respectedjobhonor
Short working hoursjobhour
Hours per week using work computer jobjobhrw
High incomejobinc
Allows one to work independentlyjobindep
R sought employment info past yearjobinfo
Interesting workjobinter
Someone evaluate your performance regularlyjobjudge
Job securityjobkeep
Is r likely to lose jobjoblose
Work important and feel accomplishmentjobmeans
Minutes per week using work computer jobjobminw
Leaves time for leisurejoboff
Times r sought job information from internetjobonwww
Would you remain in unsatisfying job for familyjoborfam
Times r sought job information from newspaperjobpaper
High incomejobpay
Contact with other peoplejobpeop
Times r sought job information from counseling servicejobplace
Chances for advancementjobpromo
Times r sought job information from publicationjobpub
Responsible job tasksjobresp
Opportunity for advancementjobrise
Safe conditionsjobsafe
Govts resp: provide jobs for alljobsall
How satisfied is r with his/her jobjobsat
No danger of being firedjobsec
The job security is goodjobsecok
How important training in developing skillsjobskill
Useful to societyjobsoc
Obligation to train for civilian jobs?jobtrain
Times r sought job information from radio or tvjobtvrad
How often jobtakes too much time to fulfill family respjobvsfa1
Difficult to fulfill fam responsibility bc of jobjobvsfam
How often your family interfered with your jobjobvshme
For how long have you had your present jobjobyears
Was r ever confirmed as member of churchjoin16
Took part in a demonstrationjoindem
Target of derogatory comments or jokes at workjokeswk
How scientific is journalismjournlsm
Feel joy during worshipjoylifts
Image of god as judgejudge
Only a few people can judge artjudgeart
Contrast between judge and loverjudgeluv
Good sense and sound judgmentjudgment
Good sense, sound judgment-version yjudgmeny
Good sense, sound judgment-version zjudgmenz
Is r's pay justjustpay
R's child 1 considered jewishkd1jwoth
Religion of r's child 1kd1relig
R's child 2 considered jewishkd2jwoth
Religion of r's child 2kd2relig
R's child 3 considered jewishkd3jwoth
Religion of r's child 3kd3relig
R's child 4 considered jewishkd4jwoth
Religion of r's child 4kd4relig
R's child 5 considered jewishkd5jwoth
Religion of r's child 5kd5relig
Religion of r's child 6kd6relig
Religion of r's child 7kd7relig
Religion of r's child 8kd8relig
R 1st child alive?kdalive1
R 2nd child alive?kdalive2
R 3rd child alive?kdalive3
R 4th child alive?kdalive4
R 5th child alive?kdalive5
R 6th child alive?kdalive6
R 7th child alive?kdalive7
R 8th child alive?kdalive8
R 9th child alive?kdalive9
Highest schl grade of r 1st childkdeduc1
Highest schl grade of r 2nd childkdeduc2
Highest schl grade of r 3rd childkdeduc3
Highest schl grade of r 4th childkdeduc4
Highest schl grade of r 5th childkdeduc5
Highest schl grade of r 6th childkdeduc6
Highest schl grade of r 7th childkdeduc7
Highest schl grade of r 8th childkdeduc8
Highest schl grade of r 9th childkdeduc9
Did r child work for 1 or more yr?kdevwork
R child census industry code (2010)kdind10
R child industry code (1980)kdind80
Kdind10 coding statuskdindstatus
Kdind10 coding tagkdindtag
R child census occupation code (2010)kdocc10
R child census occupation code (1980)kdocc80
Kid's occ/ind verbatim retrievedkdoccindv
Kdocc10 coding statuskdoccstatus
Kdocc10 coding tagkdocctag
Number of child randomly chosenkdpicked
R child occupational prestige score (2010)kdpres10
R child occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)kdpres105plus
R child occupational prestige score (1980)kdpres80
R relation to r 1st childkdrel1
R relation to r 2nd childkdrel2
R relation to r 3rd childkdrel3
R relation to r 4th childkdrel4
R relation to r 5th childkdrel5
R relation to r 6th childkdrel6
R relation to r 7th childkdrel7
R relation to r 8th childkdrel8
R relation to r 9th childkdrel9
Sex of r 1st childkdsex1
Sex of r 2nd childkdsex2
Sex of r 3rd childkdsex3
Sex of r 4th childkdsex4
Sex of r 5th childkdsex5
Sex of r 6th childkdsex6
Sex of r 7th childkdsex7
Sex of r 8th childkdsex8
Sex of r 9th childkdsex9
Time child 1 spends with rkdtmkid1
Time child 2 spends with rkdtmkid2
Time child 3 spends with rkdtmkid3
Time child 4 spends with rkdtmkid4
Does r child do paid work?kdwork1
Does r child do paid or unpaid work?kdwork2
R child self-employed?kdwrkslf
Birth year of r 1st childkdyrbrn1
Birth year of r 2nd childkdyrbrn2
Birth year of r 3rd childkdyrbrn3
Birth year of r 4th childkdyrbrn4
Birth year of r 5th childkdyrbrn5
Birth year of r 6th childkdyrbrn6
Birth year of r 7th childkdyrbrn7
Birth year of r 8th childkdyrbrn8
Birth year of r 9th childkdyrbrn9
Have children older than 5kid5up
Govt intervene: child is abusedkidbeat
How often does r contact by telephone or letterkidcall
Govt intervene: child uses drugskiddrugs
Govt intervene: child not sent to schoolkidedpar
Kidless people lead empty liveskidempty
Better not to have kids due to $ burdenkidfin
Children are financial burden on parentskidfinbu
Govt intervene: child not givn med trtmtkidhlth
Children limit emp and career opp for one or both parentskidjob
Kids are life's greatest joykidjoy
Kidless marriage is incompletekidless
Children under 18 have ever lived with r under r's carekidlived
Do r have the most contact with son or daughterkidmost
Govt intervene: child is neglectedkidneedy
Kids interfere with parents' freedomkidnofre
R's children under 18 living with rkidnow1
R is living in a hh where children under 18 are living with r under r's carekidnow2
Number of children age 18 and olderkidnum
Govt intervene: child stays out latekidout
Do adult children have duty to look after parentkidpars
R is legally responsible biological/adoptive parent of a child under 18kidresp
Child born abroad of american should become citizenkidsaway
Parent of america born child should become citizenkidshere
Does interviewer believe that there are children under the age of 15 present atkidsinhh
Govt intervene: child skips schoolkidskips
Having children increases social standing in societykidsocst
R's kids living standard compared to rkidssol
R's kids living standard compared to r (no volunteered response on web)kidssolnv
R's kids living standard compared to r (with volunteered response on web)kidssolv
Preschooler will suffer if mom workskidsuffr
Any kids under 18 in hhkidsund18
Kids more trouble than they are worthkidtrble
How often does r visit this son or daughterkidvisit
Govt intervene: chld allowed to see pornkidxfilm
R is a kind personkindpers
Image of god as kingking
Gov should have the right to knowknomentl
R knows what child is doing on weekendknowkid1
R knows what child is doing on weekendknowkid2
R knows what child is doing on weekendknowkid3
R knows what child is doing on weekendknowkid4
How long has r known person #1?known1
How long has r known person #2?known2
How long has r known person #3?known3
How long has r known person #4?known4
How long has r known person #5?known5
Public official s treatment depends on who they knowknowpols
How far in advance know work scheduleknowschd
Know solutions to environment issuesknowsol
R knows what's expected on jobknowwhat
Does r personally any asiansknwasn
Does r personally any blacksknwblk
Does r know someone who is a bus driver?knwbus
Know causes of environment issuesknwcause
Does r know someone who is a home or office cleaner?knwclenr
R knows other people who were obj of sexual advancesknwclsex
Does r know someone who is a police officer?knwcop
Does r know someone who is a hairdresser or barber?knwcuttr
Level of r's information: economic policyknwecon
Does r know someone who is a executive at a large company?knwexec
Level of r's information: foreign policyknwforgn
Level of r's information: global warmingknwgw
Does r personally any hispanicsknwhisp
Does r know someone who is a human resources or personnel manager?knwhrman
Does r personally any jewsknwjew
Does r know someone who is a lawyer?knwlawyr
Does r know someone who is a car mechanic?knwmchnc
Know anyone who was in a hospitalknwmhosp
Gender identity of person 1knwmw1
Gender identity of person 2knwmw2
Gender identity of person 3knwmw3
Gender identity of person 4knwmw4
Gender identity of person 5knwmw5
Have you known anyone who took prozacknwnproz
Does r know someone who is a nurse?knwnurse
Known anyone seeing a psychologist etc?knwpatnt
Level of r's information: the north and south polesknwpolar
Level of r's information: science and technologyknwsci
Does r know someone who is a school teacher?knwtcher
Does r personally any whitesknwwht
Power of labor unions in r's countrylaborpow
Ppl at work fail to give r necessary infolackinfo
R was laid off main job last yearlaidoff
Possibility of a conventional ground warlandwar
How often are other languages heard in communitylangcom
How often are other languages heard at worklangwrk
Did r ever lapse in church attendancelapsed
Sci knowledge: lasers work by focusing sound waveslasers
Type of current job held by rlastjob
Current job self-employment?lastslf
What month were you last workinglastwkmo
What year were you last workinglastwkyr
Thinking about last full-time job, what yr r worked lastlastyrwk
Like or dislike latin musiclatin
Who in household does laundrylaundry
Who in household does laundrylaundry1
A robberylaw1
A personal assaultlaw2
Your home burglarizedlaw3
Accused of crimelaw4
Sued in civil caselaw6
Your child arrestedlaw7
How scientific is law enforcementlawenfrc
How firm is r's opinion on law issuelawfirm
Importance of law enforcement issue to rlawimp
How much info does r have on law issuelawinfo
Hired a lawyer in the past 10 yrs?lawyer
What was the most important reason?lawyer1
My own previous knowledge of the firmlawyera
A friend or relative recommended themlawyerb
An acquaintance recommended them.lawyerc
General reputation in the communitylawyerd
I saw their advertisementlawyere
I searched for the best price.lawyerf
Who has the greatest right to keep their jobs?layoffs
Differences between rich and poor too largeldcgap
Poor countries less than rich for environmentldcgrn
Rich countries pay tax to help poor countriesldctax
Has r served as officer in groupleadgrp
Shld pay attntn only to theory accepted by leading scientistsleadsci
Punishment for official leaking informationleakinfo
How learned the availability of the homelearnhme
Importance of learning from co-workers for you joblearning
How did r find out about present worklearnjob
Job requires r to learn new thingslearnnew
Have least in common with which groupleastcom
Fewest hrs/week worked in past monthleasthrs
Why did r leave last jobleavejb
How likely will try to find another firmleavejob
Being left alone important for freedomleftlone
How left or right in politicsleftrght
Importance of leisure time in a jobleisure
Lent money to another person past 12 monthslentto
If less welfare more will worklessfare
Possibility of reducing atomic weaponslessnuke
Feel deep sense of resp for reducing painlesspain
Agree often less proud of americalessprd
Less govt regulation of businesslessreg
Allow incurable patients to dieletdie1
Allow incurable patients to die (form 2)letdie1y
Let patients die if doctors agreeletdie2
Increase or decrease immigrants to usletin
Number of immigrants to america nowadays should beletin1
Number of immigrants nowadays should beletin1a
Immigration from asia should be increasedletinasn
Immigration from asia should decrease or increaseletinasn1
Immigration from europe should be increasedletineur
Immigration from latin america should be increasedletinhsp
Immigration from latin america should decrease or increaseletinhsp1
How many people write letters toletters
How many levels of supervision beneath youlevels
Life is a matter of chancelfechnce
Some with better genes than otherslfegenes
Life outcome decided by godlfegod
Some people work harder than otherslfehrdwk
Society gives some head start & holds back otherslfesocty
Key factor that enables airplane to liftlftplane
Allow anti-religious book in librarylibath
Allow anti-religionist to teach ylibathy
Allow communists book in librarylibcom
Allow communists book in library ylibcomy
Image of god as liberatorliberatr
Allow homosexuals book in librarylibhomo
Allow homosexuals book in library ylibhomoy
Allow militarists book in librarylibmil
Allow militarists book in library ylibmily
Allow anti-american muslim clergymen's books in librarylibmslm
Allow anti-american muslim clergymen's books in library ylibmslmy
Allow racists book in librarylibrac
Allow racists book in library ylibracy
Allow socialists book in librarylibsoc
Feeling thermometer:liberalslibtemp
Lied to at workliedcwkr
People with secret should be subject to lie testslietest
Is life exciting or dulllife
R's rating of life overall in five years from 0-10lifein5
R's rating of life overall now from 0-10lifenow
Afterlife contrast: better or lackinglikediff
How much do you like or dislike the personlikeoth
Health limit type of work past 4 wkslimitedp
The government should take steps to limit the pay of executives at major companilimitpay
Use linkedinlinkedin
Visit site associated with writerlitauth
I have little control over the bad thingslitcntrl
Use web to download poem or fictionlitget
Why litmus paper doesn't change color in mixed solutionlitmstxt
Read book after seeing author on weblitread
Use web to learn about a book or poemlitsite
Your home destroyed in disasterlive1
Your home in poor conditionlive2
Major home repair'slive3
Serious problem with your landlordlive4
Neighborhood half asianliveasns
Neighborhood half blackliveblks
Length of residence in city, town, commlivecom
How long have you lived in the community?livecom1
Length at present dwellinglivehome
Neighborhood half hispaniclivehsps
Neighborhood half jewishlivejews
Neighborhood half northern whiteliveno
Neighborhood half southern whiteliveso
R favors living in half white neighborhoodlivewhts
Do you live together?livewith
Did r live with partner before marriagelivnowed
R in long-term relationship in hhlngrltnshp
How long was interviewlngthinv
Loaned $100+ past 12 months?loaned
Oto whom did you lend this money?loanedto
R has let someone borrow a item of some valueloanitem
Has r contacted government for grouplobbygrp
Feel local gov should provide assistance to artlocalart
How likely can r do sth for improvmnt in communitylocalgvt
Number of employees: r's work sitelocalnum
R use web to find addresses in past 12 monthslocate12
Would local officials listen to problemloccare
Has r helped to start new local grouplocgrp
How much influence r feels on local govlocinflu
Prison or jail everlockedup
How long has r lived in communityloclived
Has r lobbied local officialsloclobby
Has r helped to solve local problemslocprob
Was problem of narrow or wide concernlocself
How much trust does r have in local govloctrust
How often does r vote in local electionslocvote
How long have worked at this locationlocyrs
Felt lonely?lonely
How often in the past 4 weeks r has felt they lack companionshiplonely1
How often in the past 4 weeks r has felt isolated from otherslonely2
How often in the past 4 weeks r has felt left outlonely3
Ppl look the other way when others are threatenedlookaway
Are you looking for a joblookjob
How likely r will lose job or laid off in next 1 yrlosejb12
In last 5 yrs, r has been denied a job or fired bc employer believed r was gay/llosejob5
Jobs taken away are better than r's current joblostjobs
R has lot of say in joblotofsay
In uncertain times i usually expect bestlotr1
If something can go wrong for me it willlotr2
I'm always optimistic about my futurelotr3
I hardly ever expect things to go my waylotr4
I rarely count on good things happening to melotr5
I expect more good things to happen to me than badlotr6
I have a lot to say on my joblottosay
Image of god as loverlover
I would accept job for lower paylowpay
Supply letters of referenceltrsref
How often ma attended religious servicesmaattend
Was r's mother born in this country?maborn
Does mom's gene decide baby's sexmaboygrl
Contact with mothermacall
How often does r contact mother by telephonemacall1
Felt mad at something or someone?madat
Angry at my husband-wife etcmadat1
Angry at an acquaintancemadat10
Angry at a neighbormadat11
Angry at my bossmadat12
Angry at a co-workermadat13
Angry at subordinatemadat14
Angry at a customer or clientmadat15
Angry at someone else at workmadat16
Angry at government employeemadat17
Angry at someone to provide a servicemadat18
Angry at public figuremadat19
Angry at sonmadat2
Angry at stranger (include crowds)madat20
Angry at selfmadat21
Angry at an object, circumstances, etcmadat22
Angry at othermadat23
Angry at daughtermadat3
Angry at mothermadat4
Angry at fathermadat5
Angry at sistermadat6
Angry at brothermadat7
Angry at another family membermadat8
Angry at a friendmadat9
How often r feels angry at godmadatgod
Death of mothermadeath
Mothers highest degreemadeg
What was mother's religious denominationmaden
If protestant, mothers denominationmadenkid
Highest year school completed, mothermaeduc
How fundamentalist was r's mothermafund
Mothers industry code (naics 2007)maind10
Mothers industry code (1980)maind80
Maind10 coding statusmaindstatus
Maind10 coding tagmaindtag
R's mothers occupation, 1980 censusmaisc681
R's spouse's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco codemaisco08
R's mothers occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco codemaisco88
What sort of jew was r's mothermajew
College major 1major1
College major 2major2
The field of degree r earnedmajorcol
R's mom was jewish when r was growing upmajwoth
Made art or craft object in lst yrmakeart
Religion helps people to make friendsmakefrnd
Govt create new jobsmakejobs
Number of male childrenmalekids
Interviewer coded male sexual orientationmaleornt
Mother still alive?malive
R mother alivemalive1
R consulted manual for help with webmanbook
Should police detain a suspect?manhold
Good mannersmanners
Good manners-version ymannersy
Good manners-version zmannersz
Professional women's lives improvedmanprof
Should police open mail of a suspect?manread
Should police tail a suspect?mantail
Should police tap phone of a suspect?mantap
Has r consulted manual for help with softwaremanual
Relations bw management and employeesmanvsemp
Mothers census occupation code (2010)maocc10
Mothers census occupation code (1980)maocc80
Mothers occ/ind verbatim retrievedmaoccindv
Maocc10 coding statusmaoccstatus
Maocc10 coding tagmaocctag
Other protestant denomination for mothermaoth
Contrast between mother and fathermapa
Should working women have paid maternity leavemapaid
Mothers occupational prestige score (2010)mapres10
Mothers occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)mapres105plus
Mothers occupational prestige score (1980)mapres80
Marital status of 1st personmar1
Marital status of 10th personmar10
Marital status of 11th person (visitor)mar11
Marital status of 12th person (visitor)mar12
Marital status of 13th person (visitor)mar13
Marital status of 14th person (visitor)mar14
Marital status of 2nd personmar2
Marital status of 3rd personmar3
Marital status of 4th personmar4
Marital status of 5th personmar5
Marital status of 6th personmar6
Marital status of 7th personmar7
Marital status of 8th personmar8
Marital status of 9th personmar9
Close relative marry asianmarasian
Close relative marry blackmarblk
Cohabitation statusmarcohab
Year of first marriagemarcohrt
Marriage not taken seriously when div is easymardiv
What was mother's religious preferencemarelig
Mothers religion when r was childmarelkid
Financial security main advtg of marriagemarfin
Personal freedom more impt than marriagemarfree
Married people happier than unmarriedmarhappy
Close relative marry hispanicmarhisp
Homosexuals should have right to marrymarhomo
Homosexuals have right to marrymarhomo1
Marital statusmarital
Close relative marry jewmarjew
Main purpose of marriage = kidsmarkids
Those wanting kids should get marriedmarlegit
Single ma can raise kids well as couplemarmakid
Close relative marry no. whitemarno
Bad marriage better than none at allmarnomar
R married more than once?marnum
Single pa can raise kids well as couplemarpakid
How scientific is marriage counselingmarrcoun
Close relative marry so. whitemarso
Marital typemartype
Legal marital statusmarunion
R favor close relative marrying white personmarwht
How masculine r sees selfmascself
R's mothers socioeconomic index (1980)masei
R's mother's socioeconomic index (2010)masei10
Percentage of some college educ in maocc10 based on acs 2010masei10educ
Percentage of $45k+ earners in maocc10 based on acs 2010masei10inc
Image of god as mastermaster
Contrast between master and spousemastersp
Was 1 of r's partner's spouse or regularmatesex
Travel time to mothermatime
How long does it take to get to where mother livematime1
How often visit mothermavisit
How often does r visit mothermavisit1
Mothers employment when r growing upmawk16
Mothers employment before first grademawkbaby
Mothers employment after r was bornmawkborn
Mothers employment since marriagemawork
Did mom work before r was 14 yrs oldmawork14
Mothers employment when r was 16mawrkgrw
Mother self-emp. or worked for somebodymawrkslf
Mother employee, self-employed without employees, or self-employed with employeemawrkslf2
Mother owned family business or farmmawrkslffam
Working mom can have a warm rel w kidsmawrkwrm
Yr r mother bornmayrborn
Yr r mother diedmayrdied
I’m always willing to admit it when i make a mistakemcsds1
I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forgetmcsds2
At times i have really insisted on having things my own waymcsds3
I have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my ownmcsds4
I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone’s feelingsmcsds5
I like to gossip at timesmcsds6
There have been occasions when i took advantage of someonemcsds7
How often do you meditate?mditate1
Can husband refuse to sire childrenmebear
Women as truck mechanicmechanic
Med for mental health problem are addictivemedaddct
Med researcher: agreement on effect of genetically modified foodmedagrgm
Agreement by med researchers on importance of stem cell rschmedagrsc
How likely to get best treatment avail in usmedbest
Best policy on gmf vs narrow interest: medical researchermedbstgm
Best policy on stem cell vs narrow interest: med researchermedbstsc
Who r thinks should be most responsible for cost of xs medical caremedcare1
Who r thinks should be next most responsible for cost of xs medical caremedcare2
Couldn't get care because work/oth commitmentsmedcommt
X should go to general medical doctor for helpmeddoc
Watch a religious program on television-radio?mediarel
Influence on restricting gmf by medical researcher'smedinfgm
Influence on funding for stem cell rsch: medical researchersmedinfsc
How often meditatemeditate
Medicating child will have long term negativemedkdneg
Couldn't get care because couldn't paymedpay
Govt programs for mental health treatment willmedsavtx
How scientific: medicinemedsci
Med for mental health problem help peoplemedsymps
How scientific is medical treatmentmedtreat
Med for mental health problem often have side ofmedunacc
Taking medications is a sign of weaknessmedweak
Couldn't get care because waitlist too longmedwtlst
How often meet face to face with customers, clients, patientsmeetf2f1
How often meet face to face with co-workers to work on projectsmeetf2f2
Web make r attend a political meetingmeeting
How many people seen at church or group meetingmeetings
Men ought to do more hh work than they do nowmehhwork
Men ought to do more childcare than they do nowmekdcare
R attitude toward mixing cultures in usmeltpot
Better to maintain distinct culturesmeltpot1
Way of life recommendation for manmemarry
Membership in church groupmemchurh
Membership in farm organizationmemfarm
Membership in fraternal groupmemfrat
Membership in school fraternitymemgreek
Person #1 is member of r's groupmemgrp1
Person #2 is member of r's groupmemgrp2
Person #3 is member of r's groupmemgrp3
Person #4 is member of r's groupmemgrp4
Person #5 is member of r's groupmemgrp5
Membership in hobby clubmemhobby
Membership in literary or art groupmemlit
Membership in nationality groupmemnat
Number of membershipsmemnum
Membership in any othermemother
Membership in political clubmempolit
Membership in professional societymemprof
Membership in school servicememschl
Membership in service groupmemserv
Membership in sports clubmemsport
Membership in labor unionmemunion
Membership in veteran groupmemvet
Membership in youth groupmemyouth
Men's lives improvedmen
Men benefit from traditional familymenben
Men hurt from traditional familymenhrt
X should go to psychiatrist for helpmentldoc
X should check into a mental hospitalmentlhos
How likely x is experiencing mental illnessmentlill
X should go to other mental health professional for helpmentloth
Men hurt family when focus on work too muchmeovrwrk
The org. was merged, taken overmerged
Mandatory conscription for males?meserve
Person like x has no hope of being accepted as membermhaccptd
X s situation caused by: brain diseasemhbrain
What caused x s situationmhcause
X s situation caused by: bad charactermhchrctr
Closeness to person with mental health problemmhclsoth
People like x are more creative than othersmhcreatv
How able is x to decide whether to receive treatmentmhdecslf
R knows someone who has been diagnosed with a mental health problemmhdiagno
How much distress this person caused rmhdisoth
What x should do: get involved in other activitiesmhdoactv
What x should do: eat bettermhdodiet
What x should do: go to doctormhdodoc
What x should do: start exercisingmhdoexrc
What x should do: talk to familymhdofam
What x should do: try to forgetmhdofrgt
What x should do: talk to friendsmhdofrnd
What x should do: get involved in a groupmhdogrp
What x should do: go to spiritual healermhdoheal
What x should do: take herbsmhdoherb
What x should do: check into a hospitalmhdohosp
What x should do: change lifestylemhdolife
What x should do: go to counselormhdomhp
What x should do: move to another locationmhdomove
What x should do: nothingmhdonone
What x should do: take non-prescription medicationmhdootc
What x should do: other mentionsmhdooth
What x should do: praymhdopray
What x should do: go to psychiatristmhdopsyc
What x should do: talk to relic leadermhdorel
What x should do: take prescription medicationmhdorx
Effect of experiences with this personmhexpoth
X family should be ashamed to receive govt assistancemhfamshm
X should feel embarrassedmhfeelem
R would make friends with xmhfriend
How frightening most people are in public placesmhfright
X s situation caused by: genetic problemmhgenes
X s situation caused by: god s willmhgod
Govt responsibility: provide disability benefits for xmhgvtdis
Govt responsibility: provide financial help for educationmhgvtedc
Govt responsibility: provide health care for xmhgvthlt
Govt responsibility: provide housing for xmhgvthme
Govt responsibility: provide job for xmhgvtjob
X should be hired like othersmhhired
How important: turn to family for helpmhhlpfam
How important: turn to friends for helpmhhlpfrd
How important: go to medical doctor for helpmhhlpgp
How important: go to mental health professionalmhhlpmhp
How the treatment helped him/her with mental health problemmhhlpoth
How important: go to psychiatrist for helpmhhlppsy
How important: turn to religious leadermhhlprel
People like x are hard to talk tomhhrdtlk
X should be forced to be hospitalized for treatment by lawmhhsptrt
X is experiencing mental illnessmhillnss
How likely x s situation will improve on its ownmhimpown
How likely x s situation will improve with treatmentmhimptrt
People like x are just as intelligent as anyone elsemhintl
R would have x care for your childrenmhkdcare
X s opportunities limited if people know his her treatmentmhlessop
X would lose friends if people know his her treatmentmhlosefr
X s situation caused by: bad luckmhluck
X should be forced to take prescribed medication by lawmhmeds
X should be forced to go to mental hospital by lawmhmnthsp
How able is x to decide on managing own moneymhmoney
R would have x as a neighbormhneihbr
Being around x would make me feel nervousmhnervs
People like x shouldn't be allowed to have childrenmhnokids
People like x shouldn't be allowed to teach children.mhnotch
X should feel afraid to tell about his situationmhnotell
People like x shouldn't be allowed to hold public officemhnotpol
Result of mental health problem to relationship with himmhothrel
How much distress his mental health problem caused rmhothyou
Getting treatment would make x outsider in communitymhoutsdr
Relation to person 1 (1st mentioned)mhp1r1
Relation to person 1 (2nd mentioned)mhp1r2
Relation to person 2 (1st mentioned)mhp2r1
Relation to person 2 (2nd mentioned)mhp2r2
Relation to person 3 (1st mentioned)mhp3r1
Relation to person 3 (2nd mentioned)mhp3r2
Relation to person 4 (1st mentioned)mhp4r1
Relation to person 4 (2nd mentioned)mhp4r2
Relation to person 5 (1st mentioned)mhp5r1
Relation to person 5 (2nd mentioned)mhp5r2
X is experiencing physical illnessmhphyscl
People like x are just as productive as othersmhprdctv
How serious x s situation ismhproblm
X s situation caused by: the way raisedmhraised
Relationship with this person as a result of mental health problemmhreloth
How much responsibility r had for this personmhresoth
X s family better off if kept secretmhsecret
X should be forced to be examined at a clinic by lawmhseedoc
How often r sees someone with mental health problem in public placesmhseepub
How serious his her mental health problem wasmhseroth
X should be ashamed to receive govt assistancemhslfshm
R would spend time socializing with xmhsocial
X s situation caused by: stressmhstress
People like x shouldn't be allowed to supervise others at workmhsupwrk
How much r feels sympathy for ppl with mental hlth problem in public placesmhsymp
Is person 1 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problemmhtreat1
Is person 2 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problemmhtreat2
Is person 3 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problemmhtreat3
Is person 4 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problemmhtreat4
Is person 5 currently receiving treatment for their mental health problemmhtreat5
R ever treated for mh problemmhtreatd
R knows someone who received treatment for mental healthmhtrtot2
R personally has known someone who received treatmentmhtrtoth
R have ever personally received treatment for mental health problemmhtrtslf
People like x are just as trustworthy as anyone elsemhtrusty
Being around x would make me feel uncomfortablemhuneasy
People like x are unpredictablemhunsure
X is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of lifemhupdown
How likely x violent toward other peoplemhviooth
How likely x violent toward him herselfmhvioslf
R would have x marry someone related to youmhwedrel
R would work closely with x on a jobmhwkwith
People from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries.migrpoor
Mil service good experience for womenmilokfe
Military service good experience for menmilokme
Pay and benefits for military personnelmilpay
Quality of persons in militarymilqual
How important to serve in military when neededmilserve
How well has volunteer military worked?milvolok
Ever work for military or dod?milwrkev
Currently work for military or dod?milwrknw
Ethnic minorities should be given gov assistancemincult
Afterlife contrast: spiritual or sensualmindbody
Imputed wkly food spending for pov line fam of 4minfood
Imputed poverty line for family of fourminfour
Minimum amount of income needed per weekmininc
Min opportunities better in military?minmilop
Imputed poverty line for family of threeminthree
Belief in religious miraclesmiracles
Miss work for health past 30 daysmisswork
Private companies should reduce inc differencesmkt1
1st mention what r did when felt mental illnessmnildo1
2nd mention what r did when felt mental illnessmnildo2
3rd mention what r did when felt mental illnessmnildo3
Duration, severity of feelings of mental illnessmnildur
1st mention what help r soughtmnilhlp1
2nd mention what help r soughtmnilhlp2
3rd mention what help r soughtmnilhlp3
When feelings of mental illness happenedmniltime
1st mention cause of mental illness feelingsmnilwhy1
2nd mention cause of mental illness feelingsmnilwhy2
3rd mention cause of mental illness feelingsmnilwhy3
Lived in u.s., if less than one year months:mnthsusa
1st mention, what mental illness is, assertedmntlas1
2nd mention, what mental illness is, assertedmntlas2
Were able to get mental health caremntlcare
Ever denied services under plans packagemntldeny
How difficult to get mental health caremntldif
Days of poor mental health past 30 daysmntlhlth
Is child experiencing a mental illnessmntlill
1st mention, what mental illness is, imputedmntlimp1
2nd mention, what mental illness is, imputedmntlimp2
3rd mention, what mental illness is, imputedmntlimp3
What mental illness is, other codesmntloth
Effect of mental health problem on relation withmntlrel
1st mention, what mental illness is, symptomsmntlsym1
2nd mention, what mental illness is, symptomsmntlsym2
3rd mention, what mental illness is, symptomsmntlsym3
Geographic mobility since age 16mobile16
Govt should track sick peoplemobilsurv
R limited in moderate activitiesmodact
Interview done in-person or over the phonemode
Initial mode of contact for respondentmodesequence
Modern painting is just slapped onmodpaint
Done volunteer work in arts, culture, etcmonart
Attended religious services last mondaymonday
Done volunteer work in educationmoneduc
Done volunteer work in environmentmonenvir
Done volunteer work in priv & comm. foundmonfound
Done volunteer work in health past monthmonhlth
Done volunteer work in human servicesmonhuman
Done volunteer work in informal-alonemoninfrm
Done volunteer work in internationalmonintl
Computers monitor my job performancemonitred
Done volunteer work in other (specify)monoth
Done volunteer work in political org. etcmonpol
Done volunteer work in pub-soc benefitmonpub
Done volunteer work in recreation adultsmonrec
Done volunteer work in religious orgmonrelig
What is your monthly wage before taxmonthly
Done volunteer work in work-related orgmonwork
H done volunteer work in youth developmentmonyouth
Like or dislike easy listening musicmoodeasy
Does r have a second jobmoonlite
Past 12 months r web to learn moral issuesmoral12
Days per month r work extra hoursmoredays
I expect more good things to happen to me than badmoregood
Cars use less gasolinemorempg
Possibility of increasing arms racemorenuke
More trade, less jobs in usamoretrde
I would accept a longer commutemortravl
Which group is r most active inmostact
Have most in common with which groupmostcom
Most hrs/week worked in past monthmosthrs
Most imp event in lst 60 yrsmostimp1
2nd most imp event in lst 60 yrsmostimp2
3rd imp event in lst 60 yrsmostimp3
4th imp event in lst 60 yrsmostimp4
Where does r use computer mostmostloc
Good things are mostly luck.mostluck
Image of god as mothermother
I would move outside the usa for workmoveaway
I would move within the usa for workmoveinus
Willing to move to another neighborhoodmovenei
Willing to move outside north americamovenoam
Willing to move to another statemovestat
Willing to move to another town or citymovetown
Willing to move outside americamoveusa
How familiar r is with term mp3mp3
Gender role reversal hurts familymrmom
Feeling thermometer:muslimsmslmtemp
Church group1 meets in this areamtchurh1
Church group2 meets in this areamtchurh2
Church group3 meets in this areamtchurh3
Church group4 meets in this areamtchurh4
Church group5 meets in this areamtchurh5
Church group6 meets in this areamtchurh6
Farm organization1 meets in this areamtfarm1
Farm organization2 meets in this areamtfarm2
Farm organization3 meets in this areamtfarm3
How many years r born a member of fraternity group1mtfrat1
How many years r born a member of fraternity group2mtfrat2
How many years r born a member of fraternity group3mtfrat3
How many years r born a member of fraternity group4mtfrat4
School frarternity1 meets in this areamtgreek1
School frarternity2 meets in this areamtgreek2
School frarternity3 meets in this areamtgreek3
Hobby club1 meets in this areamthobby1
Hobby club2 meets in this areamthobby2
Hobby club3 meets in this areamthobby3
Informal group1 meets in this areamtinfrm1
Informal group2 meets in this areamtinfrm2
Informal group3 meets in this areamtinfrm3
Informal group4 meets in this areamtinfrm4
Informal group5 meets in this areamtinfrm5
Military group1 meets in this areamtlit1
Military group2 meets in this areamtlit2
Military group3 meets in this areamtlit3
Military group4 meets in this areamtlit4
Nationality group1 meets in this areamtnat1
Nationality group2 meets in this areamtnat2
Nationality group3 meets in this areamtnat3
Other group1 meets in this areamtother1
Other group2 meets in this areamtother2
Other group3 meets in this areamtother3
Other group4 meets in this areamtother4
Other group5 meets in this areamtother5
Political club1 meets in this areamtpolit1
Political club2 meets in this areamtpolit2
Political club3 meets in this areamtpolit3
Professional society1 meets in this areamtprof1
Professional society2 meets in this areamtprof2
Professional society3 meets in this areamtprof3
Professional society4 meets in this areamtprof4
Professional society5 meets in this areamtprof5
Professional society6 meets in this areamtprof6
School service group1 meets in this areamtschl1
School service group2 meets in this areamtschl2
School service group3 meets in this areamtschl3
School service group4 meets in this areamtschl4
Service club1 meets in this areamtserv1
Service club2 meets in this areamtserv2
Service club3 meets in this areamtserv3
Service club4 meets in this areamtserv4
Service club5 meets in this areamtserv5
Service club6 meets in this areamtserv6
Service club7 meets in this areamtserv7
Service club8 meets in this areamtserv8
Sport club1 meets in this areamtsport1
Sport club2 meets in this areamtsport2
Sport club3 meets in this areamtsport3
Sport club4 meets in this areamtsport4
Sport club5 meets in this areamtsport5
Sport club6 meets in this areamtsport6
Labor union1 meets in this areamtunion1
Labor union2 meets in this areamtunion2
Labor union3 meets in this areamtunion3
Labor union4 meets in this areamtunion4
Veteran group1 meets in this areamtvet1
Veteran group2 meets in this areamtvet2
Veteran group3 meets in this areamtvet3
Veteran group4 meets in this areamtvet4
Veteran group5 meets in this areamtvet5
Youth group1 meets in this areamtyouth1
Youth group2 meets in this areamtyouth2
Youth group3 meets in this areamtyouth3
Youth group4 meets in this areamtyouth4
Youth group5 meets in this areamtyouth5
R use music site in past 30 daysmusic30
Like or dislike broadway musicalsmusicals
Use web to buy music after hearing on webmusicbuy
Visit many different types of musicmusicdif
Use web to download musicmusicget
Use web to get music informationmusicinf
Visit sites about music r likesmusiclke
Use web to listen to radiomusiclst
Visit sites about music not usually heardmusicnew
What is your personal attitude towards members of the following religious groupmuslims
X should be forced to be examined at a clinic by lawmustdoc
X should be admitted to be hospitalized for treatment by lawmusthosp
X should be forced to take prescribed medication by lawmustmed
Govt should enforce mandatory retirementmustret
Mandatory to work extra hoursmustwork
Degree to which faith is free of doubtmyfaith
It is easy for r to accomplish their goalsmygoals
R's current insurance plan covers childrenmykids
How much person 1's mental health condition causes r problemsmyprobs1
How much person 2's mental health condition causes r problemsmyprobs2
How much person 3's mental health condition causes r problemsmyprobs3
How much person 4's mental health condition causes r problemsmyprobs4
How much person 5's mental health condition causes r problemsmyprobs5
Job allows r use of skillsmyskills
R has own way of connecting with god without churches or religious servicesmywaygod
How much heard or read about nafta?nafta1
America benefits from being a member of nafta?nafta2
America benefits from being a member of nafta?nafta2a
America should follow nafta decisionnafta3
Balance will be strongly in favor of the benefits or slightlynanoben
Balance will be strongly in favor of the benefits or slightlynanoharm
True-false: nanotechnology manipulate extremely small unitsnanoknw1
True-false: nanoscale differ from same material at larger scalenanoknw2
How much r heard about nanotechnologynanotech
Benefit of nanotechnology outweigh harmful resultsnanowill
I have easy access to natural environments, such as public parks, gardens or tranataccess
Natural environments are a good place for physical activity, such as walking, cynatactive
Foreign aidnataid
Assistance to other countries:ver ynataidy
Helping other countries:version znataidz
Military, armaments, and defensenatarms
National defense:version ynatarmsy
Strengthening national defense:ver znatarmsz
Spending right amount on artsnatarts
What country r were born innatborn
Assistance for childcarenatchld
Solving problems of big citiesnatcity
Assistance to big cities:version ynatcityy
Solving problems of big cities:ver znatcityz
Halting rising crime ratenatcrime
Law enforcement:version ynatcrimy
Reducing crime:version znatcrimz
In which country did you obtain your highest degree?natdeg
Should rebuilding community in disaster be govt respnatdiscm
Should helping ppl in natural disaster be govt respnatdisin
Dealing with drug addictionnatdrug
Drug rehabilitation:version ynatdrugy
Reducing drug addiction:version znatdrugz
Improving nations education systemnateduc
Education:version ynateducy
Improving the education system:ver znateducz
Developing alternative energy sourcesnatenrgy
Improving & protecting environmentnatenvir
The environment:version ynatenviy
Improving the environment:version znatenviz
Assistance to the poor:version ynatfarey
Caring for the poor:version znatfarez
Improving & protecting nations healthnatheal
Health:version ynathealy
Improving health:version znathealz
There is a lack of interesting activities in natural environmentsnatlack
Feel fed gov should provide assistance to artnatlart
Mass transportationnatmass
Improving mass transit:version znatmassz
Natural environments are a good place to meet others from the local communitynatmeet
In my everyday life, i take notice of the natural elements around me (trees, watnatnotice
Parks and recreationnatpark
Improving parks and recreation:ver znatparkz
Improving the conditions of blacksnatrace
Assistance to blacks:version ynatracey
Improving conditions of blacks:ver znatracez
Natural environments should be left alonenatrecon
Natural environments are peaceful and relaxingnatrelax
Highways and bridgesnatroad
Improving highways and bridges:ver znatroadz
I am satisfied with my day to day experience of naturenatsat
Supporting scientific researchnatsci
Social securitynatsoc
Protecting social security:version znatsocz
Space exploration programnatspac
Space exploration:version ynatspacy
Space exploration:version znatspacz
Usually, i spend time in natural environments, such as public parks, gardens ornattime
I spend as much time as i would like in natural environmentsnattimeok
Accept a reduction in the size of protected nature areas in americanaturdev
Relationship of nature to godnaturgod
Nature would be at peace if humans left alonenaturpax
Nature is survival of fittestnaturwar
I have views of nature (trees, lawns, gardens, water, etc.) when i am homenatviews
How close does r feel to godneargod
Nea follow-on statusneastatus
Contributed to a needy friend.needyfrd
Contributed to a needy neighbor.needynei
Contributed to other needy personneedyoth
Contributed to a needy relative.needyrel
In last 5 yrs, r been denied promo or recvd bad evaluation bc employr belivd r wnegjob5
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth1
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth10
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth11
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth12
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth13
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth14
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth2
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth3
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth4
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth5
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth6
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth7
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth8
Preferred ethnic neighborhoodneieth9
Number of close friends who live near rneifrd
Person #1 is r's neighborneighbr1
Person #2 is r's neighborneighbr2
Person #3 is r's neighborneighbr3
Person #4 is r's neighborneighbr4
Person #5 is r's neighborneighbr5
How safe interviewer thinks neighborhood isneisafe
In past 30 days feel nervousnervous
R never worked full-time after schoolneverwk
Like or dislike new age musicnewage
At these occasions, how often did r make new friends or acquaintencesnewfrds
How helpful present work skill would be for new jobnewjob
R use web to look for new job in past 12 monthsnewjob12
R look for new job past yearnewjobgn
Jobs created are better than r's current jobnewjobs
Was the home new or previously owned?newowned
How often does r read newspapernews
Past 12 months r web to learn newsnews12
R use news site in past 30 daysnews30
Where news events infonewsfrmy
Main source of information about events in the newsnewsfrom
How familiar r is with term newsgroupsnewsgrps
I would accept job that requires new skillsnewskill
How often does r read traditional newspapernewsprnt
Was the car new or used?newused
How willing r move next door to child's familynextdoor
Science & tech. give more opportunities to next generationnextgen
Gss next follow-on statusnextstatus
How often does r contact nieces and nephewsniecenep
Life serves no purposenihilism
Believe in nirvananirvana
Number of childrennmbrkids
Miss a family occasion or holiday?noathome
Bilingual education should be abolishednobiling
How often avoid productsnobuygrn
In past 30 days feel sadnocheer
I keep my emotions to myself.noemote
Perf or exhibit r wanted to go to in past 12 months but did notnogo
Performance or exhibitnogo1
At times i think i am no good at allnogood
No govt interference important for freedomnogovt
Unable to do the work around the house?nohmewrk
Effect of global warming: northern ice cap meltnoicecap
How often felt no interest in doing things in past 2 weeksnointerest
Desirability of no-kid familynokids
Refuse to eat meat for envir reasonsnomeat
First child nonbinarynonbinkids
Possibility eliminating atomic weaponsnonuke
Unable to care for a sick child-relative?nonurse
No one benefit from traditional familynooneben
No one hurt from traditional familynoonehrt
There's no sense planning a lotnoplan
Is r atheist or agnosticnorelgsp
Gov should prohibit smoking in pub areasnosmoke
True-false: the sun never shines at the south polenosun
If not american, how much changenotam
I rarely count on good things happening to menotcount
People usually notice when i do my job wellnoticed
Feel very little loyalty to this org.notloyal
Refuse treatment except pain reliefnotreat
People act as if they think r is not smartnotsmart
Catholics are not permitted to thinknotthink
Don't tell friends something upsettingnotupset
Citizens have right not to votenotvote
When anxious, try not to worry anyone else.notworry
R would accept job requiring new skill to avoid unemploymentnounemp1
R would accept position with lower pay to avoid unemploymentnounemp2
R would accept temporary employment to avoid unemploymentnounemp3
R would accept travel longer to work to avoid unemploymentnounemp4
I would move within the usa for worknounemp5
I would move outside the usa for worknounemp6
Long-term residents should votentcitvte
Past week not work hard enoughntwkhard
Nuclear war more threat 10 yrs agonuclrwar
Likelihood of nuclear meltdown in 5 yearsnukeacc
View about nuclear energynukeelec
Nuke power danger to my familynukefam
Nuke power danger to envirnukegen
Nuke power danger to envirnukegen1
Possibility of an all-out atomic warnukewar
Good friends who are white-blacknumbwfrd
How many r belongs to church affiliate groupsnumchurh
With how many different leaders has this happened to younumclerg
How many people in contact least once a yearnumcntct
Number of members of the congregationnumcong
Number of days attended religious servicesnumdays
For how many employers ever worked full timenumemp
Number of persons r employsnumemply
Number of employee for the self-employednumemps
How many people r employs 5 yrs afternumemps5
How many r belongs to farm organizationsnumfarm
How many r belongs to fraternal groupsnumfrat
About how many good friends do you havenumfrend
Number of persons mentionednumgiven
How many r belongs to school fraternitiesnumgreek
How many r belongs to hobby clubsnumhobby
How many computers at homenumhome
How many r belongs to informal groupsnuminfrm
What is ideal number of kids for familynumkids
Variable that drives skips in modulenumknown
How many languages does r speak well enough to hold a conversation in?numlangs
How many r belongs to literary groupsnumlit
Number of male sex partner's since 18nummen
How many r belongs to nationality groupsnumnat
Number of people working in organization at all locationsnumorg
Estimate of total people in r's business or organizationnumorg1
How many r belongs to other groupsnumother
Number of businesses you own and managenumown
How many pets r's family hasnumpets
How many r belongs to political clubsnumpolit
How many friends close to discuss problemsnumprobs
How many r belongs to professional societiesnumprof
#Promotions have you receivednumpromo
How many born-again experience r hadnumrborn
Number of real experience that changed r's lifenumrelex
Number of rooms in homenumrooms
How many r belongs to school service groupsnumschl
How many r belongs to service clubsnumserv
Does r's firm have more than one locationnumsites
How many r belongs to sports groupsnumsport
How many times unemployed more than two weeksnumunemp
How many r belongs to labor unionsnumunion
How many r belongs to veterans groupsnumvet
Number of female sex partner's since 18numwomen
How many r belongs to youth groupsnumyouth
Women as nurses in combat zonenurse
Obligation-reporting a crimeob911
Obligation-being able to speak englishobeng
To obeyobey
Should people obey laws without exceptn?obeylaw
How important always to obey lawsobeylaws
Obeys parents wellobeys
Obeys parents well-version yobeysy
Obeys parents well-version zobeysz
Important to obey church teachingsobeytch
Should chldrn be obedient or think for selvesobeythnk
Obligation-peacetime mil service-femaleobfepax
Obligation-wartime mil service-femaleobfewar
Obligation-jury dutyobjury
Obligation-keeping informedobknow
Obligation-peacetime mil service-menobmepax
Obligation-wartime mil service-menobmewar
Teach children respect for authority and obedienceobrespct
Obligation to care for ill parent or spouse?obtohelp
Obligation-community serviceobvol
Obligation-voting in electionsobvote
R's census occupation code (1970)occ
R's census occupation code (2010)occ10
Occupation - follow-on versionocc10_next
R's census occupation code (1980)occ80
R first occupationoccfirst
R's occ/ind verbatim retrievedoccindv
Status of job higher than father's?occmobil
Occupation code based on o*netocconet
Occ10 coding statusoccstatus
Occ10 coding tagocctag
Gone thru specialized trainingocctrain
How many years in your occupationoccyrs
Test of knowledge about probablity1odds1
Test of knowledge about probablity2odds2
Do you supervise the work of other employeesoffsup
I am a person of worth at least equal to othersofworth
Age of 1st personold1
Age of 1oth personold10
Age of 11th person (visitor)old11
Age of 12th person (visitor)old12
Age of 13th person (visitor)old13
Age of 14th person (visitor)old14
Age of 2nd personold2
Age of 3rd personold3
Age of 4th personold4
Age of 5th personold5
Age of 6th personold6
Age of 7th personold7
Age of 8th personold8
Age of 9th personold9
Like or dislike oldies rock musicoldies
Desirability of one-kid familyonekid
One nation or allowed to become fully separate?onenatn
R had an ongoing relationship with leader1ongorel1
R had an ongoing relationship with leader2ongorel2
R had an ongoing relationship with leader3ongorel3
Has r used online help for softwareonline
Need natural ability to get aheadopable
Need ambition to get aheadopambit
Need to give bribes to get aheadopbribes
Need political connections to get aheadopclout
Opportunity to develop my abilitiesopdevel
Need good education to get aheadopeduc
Treat dissenters with leniencyopenmind
R and leader ever become an openly acknowledged coupleopenrel1
R and leader ever become an openly acknowledged coupleopenrel2
R and leader ever become an openly acknowledged coupleopenrel3
Like or dislike operaopera
Family bkgd determines success in u.s.opfamily
Need to work hard to get aheadophrdwrk
Need to know right people to get aheadopknow
Should amer promote eq oppty or eq outcomes?opoutcme
Need educated parents to get aheadoppared
Must have certain polviews to get aheadoppol
Child of profssnl has better opportunityopprof
How important: citizen engage in acts of civil disobeyedoppsegov
Need to be right race to get aheadoprace
Must be from right region to get aheadopregion
Need to be right religion to get aheadoprelig
Child of rich has better opportunityoprich
Company granted r stock options in 2005ops2005
Need to be right sex to get aheadopsex
I am always optimistic about my futureoptimist
Need wealthy family to get aheadopwlth
Which procedures be used to assign the organorgansb
Which of these procedures would be the worst?organsw
R's financial situation after org. changesorgfin
Financial distribution in householdorginc
Participate in decisions about org's moneyorgmoney
How many people employed in the entire orgorgsize
In what order go to a spiritual or a natural healerorhealer
In what order go to a general medical doctorormeddoc
In what order go to a psychiatrist for helpormntldc
In what order check into a mental hospitalormntlhs
In what order go to a therapist, or counselorormntlot
In what order take non-prescription medicationorotcmed
In what order take prescription medicationorrxmed
In what order join a self-help grouporslfhlp
In what order talk to a minister, priest, rabbi etcortlkclr
In what order talk things over with family & friendsortlkfm
X should take non-prescription medicationotcmed
Being discriminated againstoth1
Other protestant denominationsoth16
Unable to get to schooloth2
Child have trouble in schooloth3
Need but unable to use public transport.oth4
Do not have a caroth5
What language other than english does r speak bothbest
Happy in other non catholic churchothchrch
Other people take credit for r's work or ideasothcredt
You train employees safe use equip. not superviseothduty1
You train employees in other ways, not superviseothduty2
You organize schedules or tasks, not superviseothduty3
You devise new ways of doing tasks, not superviseothduty4
You check progress or attendance, not superviseothduty5
You evaluate job performance, not superviseothduty6
You promote or discipline actions, not superviseothduty7
Other protestant denominationsother
Other protestant denomination - follow-on versionother_next
Person #1 is other type of acquaintanceother1
Person #2 is other type of acquaintanceother2
Person #3 is other type of acquaintanceother3
Person #4 is other type of acquaintanceother4
Person #5 is other type of acquaintanceother5
R had sex with some other last yearothersex
Does r have any additional jobotherwrk
Person #1 is r's family memberothfam1
Person #2 is r's family memberothfam2
Person #3 is r's family memberothfam3
Person #4 is r's family memberothfam4
Person #5 is r's family memberothfam5
Number of other close friendsothfrd
Number of adult owing a gun in householdothguns
R speaks other language at homeothhome
Hours r spends at other job(s)othhrs
Consider self to be jewishothjew
R raised as a jewothjew16
R's current insurance plan covers children for whom r not a bio/adoptive parentothkids
Can r speak language other than english/spanishothlang
What other languages does r speakothlang1
What other languages does r speakothlang2
Has r lobbied higher level officialsothlobby
R's other acquaintences negative attitudes about mh problemsothmhneg
Get commissions, bonuses, tips from main jobothpay
Other petothpet
Other petothpetb4
Other name for insurance or hmo policyothplan
How important to try to undr'stnd reasoning of othr oothreasn
Attend some other type of religious eventothrel
What type of religious events or meetingsothrel1
What type of religious events or meetingsothrel2
What type of religious events or meetingsothrel3
How resp. person who you were angry at?othresp
Children attend other schoolothsch
Was this prob of narrow or wide concernothself
People should help less fortunate othersothshelp
No saving environment unless others do sameothssame
Years worked full time at other parts of orgothyrs
Received any on-the-job trainingotjtrain
The organization went out of businessoutofbiz
Felt outraged at something somebodyoutraged
Getting mental health treatment make child anoutsider
Weights for black oversamplesoversamp
R has too much work to do welloverwork
Felt overjoyed about something?ovrjoyed
Docs are over medicating child with common problemovrmedkd
Govts role in automobile industryownautos
Govts role in banking and insuranceownbanks
R owns businessownbiz
Did this happen with a leader in congregation r was attendingownclerg
Degree of influence over what happens to meowndoing
Do ethic politicians serve ethnic groups betterowneth
We each make our own fateownfate
Have gun in homeowngun
Young should not live with parentsownhh
Aged should stop living with parentsownhh1
Amt of household income coming from this businessowninc
Govts role in local mass transportationownmass
Govts role in electric powerownpower
Govts role in the steel industryownsteel
R has stock in r's companyownstock
Youthful protest is goodownthing
How often pa attended religious servicespaattend
Was r's father born in this country?paborn
Contact with fatherpacall
How often does r contact father by telephonepacall1
Death of fatherpadeath
Father's highest degreepadeg
What was father's religious denominationpaden
If protestant, father's denominationpadenkid
Fa. d.o.t. code - relation to datapadotdat
Fa. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.padotged
Fa. d.o.t. code - relation to peoplepadotpeo
Fa. temme prestige scalepadotpre
Fa. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. preppadotsvp
Fa. d.o.t. code - relation to thingspadotthn
Highest year school completed, fatherpaeduc
How fundamentalist was r's fatherpafund
R has paid employeespaidemps
How are you paidpaidhow
Paid leave for childcarepaidlv
Mother or father paid leavepaidlvdv
Who pays for leavepaidlvpy
R had sex for pay last yearpaidsex
Pain interfere with work past 4 wkspain
R had pain in the arms in the past 12 monthspainarms
Treatment for pain cure conditionpaincure
Father's industry code (naics 2007)paind10
Father's industry code (1970)paind16
Father's industry code (1980)paind80
Paind10 coding statuspaindstatus
Paind10 coding tagpaindtag
Treatment for pain improve family relationspainfam
Treatment for pain improve feeling about sepainfeel
Ask doctors to increase pain medicationpainmed
Treatment for pain improve quality of lifepainqol
Treatment for pain rely less on otherspainrely
R's father's occupation, 1980 censuspaisc681
R's father's occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco codepaisco08
R's father's occupation, 1970 censuspaisco68
R's father's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco codepaisco88
What sort of jew was r's fatherpajew
Type of job held by father when r 16pajob
R's dad was jewish when r was growing uppajwoth
Afterlife contrast: shadows or fullpalefull
Father still alive?palive
R father alivepalive1
Change in household income over covid pandemicpandinc
Change in socialization over covid pandemicpandmet
Father's census occupation code (2010)paocc10
Father's census occupation code (1970)paocc16
Father's census occupation code (1980)paocc80
Father's occ/ind verbatim retrievedpaoccindv
Paocc10 coding statuspaoccstatus
Paocc10 coding tagpaocctag
Other protestant denomination for fatherpaoth
Father's occupational prestige score (2010)papres10
Father's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)papres105plus
Father's occupational prestige score (1970)papres16
Father's occupational prestige score (1980)papres80
Were r's parents born in this countryparborn
Were your parents citizens of america?parcit
What was father's religious preferenceparelig
Father's religion when r was childparelkid
Person #1 is r's parentparent1
Person #2 is r's parentparent2
Person #3 is r's parentparent3
Person #4 is r's parentparent4
Person #5 is r's parentparent5
Hard for parents to make ends meetparfin
Govt too involved in family lifepargovt
Being parent now harderparhardr
R's parents speak other language at homeparlang
Offer paid time off to new parents.parleave
Parents unsure what is rightparrght
How often does r contact parents-in-lawparslaw
R's living standard compared to parentsparsol
Taxes reduce childbearingpartaxes
Was r's work part-time or full-time?partfull
Parents don't spend time with kidspartime
In past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for sport, culture, leisurepartlsc
How many sex partner's r had in last yearpartners
How many sex partner's r had in last 5 yearspartnrs5
Number of sex partner's last yearpartopen
Number of sex partner's last 5 yearspartopn5
In what ways part of the larger orgpartorg
In past 12 months, r has participated in orgs for politics or political associatpartpart
Political participation important for freedompartpol
R work as part of a teampartteam
Have participated in a walkathon over past 5 yearspartthon
In past 12 months, r has participated in charitable or religious volunteer orgspartvol
Political party affiliationpartyid
Party id of person #1partyid1
Party id of person #2partyid2
Party id of person #3partyid3
Parents don't know where kids areparwhere
If parents work, kids get in troubleparwork
Parents doing worse than beforeparworse
R's father's socioeconomic index (1980)pasei
R's father's socioeconomic index (2010)pasei10
Percentage of some college educ in paocc10 based on acs 2010pasei10educ
Percentage of $45k+ earners in paocc10 based on acs 2010pasei10inc
Was father self-employed?paslf
Degree national economy has gotten worsepastdown
Was r's starting pay higher/lower/same as earning in previous jobpastpay
Degree of improvement in national economypastup
R's father supervisorpasup
Travel time to fatherpatime
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrasns
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrblks
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrhsps
Patriotic feelings strengthen america's place in worldpatriot1
Patriotic feelings lead to intolerance in americapatriot2
Patriotic feelings are needed for america to remain unitedpatriot3
Patriotic feelings lead to negative feelings towards immigrantspatriot4
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrjews
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrso
Unpatriotic - patrioticpatrwhts
How often visit fatherpavisit
How often does r visit fatherpavisit1
Father self-emp. or worked for somebodypawrkslf
At this job, was (dadfill) an employee, self-employed without employees, or selfpawrkslf2
Father owned family business or farmpawrkslffam
Religion helps people to find inner peace and happinesspaxhappy
How much r thinks bus driver makespaybus
How much r thinks cabinet member makespaycabnt
How much pay dependent on childrenpaychild
How much has r pay changed on r's current job since r beganpaychnge
How much r thinks bank clerk makespayclerk
How much r thinks doctor makespaydoc
How important job well done in deciding paypaydojob
How much pay dependent on work well donepaydowel
How much pay dependent on educ and trainingpayedtrn
How important education in deciding paypayeduc
R has paid for helppayelse
How much r thinks corporate head makespayexec
How important family responsibility in deciding ppayfam
How much pay dependent on family to supportpayfam1
How much r thinks farm worker makespayfarm
How much r thinks owner of a large factory makespayfctry
How much pay dependent on working hardpayhard
How much r thinks supreme court justice makespayjudge
How much r thinks lawyer's makepaylaw
How much r thinks bricklayer makespaymason
Has r paid for help with softwarepayother
How much r thinks shop owner makespayowner
Yr r father bornpayrborn
Yr r father diedpayrdied
How much pay dependent on responsibilitypayresp
How much r thinks workers in own occupation makepayrocc
How much r thinks salesclerks makepaysales
Importance of standard rates to paypaysame
How much r thinks secretary makespaysec
How much r thinks skilled worker makespayskill
How much pay dependent on supervising otherspaysup
How important never to try to evade taxespaytaxes
How important be long with the firm in deciding ppaytime
How much r thinks unskilled wrkr makespayunskl
Does employer pay for wwwpaywww
Shame tradl amer lit ignored for minority litpclit
Felt peaceful in past 4 wkspeaceful
Antarctic penguins threatenedpenguins
How many people in contact in a typical weekdaypeocntct
People do more for environment than govtpeopgovt
How get people to protect environmentpeopgrn
R use web to meet new people in past 12 monthspeople12
R tried to meet new people past yearpeoplegn
Assisting people in trouble is very importantpeoptrbl
Performed music, dance, theater in lst yrperform
R obtain information on performing arts past yeperfrmgn
Performance rating last yearperfrt
Hours per week use computer personal interestperhrh
Hours per week using other computer personal inperhro
Hours per week using work computer personal intperhrw
Minutes per week use computer personal interestperminh
Minutes per week using other computer personalpermino
Minutes per week using work computer personal iperminw
R agrees that morality a personal matterpermoral
Conscience should decide right and wrongperright
R made some personal sacrifice as an expression of faith by fasting, giving up aperscrfc
R use personal website in past 30 daysperson30
Ppl at work get in r's personal space to intimidateperspace
I hardly ever expect things to go my waypessimst
Did r's family have a pet 5 years agopetb4
How often r used to seek pet for comfort when feeling badpetb4cmfrt
How often r considered pet member of familypetb4fam
How often r used to spend time each day playing with or training petpetb4ply
How often r seeks pet for comfort when feeling badpetcmfrt
How often r considers pet member of familypetfam
Web make r sign petitionpetition
How often r spends time each day playing with or training petpetplay
Subsampling: two-phase design.phase
Does r have telephonephone
Rate physical effortphyeffrt
How often r does physical activity for 20 min a dayphysact
To what extent r can accomplish everyday physical activitiesphysacts
How scientific: physicsphyscsci
R have been threatened with physical harm at workphysharm
Days of poor physical health past 30 daysphyshlth
Before got the job took a physical testphysical
How likely x is experiencing physical illnessphysill
How often must r do physical workphyswrk
R had sex with casual date last yearpikupsex
How often r felt difficulty piling up in past 4 weekspilingup
Birth control informationpill
Birth control to teenagers 14-16pillok
Birth control to teenagers 14-16 (form 2)pilloky
Use pinterestpinterst
Pistol or revolver in homepistol
Where do you workplacewrk
Who in household plans social activitiesplan1
Plane trip in the past 12 monthsplanetrp
How much can r plan daily workplanwrk
Played a musical instrument in lst yrplymusic
R use political information site in past 30 daypol30
Citizen said vulgar or obscene thingspolabuse
Citizen said vulgar or obscene things ypolabusey
Pol party encourage ppl to be active in politics in ampolactve
Visit political sites r agrees withpolagree
Web help change mindpolalter
Intl polar year 07-08:r would watch a tv programpolaryr1
Intl polar year 07-08:r would read a newspaper articlepolaryr2
Intl polar year 07-08:r would read a magazine articlepolaryr3
Intl polar year 07-08:r would go to museumpolaryr4
Intl polar year 07-08:r would watch a feature filmpolaryr5
Intl polar year 07-08:r would read a bookpolaryr6
Intl polar year 07-08:r would visit a web sitepolaryr7
Intl polar year 07-08:r would attend a live lecturepolaryr8
Citizen attacking policeman with fistspolattak
Citizen attacking policeman with fists ypolattaky
Best policy on gmf vs narrow interest: elected officialpolbstgm
Best policy vs narrow interest: elected officialpolbstgw
Elected officials best for countrypolbstnk
Best policy on stem cell vs narrow interest: elected officialpolbstsc
Best policy vs narrow interest on fed inc tax: elected officialpolbsttx
Past 12 months r web to learn pol campaignspolcam12
R sought political information political campaignpolcamp
R look up views of political candidate for officepolcangn
Web change r's mindpolchnge
Web help confirm opinionspolconf
R discuss political views past yearpoldisgn
Visit political sites r disagrees withpoldsagr
Public has little control over politicspoleff1
The world is getting betterpoleff10
Don't have any say about what the government doespoleff11
Even best politician cannot have much impactpoleff12
Have a pretty good understanding of issuespoleff13
Elections a good way of making gov pay attentionpoleff14
Most people better informed about politics than ipoleff15
People elected to congress try to keep promisespoleff16
Most government administrator's can be trustedpoleff17
Govt do not care much what ppl like r thinkpoleff18
R have a good understanding of pol issuespoleff19
Not worth talking to politicianspoleff2
Most ppl are better informed about politics than r ispoleff20
Avg person can influence politicianspoleff3
Avg person can influence local govtpoleff4
People like me have much to say re govtpoleff5
Avg person can influence govt decisionspoleff6
Govt is generally responsive to publicpoleff7
I am usually interested in local electionspoleff8
People can control world affairspoleff9
How much say about what govt doespolefy11
Understand issues facing countrypolefy13
How informed about politicspolefy15
How often congress keeps promisespolefy16
How many govt admins can be trusted to do what's bestpolefy17
Avg citizen influence on politicspolefy3
Citizen attempting to escape custodypolescap
Web help form opinionspolforms
R sought political information friends or relativespolfrel
Donated money or raised funds for soc or pol activitypolfunds
What is your view on politics in us & worldpolgbeco
Most politicians are only for what get out of politicspolgreed
Ever approve of police striking citizenpolhitok
Ever approve of police striking citizen ypolhitoky
Ever approve of police striking citizen (form 2)polhitoy
R use web for political information in past 12polinf12
Influence on restricting gmf by elected officialspolinfgm
R sought political information past yearpolinfgn
Influence on global warming policy: elected officialpolinfgw
Elected officials how much influencepolinfnk
R sought political information past 2 yearspolinfo
Influence on funding for stem cell rsch: elected officialspolinfsc
Influence on reducing fed inc taxby elected officialspolinftx
Your interest in politicspolint
How interested in politicspolint1
Expressed political views on internet past yearpolinter
Do surveys serve good purposepollgood
Trust results of surveyspolltrue
R sought political info general interest magazinespolmag1
R sought political information political magazinepolmag2
Citizen questioned as murder suspectpolmurdr
Visit politically neutral sitespolneutl
R learn something new on the webpolnew
How often use media to get political newspolnews
How well elected official know risk by nuclear powerpolnuke
How important: ppl given chance to participate in decsnspolopts
R sought political information daily newspaperpolpapr
Has r attended political ralliespolrally
Opinion of fairness of public official s treatmentpolsfair
Atheists shouldn't hold public officepolsgod
Web show issues more complicatedpoltough
Police treats whites better than blackspoltrtblk
Police treats whites better than latinos or latinos better than whitespoltrthsp
R sought political information tv or radiopoltv
Think of self as liberal or conservativepolviews
Liberal or conservative-version xpolviewx
Liberal or conservative-version ypolviewy
R sought political information wwwpolwww
R recieves poorer service in restaurants or storespoorserv
Pope is infallible on matter's of faith or moralspopespks
Pope is infallible on matter's of faith or morals (form 2)popespky
Earth cannot support population growthpopgrwth
Went to a live performance of popular musicpopmusic
To be well liked or popularpopular
R use pornographic site in past 30 daysporn30
How firm is r's opinion on porn issuepornfirm
Importance of pornography issue to rpornimp
Materials provide info about sexporninf
How much info does r have on porn issueporninfo
Feelings about pornography lawspornlaw
Materials lead to breakdown in moralspornmorl
Materials provide outletpornout
Materials lead to rapepornrape
Does r have marital partnerposslq
Relationship status and cohabitation or notposslqy
Life of peace and tranquilitypostlf1
Reunion with loved onespostlf10
Life of intense actionpostlf2
Like here on earth only betterpostlf3
Life without many earthly joyspostlf4
Pale or shadowy form of lifepostlf5
A spiritual life involving mind not bodypostlf6
Paradise of pleasures and delightspostlf7
Place of loving intellectual communionpostlf8
Union with godpostlf9
Belief in life after deathpostlife
Belief in life after death (no volunteered response on web)postlifenv
Belief in life after death (with volunteered response on web)postlifev
Highest priority for americapostmat1
2nd highest priority for americapostmat2
Give college aid to poorpovcol
R's hh poverty statuspovline
Spend more on poor schoolspovschs
Tax breaks for poor areaspovzone
How much power r think united nations havepowerun
Intl orgs take away much power from american govtpowrorgs
How often does r praypray
Bible prayer in public schoolsprayer
Bible prayer in public schools (no volunteered response on web)prayernv
Bible prayer in public schools (with volunteered response on web)prayerv
Bible prayer in schools:version zprayerx
Bible prayer in schools-version yprayery
How often does r prayprayfreq
How well local church preachespreach
God decides the course of our livespredeter
How familiar r is with term preference settingsprefsets
Is premarital sex wrong?premars1
Sex before marriagepremarsx
Vote for gore, bush, naderpres00
Vote for kerry, bush, naderpres04
Vote obama or mccainpres08
Vote obama or romneypres12
Vote clinton or trumppres16
Voted trump or bidenpres20
Vote for humphrey, nixon, or wallacepres68
Vote for mcgovern or nixonpres72
Vote for carter or fordpres76
Vote for carter, reagan or andersonpres80
Vote for reagan or mondalepres84
Vote for dukakis or bushpres88
Vote for clinton, bush, perotpres92
Vote for clinton, dole, perotpres96
Prestige of r first jobpresfrst
Approve of pres handling jobprespop
R's occupational prestige score (2010)prestg10
R's occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)prestg105plus
R's occupational prestige score(1980)prestg80
R's occupational prestige score(1970)prestige
Household members 6 thru 12 yrs oldpreteen
Kids 7-12 in hh(experimental version)preteen_exp
Did r attend alone or with othersprfmatt
Attended with spouse or partnerprfmatt1
Attended with childprfmatt2
Attended with friendprfmatt3
Attended with relativeprfmatt4
Attended with otherprfmatt5
Did not go due to costprfmcost
Was it a dance performanceprfmdan
Was performance attended freeprfmfree
Did not go because couldn't find anyone to go withprfmgst
Did not go since not of interestprfmint
Did not want to go to that locationprfmloc
Most imp factor in not attending performanceprfmmostoth
Was it a music performanceprfmmus
Did r go to a performance in last 12 monthsprfmnce
Other reason why did not goprfmothr
Other reason why did not goprfmothr1
Was it a theater performanceprfmthe
Did not go due to lack of timeprfmtime
Did not go because too dificult to get thereprfmtrvl
Other major reason in decision to attend perfprfmwhy0
Imp of low cost in decision to attend performanceprfmwhy1
Imp of wanting to experience high quality art in decision to attend perfprfmwhy2
Imp of wanting to socialize with friends or fam in decision to attend perfprfmwhy3
Imp of wanting to celebrate cultural heritage in decision to attend perfprfmwhy4
Imp of wanting to support community in decision to attend perfprfmwhy5
Imp of wanting to learn in decision to attend perfprfmwhy6
Imp of location in decision to attend perfprfmwhy7
Imp of specific individ performer in decision to attend perfprfmwhy8
Was there another major reason in decision to attend perfprfmwhy9
Registered at a private employment agencypriagncy
Govts resp: keep prices under controlpricecon
I am proud working for my firmprideorg
Is r concerned about privacy?privacy
Private enterprise will solve u.s. problemsprivent
R preference re: private public sectorprivgovt
How often pray privatelyprivpray
Children attend private secular schoolprivsch
R is a parent in some capacity in hhprnt
Mother vs father advise childprntadvs
Mother vs father teach child to behaveprntbhav
Mother vs father daily child careprntcre
Mother vs father provide financiallyprntfnce
Mother vs father care for childprntlk
Mother vs father role modelprntmdl
Mother vs father play with childprntply
First problem mentionedprob1
Second problem mentionedprob2
Third problem mentionedprob3
Fourth problem mentionedprob4
First mention of problemprobfix1
Second mention of problemprobfix2
Third mention of problemprobfix3
First mention to help problemprobhlp1
Second mention to help problemprobhlp2
Third mention to help problemprobhlp3
R knows what a processor isprocessr
I consider myself pro-choice.prochoic
Work conditions allow productivityprodctiv
Whether management only care about profitprofits1
Should co. pay workers more than shareholdersprofits2
How much income tax should rich pay?progtax
I consider myself pro-life.prolife
Ever promoted by current employerpromoted
Importance of advancement in a jobpromotn
Procedures for promotionpromotng
Promotions are handled fairlypromtefr
R's chances for promotion goodpromteok
Have ever joined a protest rally past 5 yearsprotest
Allow public meetings protesting govtprotest1
Allow publications protesting govtprotest2
Allow demonstrations protesting govtprotest3
Allow occupation of govt officeprotest4
Allow damage of govt buildingsprotest5
Allow national anti-govt strikeprotest6
Feel about people protest govprotstrs
Feeling thermometer:protestantsprottemp
Felt proud of something you'd done?proud
How proud its achievements in the arts & lit.proudart
How proud the way democracy worksprouddem
How proud america's economic achievementsproudeco
R proud to work for employerproudemp
How proud its fair and equal treatmentproudgrp
How proud its historyproudhis
How proud america's armed forcesproudmil
Proud to be working for this org.proudorg
How proud its political influence in the worldproudpol
How proud its scientific and tech achievementsproudsci
How proud its achievements in sportsproudspt
How proud its social security systemproudsss
I am proud of the type of work i doproudwrk
Pro-war demonstrationprowar
Prozac is harmful to the bodyproz1
If no symptoms should discontinue prozacproz2
Taking prozac interferes with daily activitiesproz3
Taking prozac helps people deal with stressproz4
Taking prozac makes relations easierproz5
Prozac helps people control their symptomsproz6
Prozac makes people feel better about themselvesproz7
Prozac should be taken to enhance personalitiesproz8
Prozac is for those diagnosed with depressionproz9
Have you ever heard of prozacprozac
What can you tell me about prozac is used forprozfor1
What can you tell me about prozac is used forprozfor2
What can you tell me about prozac is used forprozfor3
Give kid prozac if is hostileprozkid1
Give kid prozac if is not paying attentionprozkid2
Give kid prozac if is talking about suicideprozkid3
Take prozac if trouble in personal lifeprozslf1
Take prozac if cant cope with stressesprozslf2
Take prozac if feel depressed sleeplessprozslf3
Take prozac if intense fear losing controlprozslf4
Who provides for sick peopleprvdhlth
Who provides for old peopleprvdold
Who provides school educprvdschl
Med just prevent family from working out problempryntfam
Prefer go directly to a mental health specpsycdrct
Would trust family physician prescriptionpsycfdoc
Will give kid med because kid is hostilepsyckid1
Will give kid med because school troublepsyckid2
Will give kid med because kid talked suicidepsyckid3
Psychiatric medicine is harmful to the bodypsycmed1
People should stop taking if symptoms gonepsycmed2
Taking these medicine interferes w daily actpsycmed3
Helps people deal w day to day stressespsycmed4
Makes things easier in relationspsycmed5
These medications help control symptomspsycmed6
Helps people feel better about themselvespsycmed7
Only trust psychiatrist prescriptionpsycpsyc
Management supports psychological healthpsysamephys
Recent partner's sexual orientationptnrornt
Recent partner's sex at birthptnrsxbrth
Recent partner's sex nowptnrsxnow
Registered at a public employment agencypubagncy
Govt should let peop decide how to protect envirpubdecid
Should media publish defense planspubdef
Should media publish economic plans?pubecon
All children attend pub elem & hi schoolpubsch
Punishment stealing and selling armspunarms
Punishment selling info to foreign enemiespunenmy
Punishment selling info to friendly countriespunfrnd
Punishment leaking sensitive informationpunleak
R agrees that sinners must be punishedpunsin
Punishment stealing govt truck partspuntrck
Ppl at work treat r in a manner putting r downputdown
Psychiatric med only put off dealing with problemputsoff
How easy your supervisor know how good you arequality
R's quality of lifequallife
How easy your supervisor know how much you doquantity
Ever tried to quit smokingquitsmk
Avoid driving thru black neighborhoodracavoid
R's concern about racial issuesraccare
Try to integrate social clubracchng
Attend church with other raceracchurh
Any opp. race living close to rracclos
Differences due to discriminationracdif1
Differences due to discrimination (longer intro)racdif1x
Differences due to in-born learning abilityracdif2
Differences due to in-born learning abilityracdif2x
Differences due to lack of educationracdif3
Differences due to lack of educationracdif3x
Differences due to lack of willracdif4
Differences due to lack of willracdif4x
Object to opp. race home for dinnerracdin
How far are closest opp. raceracdis
Race of respondentrace
Race of person number 1race1
Race of person number 2race2
Race of person number 3race3
Race of person number 4race4
Race of person number 5race5
Other asianraceacs10
Native hawaiianraceacs11
Guamanian or chamorroraceacs12
Other pacific islanderraceacs14
Some other raceraceacs15
American indian or alaska nativeraceacs3
Asian indianraceacs4
What is r's race 1st mentionracecen1
What is r's race 2nd mentionracecen2
What is r's race 3rd mentionracecen3
Certainty of observed raceracedbtf
First race selectedracerank1
Second race selectedracerank2
Third race selectedracerank3
Observed raceracesee
R's own racial idraceself
How much, if at all, do you think the legacy of slavery affects the position ofracesurv17
Points assigned to asian americanracethas
Points assigned to black/african americanracethbl
Points assigned to hispanic/latinoracethhi
Specify other in racethotracethmn
Points assigned to native american/american indianracethna
Points assigned to otherracethot
Points assigned to whiteracethwh
Children to school with opposite raceracfew
How firm is r's opinion on racial issuesracfirm
Has r given money to racial orgsracgive
Children to school half opposite racerachaf
How integrated was r's high schoolrachisch
Opp. race home for dinner recentlyrachome
Importance of race relations issues to rracimp
Equality in incomeracinc
How much info does r have on race issuesracinfo
Will neighborhood become all blackracinteg
Feel about people who are racistracists
Equal opportunities on jobsracjob
Ever joined org working on racial issuesracjoin
Any opp. race in neighborhoodraclive
Favor law against racial intermarriageracmar
Favor law against rac intrmar 10 yrs agoracmar10
What if relative married other raceracmarel
Expect probs in interracial marriageracmarpr
Allowed to hold pub meeting for racistracmeet
How many friends are whiteracmix
Children to school mostly opposite raceracmost
Preferred racial nameracname
Neighborhood r would like to live inracneigh
Ever boycott certain productsracnobuy
Neighborhood integrated by same sesracobjct
Equality in occupationracocc
Vote on open housing lawracopen
Vote on open housing law (no volunteered response on web)racopennv
Vote on open housing law (with volunteered response on web)racopenv
Vote on open housing law - gender neutral versionracopeny
Opportunities improved in last 5 yrsracopnow
Opportunities improve in next 5 yrsracopwil
Which party helps blacks moreracparty
Would vote for black presidentracpres
Ethnic background makes your promotion differentracpromo
Allow racists to publish booksracpub
Blacks shouldn't pushracpush
Quit if couldn't integrate clubracquit
Forbid racial job quotasracquota
Past 12 months r web to learn race relationsracrel12
Should whites & blacks go to same schoolracschol
Whites have right to seg. neighborhoodracseg
Allow racists to hold public meetingsracspeak
Suburban govts encourage integrationracsubgv
Favor attempts to integrate suburbsracsubs
Expect probs if blacks supervise whitesracsups
Allow racists to teach 15 yr. oldsractch15
Don't hire teachers against integrationracteach
How often r & friends think about race issuesracthink
Trust white peopleractrust
Racial makeup of workplaceracwork
R ever written official abt race issuesracwrite
Sci knowledge: the center of earth is very hotradioact
Hours per day listening to radioradiohrs
R is adopted parent of child under 18 in hhradptprnt
R is adopted parent of another adult in hhradptprnt18
Importance of agerageemp
All workers regardless of performance got raiseraiseall
Situation caused by the way he or she was raisedraised
Workers have favored relation to boss got raiseraisefav
Workers who work hard and perform well got raiseraisehrd
R's self ranking of social positionrank
R's self ranking of social position (2021)rank1
R's social rank 10 years agorank10
R's social rank 10 years laterrank10fut
R's self ranking of family at age 16rank16
Like or dislike rap musicrap
In the past 7 days, r's average painratepain
In the past 7 days, r's average pain (2021)ratepain1
R's facial coloring by interviewerratetone
R is biological parent of child under 18 in hhrbioprnt
R is biological parent of another adult in hhrbioprnt18
R is child of another adult in hhrchild18
R feels especially close to person #1rclose1
R feels especially close to person #2rclose2
R feels especially close to person #3rclose3
R feels especially close to person #4rclose4
R feels especially close to person #5rclose5
Do you have personal contact at workrcontact
Contrast between redeemer and liberatorrdeemlib
Chances family member not promoted for other racerdiscaff
Don't know response to unemployment itemsrdk
Importance of performancerdowell
Did r feel reaction was appropriatereactok
Read novels poems or playsreadfict
How often did r read bible last yearreadword
Family income in constant $realinc
R's income in constant $realrinc
What was the most important reason?realtor1
R's own previous knowledge made r chooserealtora
A friend-relative recommended r chooserealtorb
An acquaintance recommended r chooserealtorc
General reputation made r chooserealtord
I saw their advertisement made r chooserealtore
Convenience made r choose the realtorrealtorf
Has r ever had a 'born again' experiencereborn
Recycle cans bottlesrecycle
How often reduce fuelredcehme
Image of god as redeemerredeemer
Importance of educ. & formal qual.reducemp
Take on additional paid work?refmorwk
Refuse a job promotion?refpromo
Referendum are good way to decide important pol questrefrndms
Refugees should be allowed to stay in america?refugees
Refuse to work overtime or extra hours?refxhour
Region of residence, age 16reg16
R has regular doctor or clinicregdoc
R has had doctor for more than one yearregdocyr
Like or dislike reggae musicreggae
Region of interviewregion
Believe in reincarnationreincar
How often does r take part in relig activitiesrelactiv
How often does r take part in relig activitiesrelactiv1
Your relationship to the real estate agentrelagent
Rel change altered r's outlook on liferelalt1
Rel change made r sense life was meaningfulrelalt2
Rel change changed goals in liferelalt3
Rel change positively affected relation with othersrelalt4
Rel change changed day to day activitiesrelalt5
Rel change changed life overallrelalt6
Had experience of art at place of worshiprelart
Relationship of 1st person to household headrelate1
Relationship of 10th person to household headrelate10
Relation of 11th person (visitor) to headrelate11
Relation of 12th person (visitor) to headrelate12
Relation of 13th person (visitor) to headrelate13
Relation of 14th person (visitor) to headrelate14
Relationship of 2nd person to household headrelate2
Relationship of 3rd person to household headrelate3
Relationship of 4th person to household headrelate4
Relationship of 5th person to household headrelate5
Relationship of 6th person to household headrelate6
Relationship of 7th person to household headrelate7
Relationship of 8th person to household headrelate8
Relationship of 9th person to household headrelate9
Relation to last sex partnerrelatsex
Best policy on stem cell vs narrow interest: relig leaderrelbstsc
Contact with most contacted relrelcall
R accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's being candidate ofrelcand
Find strength and comfort in religionrelcmfrt
R relationship to the salespersonreldealr
Have religious experience changed liferelexp
Turning point in life for religionrelexper
Religious extremists should be allowed to hold public meeting to express viewsrelext1
People should be allowed to publish books expressing their viewsrelext2
Religious extremists should be allowed to publish their views on the internetrelext3
Relationship to the person who did the workrelfixer
Religions are usually a barrier to equality between women and menrelgenbar
What is your relationship situationrelgendr
R's religion treats men and women equallyrelgeneq
Grade given religionrelgrade
All religious groups in usa should have equal rightsrelgrpeq
Relationship of person 1 to head of householdrelhh1
Relationship of person 10 to head of householdrelhh10
Relationship of person 11 to head of householdrelhh11
Relationship of person 12 to head of householdrelhh12
Relationship of person 13 to head of householdrelhh13
Relationship of person 14 to head of householdrelhh14
Relationship of person 2 to head of householdrelhh2
Relationship of person 3 to head of householdrelhh3
Relationship of person 4 to head of householdrelhh4
Relationship of person 5 to head of householdrelhh5
Relationship of person 6 to head of householdrelhh6
Relationship of person 7 to head of householdrelhh7
Relationship of person 8 to head of householdrelhh8
Relationship of person 9 to head of householdrelhh9
Relation of 1st person to household headrelhhd1
Relation of 1oth person to household headrelhhd10
Relation of 11th person (visitor) to headrelhhd11
Relation of 12th person (visitor) to headrelhhd12
Relation of 13th person (visitor) to headrelhhd13
Relation of 14th person (visitor) to headrelhhd14
Relation of 2nd person to household headrelhhd2
Relation of 3rd person to household headrelhhd3
Relation of 4th person to household headrelhhd4
Relation of 5th person to household headrelhhd5
Relation of 6th person to household headrelhhd6
Relation of 7th person to household headrelhhd7
Relation of 8th person to household headrelhhd8
Relation of 9th person to household headrelhhd9
Relationship to the previous owner of the homerelhome
Hours religious act in homerelhrs1
Hours religious act outside of homerelhrs2
Protestant identification 1st mentionrelid1
Protestant identification 2nd mentionrelid2
Protestant identification 3rd mentionrelid3
Protestant identification best grouprelidbst
How well r's religion describes rrelidesc
How important is r's religionrelidimp
To what extent r feels insulted if someone criticized r's religionrelidins
How often r says 'we' when talking about r's religionrelidwe
Ppl at work can be relied on when needs helpreliedon
R's religious preferencerelig
Religion - follow-on versionrelig_next
Religious preference of person #1relig1
Religion in which raisedrelig16
Religious preference of person #2relig2
Religious preference of person #3relig3
R use religion site in past 30 daysrelig30
Religious preference of person #4relig4
Religious preference of person #5relig5
Religions bring more conflictreligcon
R's religious identityreligid
How important is religionreligimp
The u.s. would be a better country if religion had less influencereliginf
Religious people are often too intolerantreligint
Religion r was raised inreligkid
Better if more believers held public officereligpub
R's spouse's religionreligsp
Influence on funding for stem cell rsch: religious leadersrelinfsc
Strength of affiliationreliten
Strength of affiliationrelitena
Strength of affiliation (no volunteered response on web)relitennv
Strength of affiliation (with volunteered response on web)relitenv
Relationship to the attorneyrellaw
Try to carry beliefs into other dealingsrellife
R accepts a person from a different religion or view from r's marrying relativerelmarry
Allowed to hold pub meeting for religious extremistrelmeet
Patient was selfrelmhsp1
Patient was immediate familyrelmhsp2
Patient was other relativesrelmhsp3
Patient was close friendrelmhsp4
Patient was acquaintancerelmhsp5
Patient was otherrelmhsp6
Adult relative r has most contact withrelmost
Any turning point when less committed to religionrelneg
Number of adult nieces, nephews, etcrelnum
For religious reasons r has in home shrine, altar, or religious object on displarelobjct
In america, religion represents the past and not the future.relpast
R consider self a religious personrelpersn
Relationship to the seller of the vehiclerelprivt
In america, religion is just as relevant to life today as it was in the past.relrlvnt
Children attend other church schoolrelsch
R has read religious text outside of a service in the past yearrelscrpt
Relationship of person 1 to spouse of householrelsp1
Relationship of person 10 to spouse of househorelsp10
Relationship of person 11 to spouse of househorelsp11
Relationship of person 12 to spouse of househorelsp12
Relationship of person 13 to spouse of househorelsp13
Relationship of person 14 to spouse of househorelsp14
Relationship of person 2 to spouse of householrelsp2
Relationship of person 3 to spouse of householrelsp3
Relationship of person 4 to spouse of householrelsp4
Relationship of person 5 to spouse of householrelsp5
Relationship of person 6 to spouse of householrelsp6
Relationship of person 7 to spouse of householrelsp7
Relationship of person 8 to spouse of householrelsp8
Relationship of person 9 to spouse of householrelsp9
Is r spiritual personrelsprt
Find strength religion or spiritualityrelsprt1
Find comfort in religion or spiritualityrelsprt2
Travel time to most contacted relreltime
How much truth in religionreltruth
How often visit most contacted relrelvisit
There was a major reorganizationreorg
Who in household does small repair'srepairs
Who in household does small repairsrepairs1
How easy r's firm replaces r if r leftreplaceu
Reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)reptile
Reptile (turtle, snake, lizard)reptileb4
Resp. of gov. to require biz. to provide inforeqinfo
Govt should require masksreqmasks
Type of place lived in when 16 yrs oldres16
Where spend childhood until age 16?res161
Was r living in usa during march-may 2006res2006
Was r living in usa during april-june 2008res2008
Was r living in usa during april-june 2010res2010
Was r living in usa during april-june 2012res2012
Local economy depends on defense work?resdefwk
Humans should respect naturecreated by godresnatur
R treated with respect at workrespect
Who should have greatest responsibility for reducing inc differencesrespineq
Number in family of rrespnum
Estimate of the probability that this household will respond to the surveyrespond
Responsible-version yresponsy
Responsible-version zresponsz
Afterlife contrast: peaceful or actionrestact
Felt restless?restless
R returned money after getting too much changeretchnge
Allowed to hold pub meeting for ppl who want overthrowrevmeet
Feel about people want to overthrow govrevoltrs
Allow revolutionaries to publish booksrevpub
Allow revolutionary public meetingsrevspeak
Allow revolutionaries to teach childrenrevtch15
Effort rewarded in americarewrdeff
Intelligence and skill rewarded in americarewrdint
Importance of experiencerexpernc
How many hours a week r spends looking after familyrfamlook
Importance of family resps.rfamresp
R's job has flexible hrs.rflexhrs
R is extended family of another adult in hhrfmly18
R have more freedom than in pastrfreenow
How important: govt protect right of minoritiesrghtsmin
R is grandparent of another adult in hhrgprnt18
R is grandparent of child under 18 in hhrgprntu18
R grooming ratingrgroomed
Respondent heightrheight
How many hours a week does r spend on hh workrhhwork
R's income is highrhiinc
R helps others in jobrhlpoths
R's job is useful to societyrhlpsoc
R health ratingrhlthend
How much housework r doesrhmewrk
How much freedom does r haverhowfree
Rich buy better education than poorricheduc
Rich buy better health care than poorrichhlth
Ok to get rich even if others poorrichpoor
If rich, continue or stop workingrichwork
Rifle in homerifle
Should high power rifle sale be limited to militaryrifles50
Religion helps people to meet the right kind of peoplerightpeo
Have a right to refuse further treatmentrightref
Chances illegal immigrants favored over familyrimmdisc
Job gives r chance to improve skillsrimpskls
Income alone is enoughrincblls
Respondents incomerincom06
Respondents incomerincom16
Respondents incomerincom77
Respondents incomerincom82
Respondents incomerincom86
Respondents incomerincom91
Respondents incomerincom98
Respondents incomerincome
R's job is interestingrintjob
R's job leaves much leisure timerleisure
R physical attractiveness ratingrlooks
Rely on friends or close relativesrlyrltv
R is not related to child under 18 in hhrnrltu18
R is not related to another adult in hhrntrltd18
Forcefully robbed during the last yearrobbry
Did r object to or delay answering card c4robject
Acts like boy-acts like girlrole
Role of childcare provdrs with kidsroleccp
Role of clergy with kidsroleclrg
Role of grandparents with kidsrolegp
Role of mothers with kidsrolema
Role of father's with kidsrolepa
Role of teachers with kidsroletchr
Acts like boy-acts like girl-version yroley
Acts like boy-acts like girl-version zrolez
Do you have a main romantic involvementromance
Catholic rosaries are superstitiousrosaries
R agrees immoral person corrupts societyrotapple
Does gun belong to rrowngun
Importance of standard ratesrpaysame
R's relationship to household headrplace
R is parent of another adult in hhrprnt18
R has opportunity to advancerpromotn
Would you attend a public meetingrprtst1
How many times be a public meeting past 5 yrsrprtst15
Would you go on a protest march-demonstrationrprtst3
How many times gone on a protest march past 5 yrsrprtst35
Report coworkers threatening secrecy of workrptcowrk
Ppl feel free to report problems in workplacerptprobs
R is extended family of child under 18 in hhrrltu18
R has sibling in hhrsblng18
R's job is securersecjob
We must respect all religionsrspctrel
Women vs men responsibility for the homerspgndr
Offer sibling place to liversprltv1
Offer parent place to liversprltv2
R is step-parent of child under 18 in hhrstpprnt
R is step-parent of another adult in hhrstpprnt18
Treated rudely at workrudewk
Rumors or gossip about r at workrumorwk
Banks should mainly be run by privaterunbanks
Did r appear to understand 3-box answer formatrundrstd
Hospitals should mainly be run by privaterunhosp
Electric power should mainly be run by privaterunpower
How often r feels rushedrushed
Liking for russiarussia
Is r a visitor?rvisitor
R weight ratingrweight
Did r work when kid was preschoolerrwrkbaby
Did r work after kids left homerwrkgrwn
R can work independentlyrwrkindp
Did r work aftr marrge but before kidsrwrknokd
Did r work after youngest in schoolrwrksch
X should take prescription medicationrxmed
Importance of tenureryrsfirm
Felt sad?sad
R is a person who feels sad and bluesadblue
No shortcuts on worker safetysafefrst
Safety and health condition good at worksafehlth
Worker safety priority at worksafetywk
Salience, abortion lawssalabort
Salience, women's rightssalfergt
Salience, labor leaderssallabor
Salience, financial satisfactionsalsatfn
Salience, scientific communitysalsci
Ocean water for vegetablessalth2o
Current job same or different fromfirst jobsamejob
My values and the org.'s values are very similarsamevals
Worked at other site with similar productsamework
Sampling error codesampcode
Sampling frame and methodsample
R did gene module for 2004saqgene
R did issp modulesaqissp
R did sex modulesaqsex
How satisfied are you with your purchase?satcar
City or place r lives insatcity
R satisfied with way democracy works in americasatdemoc
Family lifesatfam
Family satisfaction in generalsatfam7
Satisfaction with financial situationsatfin
How satisfied were you with the worksatfixes
Health and physical conditionsathealt
Non-working activities, hobbiessathobby
How satisfied with your purchasesathome
Work satisfactionsatjob
Job satisfaction in generalsatjob1
Job satisfaction in generalsatjob7
Job satisfactionsatjobhv
How satisfied with the legal servicessatlawyr
R is satisfied with their lifesatlife
On the whole i am satisfied with myselfsatself
R's satisfaction with social activities and relationshipssatsoc
Attended religious services last saturdaysaturday
Govt support for declining industriessavejobs
Tried to convince others to accept jesussavesoul
Does r's family say grace before mealssaygrace
R 1st sibling alive?sbalive1
R 2nd sibling alive?sbalive2
R 3rd sibling alive?sbalive3
R 4th sibling alive?sbalive4
R 5th sibling alive?sbalive5
R 6th sibling alive?sbalive6
R 7th sibling alive?sbalive7
R 8th sibling alive?sbalive8
R 9th sibling alive?sbalive9
Highest schl grade of selected r siblingsbdeg
Highest schl grade of selected r siblingsbeduc
Did r sibling work for 1 or more yr?sbevwork
R sibling industry code (2010)sbind10
R sibling industry code (1980)sbind80
Sbind10 coding statussbindstatus
Sbind10 coding tagsbindtag
R sibling census occupation code (2010)sbocc10
R sibling census occupation code (1980)sbocc80
Sibling's occ/ind verbatim retrievedsboccindv
Sbocc10 coding statussboccstatus
Sbocc10 coding tagsbocctag
Number of sibling randomly chosensbpicked
R sibling occupational prestige score (2010)sbpres10
R sibling occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)sbpres105plus
R sibling occupational prestige score (1980)sbpres80
R relation to r 1st siblingsbrel1
R relation to r 2nd siblingsbrel2
R relation to r 3rd siblingsbrel3
R relation to r 4th siblingsbrel4
R relation to r 5th siblingsbrel5
R relation to r 6th siblingsbrel6
R relation to r 7th siblingsbrel7
R relation to r 8th siblingsbrel8
R relation to r 9th siblingsbrel9
Sex of r 1st siblingsbsex1
Sex of r 2nd siblingsbsex2
Sex of r 3rd siblingsbsex3
Sex of r 4th siblingsbsex4
Sex of r 5th siblingsbsex5
Sex of r 6th siblingsbsex6
Sex of r 7th siblingsbsex7
Sex of r 8th siblingsbsex8
Sex of r 9th siblingsbsex9
Does r sibling do paid work?sbwork1
Does r sibling do paid or unpaid work?sbwork2
R sibling self-employed?sbwrkslf
Birth year of r 1st siblingsbyrbrn1
Birth year of r 2nd siblingsbyrbrn2
Birth year of r 3rd siblingsbyrbrn3
Birth year of r 4th siblingsbyrbrn4
Birth year of r 5th siblingsbyrbrn5
Birth year of r 6th siblingsbyrbrn6
Birth year of r 7th siblingsbyrbrn7
Birth year of r 8th siblingsbyrbrn8
Birth year of r 9th siblingsbyrbrn9
R use school site in past 30 daysschl30
Ethnicity or professional schools mirror studentsschleth
Did r correctly name local school headschlhead
Should there be daily prayer in public schools?schlpray
School related demonstrationschool
Importance formal school for you jobschoolng
R use science site in past 30 dayssci30
Extent of agreement on global warming amg env scientistssciagrgw
Benefits of sci research outweigh harmful resultsscibnfts
Benefits of sci research outweigh harmful results (with volunteered response onscibnftsv
Best policy vs narrow interest: environmental scientistscibstgw
Science changes way of life too fastscichng
Scientists usually work alonesciental
Scientists want to make life better for avg personscientbe
Being a scientist boringscientbr
Happy if daughter scientistscientda
Scientific work dangerousscientdn
Know what scientists doscientdo
Scientists don? Have funscientfu
Scientists work for good of humanityscientgo
Scientists help solve probscienthe
Scientists earn lessscientmo
Scientists odd and peculiarscientod
Consider career in sciencescientr
Scientists not religiousscientre
Happy if son scientistscientsn
Scientists only interested in workscientwk
Believe too much in science, not enough faithscifaith
Main source of information about science and technologyscifrom
Where get science and technology infoscifromy
Modern science will solve envir probsscigrn
How important: done by scientists in univer'sity settingssciimp1
How important: having advanced degrees in their fieldssciimp2
How important: conclusion based on solid evidencesciimp3
How important: examining different interpretation of resultssciimp4
How important: results consistent with religious beliefssciimp5
How important: results consistent with common sensesciimp6
How important: repeating experiment & finding same resultsciimp7
How important: research takes place in a laboratorysciimp8
Where online get infosciinfgo
Influence on global warming policy: environmntal scientistssciinfgw
Which version of science introduction was usedsciintro
Quality of science & math educ in us is inadequatescimath
Was saq self administered or interview administeredscimode
Science breaks down ideas of right & wrongscimoral
Newspaper printed or onlinescinews1
Magazine printed or onlinescinews2
Where online get infoscinews3
Scientists pry into things they oughtn'tscipry
Science will solve social problemsscisolve
Science is too concerned with theory and speculationscispec
R has clear understanding of scientific studyscistudy
Humans make all radioactivityscitest1
Antibiotics kill bacteria not virusesscitest2
Astrology has some scientific truthscitest3
Humans evolved from animalsscitest4
All man-made chems cause cancerscitest5
Human beings developed from earlier species of animalscitesty
What it means to r to study scientificallyscitext
Humans change nature for the worsesciworse
How well medical researcher's understand stem cellsscmed
How well elected officials understand stem cellsscpol
How well religious leaders understand stem cellsscrelig
Government should fund stem cell researchscresrch
Effect of global warming: sea level flood coastal areassealevel
Government maintain secrecy on the intelligence budgetsecbudgt
Government maintain secrecy on diplomatic initiativessecdiplo
Does govt classify too many documents as secretssecdocs
Importance of job security in a jobsecjob
Government maintain secrecy on military operationssecmilop
R has job other than mainsecondwk
Would r seek second opinionsecopin
Govt favor secrecy over workers privacy?secprvcy
Should govt maintain secrecy over technologysectech
Government maintain secrecy on domestic terrorismsecterr
Type of college respondent attendedsector
How easy to see whether co-workers workingseecowrk
Last week went to see a film?seefilm
Probable source of information about scientific issuesseeksci
Where get science issue newsseeksciy
How frequently r sees someone mentally ill in publicseemhpub
Went to a movie in lst yrseemovie
You or anyone you know seen a psychiatristseenmntl
Which picture shows what she should use for the 2nd potseesand
How frequently r sees or talks to person 1seetalk1
How frequently r sees or talks to person 2seetalk2
How frequently r sees or talks to person 3seetalk3
How frequently r sees or talks to person 4seetalk4
How frequently r sees or talks to person 5seetalk5
Respondent socioeconomic index (1980)sei
R's socioeconomic index (2010)sei10
Percentage of some college educ in occ10 based on acs 2010sei10educ
Percentage of $45k+ earners in occ10 based on acs 2010sei10inc
Employee have more job security than the self-employedselfemp1
Being employee interfere more with family life than self-employmentselfemp2
People need not overly worry about othersselffrst
X should join a self-group with similar problemselfhelp
Take care of yourself first before othersselfirst
R is a selfish personselfish
R feels like a selfless caring for othersselfless
How resp. do you feel for the situation?selfresp
O would you rather sell an automobilesellauto
Surrogate mothers should be permittedsellbaby
Would you rather sell bedroom furnituresellbed
E would you rather sell a house-condominiumsellhome
Should people be permitted to sell a kidneysellorgn
Nothing inherently wrong with prostitutionsellsex
Should semi-auto gun sale be limited to militarysemiguns
How serious x s situation isseriousp
Has r served on group committeesservegrp
How committed govt admnstrator's are to serve peopleservepeo
Who set working hourssethours
How are your working hours decidedsethrs
Govt control of pricessetprice
How often r set way things donesetthngs
Govt control of wagessetwage
How severe person 1's mental health problem issevere1
How severe person 2's mental health problem issevere2
How severe person 3's mental health problem issevere3
How severe person 4's mental health problem issevere4
How severe person 5's mental health problem issevere5
Respondents sexsex
Sex of person number 1sex1
Sex of person number 2sex2
Sex of person number 3sex3
Sex of person number 4sex4
Sex of person number 5sex5
What sex were you assigned at birth? (For example, on your birth certificate.)sexbirth
R's sex assigned at birth (2021)sexbirth1
Sex education in public schoolssexeduc
Importance of gender to paysexemp
Frequency of sex during last yearsexfreq
Had sex in last monthsexfreq1
Number of times, sex last monthsexfreq2
R experienced sexual harassmentsexhar
What is your current gender?sexnow
R's sex now (2021)sexnow1
Sexual orientationsexornt
Sex makes your promotion differentsexpromo
Sex of sex partner's in last yearsexsex
Since age 18, have your sex partner's been...sexsex18
Sex of sex partner's last five yearssexsex5
Sex of r's spouse/civil union partner/domestic partnersexunion
Felt that couldn't shake the blues?shakeblu
Who in household does houseworksharehhw
Man and woman do things together-separatesharesep
Who in household shops for groceriesshop1
Who in household shops for groceriesshopfood
Shopped around because had movedshopmove
How many churches did you visitshopnum
Ever shopped around for a churchshoprel
World better if america acknowledged shortcomingsshortcom
Shotgun in homeshotgun
Ppl at work shout at r in hostile mannershout
When i'm angry i let people know.showangr
I'm not afraid to show my feelings.showfeel
Govt should shut down business during pandemicshutbus
How often does r contact by telephone or lettersibcall
Death of siblingsibdeath
How often does r contact brothers or sister's-in-lawsibinlaw
Person #1 is r's siblingsibling1
Person #2 is r's siblingsibling2
Person #3 is r's siblingsibling3
Person #4 is r's siblingsibling4
Person #5 is r's siblingsibling5
Do r have the most contact with sister or brothersibmost
Number of adult sister or brothersibnum
Birth ordersiborder
Number of brothers and sisterssibs
How often does r visit this sister or brothersibvisit
Help if sick #1sick1
Who does r turn to first for help when sicksick1a
Help if sick #2sick2
Who does r turn to second for help when sicksick2a
Signed a petitionsigndpet
Have ever signed a petition past 5 yearssignpet
Single parents can raise kids as well as twosinglpar
Jesus' death on cross is only sacrifice that could remove penalty of r's sinsinsacri
Contact with sistersiscall
Number of adult sister'ssisnum
Travel time to sistersistime
How often visit sistersisvisit
How long have worked for those sitessiteyrs
Size of place in 1000ssize
Before got the job took a skill testskiltest
How often r's household skip a mealskipmeal
How often r stayed at home or leave work earlyskipwork
R had job skill training in thepast 12 monthsskltrain
R involved in a self-managed teamslfmangd
I wish i could have more respect for myselfslfrspct
Trouble sleeping last 12 monthsslpprblm
How scientific is salesmanshipslsmnshp
R preference re: firm size insmallbig
For a society to be fair, differences in people's standard of living should be ssmallgap
Small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)smammal
Small mammal (rabbit, gerbil, hamster)smammalb4
Does r smokesmoke
Does r smoke cigarettessmokecig
How many cigs a daysmokeday
Use snapchatsnapchat
Which social network did you join firstsnsmfrst
Which social network did you join most recentlysnsmnew
First other social networksnsmot2a
Second other social networksnsmot2b
Third other social networksnsmot2c
Do you use any other social networkssnsmoth1
Year first joined snssnsmyear
Physical and emotion social activities past 4socacts
Spend evening at barsocbar
Income differences an incentivesocdif1
Paid what you needsocdif2
Study for years to get high paysocdif3
Don't give equal chancesocdif4
Spend evening with friendssocfrend
Most important to rsocid1
Second most important to rsocid2
Third most important to rsocid3
Spend evening with neighborsocommun
Spend evening with parentssocpars
Spend evening with relativessocrel
Society's laws should decide right and wrongsocright
How scientific: sociologysocsci
How serious is social securities problemsocsecfx
Social security phase out or continuesocsecnu
Social security will be bettersocsecrt
Spend evening with siblingssocsibs
What type of society is americasoctype1
What type of society does r prefersoctype2
Sci knowledge: how long the earth goes around the sunsolarrev
Church group tries to solve problemssolchurh
Farm org tries to solve problemssolfarm
Fraternal group tries to solve problemssolfrat
Fraternity tries to solve problemssolgreek
Hobby club tries to solve problemssolhobby
Lit or art grp tries to solve problemssollit
Nationality grp tries to solve problemssolnat
How important: citizens have adequate standard of livingsolok
Any other group tries to solve problemssolother
Political club tries to solve problemssolpolit
Prof society tries to solve problemssolprof
School service tries to solve problemssolschl
Service group tries to solve problemssolserv
Sports club tries to solve problemssolsport
Labor union tries to solve problemssolunion
R would solve problem on ones own or get advicesolveown
Veteran group tries to solve problemssolvet
Youth group tries to solve problemssolyouth
Contact with sonsoncall
Number of adult sonssonnum
Travel time to sonsontime
How often visit sonsonvisit
Interviews conducted in spanish or englishspaneng
If no spanish, r could have been interviewed in englishspanint
Favor spanking to discipline childspanking
If this interview had only been available in english, would you...spanself
Govt spending on defensesparms
Govt spending on culture and the artssparts
How often sp attends religious servicesspattend
Rate of ba degree earning in college spouse attendedspbarate
When was your spouse bornspborn
Days spouse normally worksspdays
Death of spousespdeath
Spouse's highest degreespdeg
Specific denomination, spousespden
Denomination in which spouse raisedspden16
Spouse diploma, ged, or otherspdipged
Sp. d.o.t. code - relation to dataspdotdat
Sp. d.o.t. code - general educ develop.spdotged
Sp. d.o.t. code - relation to peoplespdotpeo
Sp. temme prestige scalespdotpre
Sp. d.o.t. code - specific vocat. prepspdotsvp
Sp. d.o.t. code - relation to thingsspdotthn
Spending for drug treatmentspdrugs
Spending for disabled kidsspdsabkd
Ever entitled to alimony or chld supportspdue
Highest year school completed, spousespeduc
Total number of students enrolled in college spouse attendedspeftotlt
How willing r spend evening with child's familyspendeve
Govt spending on environmentspenviro
1st mentioned country of spouse's originspeth1
2nd mentioned country of spouse's originspeth2
3rd mentioned country of spouse's originspeth3
Country of spouse's family originspethnic
Type of response about ethnicity:spspethnum
Has r's current spouse been divorcedspevdiv
Spouse ever work as long as a yearspevwork
Hours spouse spends looking after family membersspfalook
Did spouse live at home at age 16?spfam16
Spending for food, etc.spfoodkd
How fundamentalist is spouse currentlyspfund
How fundamentalist was spouse at 16spfund16
Ratio of graduate students to undergraduate students in college spouse attendedspgradtounder
Spending for head startspheadst
X should go to spiritual healer for helpsphealer
Spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16sphedind
Spouse's father's ind when spouse was 16 (2010)sphedind10
Sphedind10 coding statussphedindstatus
Sphedind10 coding tagsphedindtag
Spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16sphedocc
Spouse's father's occ when spouse was 16 (2010)sphedocc10
Spouse's father's occ/ind verbatim retrievedsphedoccindv
Sphedocc10 coding statussphedoccstatus
Sphedocc10 coding tagsphedocctag
Spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (1980)sphedpre
Spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 (2010)sphedpre10
Spouse's father's occ pres when spouse was 16 using threshold method (2010)sphedpre105plus
Spouse's father self-emp when spouse was 16?sphedslf
How many hours a week does spouse on hh wrksphhwork
Govt spending on healthsphlth
Spending for health caresphlthkd
How much housework r's spouse doessphmewrk
Spending for housingsphomekd
Hours spouse usually workssphour
Number of hrs spouse worked last weeksphrs1
No. of hrs spouse usually works a weeksphrs2
Spouse's industry code (1970)spind
Spouse's industry code (naics 2007)spind10
Spouse's industry code (1980)spind80
Spind10 coding statusspindstatus
Spind10 coding tagspindtag
Felt in touch with deceased personspirits
R's spouse's occupation, 1980 censusspisc681
R's mothers occupation, 2010 census & 2008 isco codespisco08
R's spouse's occupation, 1970 censusspisco68
R's spouse's occupation, 1980 census & 1988 isco codespisco88
What sort of jew is r's spouse currentlyspjew
What sort of jew was r's spouse at 16spjew16
What sort of jew is r's spouse currentlyspjewaj
R's spouse raised jewishspjoth16
Religion in which spouse raisedspjrel16
Allow anti-religionist to speakspkath
Allow anti-religionist to speak yspkathy
Allow communist to speakspkcom
Allow communist to speak yspkcomy
What language(s) do you speak at home?spkhome1
What language(s) do you speak at home?spkhome2
Allow homosexual to speakspkhomo
Allow homosexual to speak yspkhomoy
How well does r speak other languagespklang
What language(s) do you speak well?spklang1
What language(s) do you speak well?spklang2
What language(s) do you speak well?spklang3
How well r speaks the language in betrlangspklangw
Allow militarist to speakspkmil
Allow militarist to speak yspkmily
Allow muslim clergymen preaching hatred of the usspkmslm
Allow muslim clergymen preaching hatred of the us yspkmslmy
Allow racist to speakspkrac
Allow anti-religious book in library yspkracy
Allow socialist to speakspksoc
How long been living with spousesplive
#Of workers at the location your spouse workssplocnum
Highest schl grade spouse's mother completedspmaeduc
Has current spouse been married before?spmarnum
Govt spending on healthspmentl
Should govt spend more or less on natural disastersspnatdis
Spouse census occupation code (1970)spocc
Spouse census occupation code (2010)spocc10
Spouse census occupation code (1980)spocc80
Spouse's occ/ind verbatim retrievedspoccindv
Spocc10 coding statusspoccstatus
Spocc10 coding tagspocctag
R use sports site in past 30 dayssports30
Other protestant denominationsspoth16
Other protestant denominationsspother
Spouse considers self jewishspothjew
Image of god as spousespouse
Person #1 is r's spousespouse1
Person #2 is r's spousespouse2
Person #3 is r's spousespouse3
Person #4 is r's spousespouse4
Person #5 is r's spousespouse5
Highest schl grade spouse's father completedsppaeduc
Regularly received alimony - chld supprtsppaid
R's current insurance plan covers spousesppart
Spending for birth controlsppill
Govt spending on law enforcementsppolice
Spending for childcare for poorsppoorkd
Spending for prenatal caresppregnt
Spouse's occupational prestige score (1970)sppres
Spouse occupational prestige score (2010)sppres10
Spouse occupational prestige score using threshold method (2010)sppres105plus
Spouse's occupational prestige score (1980)sppres80
Spouse's religious preferencesprel
Religion in which spouse raisedsprel16
Govt spending on retirement benefitsspretire
How often r felt connected to world around themsprtconnct
How often r felt part of something larger than themselvessprtlrgr
R consider self a spiritual personsprtprsn
How often r felt a sense of larger meaning in lifesprtpurp
Govt spending on educationspschool
Type of college spouse attendedspsector
R's spouse's socioeconomic index (1980)spsei
R's spouse's socioeconomic index (2010)spsei10
Percentage of some college educ in spocc10 based on acs 2010spsei10educ
Percentage of $45k+ earners in spocc10 based on acs 2010spsei10inc
No of siblings spouse hasspsibs
Time spouse spends with child 1sptmkid1
Time spouse spends with child 2sptmkid2
Time spouse spends with child 3sptmkid3
Time spouse spends with child 4sptmkid4
Govt spending on unemployment benefitsspunemp
Supervisor is fairspvtrfair
Did spouse work with young childrenspwkbaby
Did spouse work after children left homespwkgrwn
Did spouse work after marriage before kidsspwknokd
Does spouse supervise anyonespwksup
Spouse working for governmentspwrkgvt
Spending for childcare for wrker'sspwrkpar
Did spouse work with school age childrenspwrksch
Spouse self-emp. or works for somebodyspwrkslf
Spouse self-employed, with employees, or work for someone elsespwrkslf2
Spouse work at family business or on family farmspwrkslffam
Spouse labor force statusspwrksta
Punishment for selling secrets to hostile foreign govspyenemy
Punishment for selling secrets to friend foreign govspyfrend
Birth yr of current spousespyrborn
Src beltcodesrcbelt
How often r uses search enginesrcheng
Does r know the name of a search enginesrcheng1
Name of search engine given by rsrcheng2
Govt search briefcases and desks at worksrchwrk
Same sex female couple raise child as well as male-female couplessfchild
Same sex male couple raise child as well as male-female couplessmchild
R limited in climbing stair'sstairs
Stand up for your own opinionstandup
R trying to start businessstartbiz
Feel state gov should provide assistance to artstateart
Govt should make people stay at homestayhome
Would take any job to keep working for this org.stayorg1
Turn down another job for pay to stay this org.stayorg2
I would turn down job offering more paystayorg3
Lawbreakers should get stiffer sentencesstiffpun
R hold any stock options of r's companystockops
Granted stock options in past yearstockoptyr
Total dollar value of r's stockstockval
Estimate of total value of stocks if sold todaystockval1
Granted shares of stock in past yearstockyr
Value of stock gratned in past yearstockyrval
Should authorities have right to search ppl in the streetstoprndm
Value of options granted in past yearstoptyramt
Do you see lightning before hearing thunderstormtxt
How often does r find work stressfulstress
Stress management program last 12 monthsstress12
How likely x s situation caused by stressstresses
Situation caused by stressful circumstancesstressfl
Stress in past 2 wksstresswk
Picketing for labor strikestrike
Mangement supports stress preventionstrmgtsup
Strong unions needed to protect workersstrngun
Access to stress managementstrredpg
Life at home is rarely stressfulstrsshme
Job is rarely stressfulstrsswrk
Priority for criminal justice systemstrvbias
Bigger priority for criminal justice systemstrvbiasy
Good studentstudious
Good student-version ystudiouy
Good student-version zstudiouz
Tries hard to succeedsuccess
Tries hard to succeed-version ysuccessy
Tries hard to succeed-version zsuccessz
Would child suffer as adult if other learnsufadult
Age of suicide victim closest to rsuiage
Age of suicide victim 2nd closest to rsuiage2
Age of suicide victim 3rd closest to rsuiage3
Suicide if incurable diseasesuicide1
Suicide if incurable diseasesuicide1g
Suicide if bankruptsuicide2
Suicide if bankruptsuicide2g
Suicide if dishonored familysuicide3
Suicide if dishonored familysuicide3g
Suicide if tired of livingsuicide4
Suicide if tired of livingsuicide4g
How close were you to closest suicide victimsuiclse1
How close wereyou to 2nd closest suicide victimsuiclse2
#People r knows suicide in last yearsuiknew
How many months since closest suicidesuimths1
How many months since 2nd closest suicidesuimths2
Did closest suicide negatively impact yousuineg1
Did 2nd closest suicide negatively impact yousuineg2
People r knows suicide over lifetimesuinum
People r knows suicide over lifetimesuinum1
Race of suicide victim 2nd closest to rsuirac2
Race of suicide victim 3rd closest to rsuirac3
Race of suicide victim closest to rsuirace
Region of suicide victim closest to rsuireg
Region of suicide victim 2nd closest to rsuireg2
Region of suicide victim 3rd closest to rsuireg3
R's relationship to closest suicidesuirel1
R's relationship to 2nd closest suicidesuirel2
Sex of suicide victim closest to rsuisex
Sex of suicide victim 2nd closest to rsuisex2
Sex of suicidevictim 3rd closest to rsuisex3
How many years and months since closest suicidesuitime1
How many years and months since 2nd closest suicidesuitime2
R's relationship to closest suicidesuiwho
R's relationship to 2nd closest suicidesuiwho2
R's relationship to 3rd closest suicidesuiwho3
How many years since closest suicidesuiyrs1
How many years since 2nd closest suicidesuiyrs2
Attended religious services last sundaysunday
How frequently r attended sunday schoolsunsch16
Supervisor concerned about welfaresupcares
You train employees safe use equipmentsupduty1
You train employees in other wayssupduty2
You organize schedules or taskssupduty3
You devise new ways of doing taskssupduty4
You check workers' progress, attendancesupduty5
You evaluate job performancesupduty6
You take promotions or disciplinary actionssupduty7
Does r supervise others at work in main jobsupervis
Young should be able to support familysupfam
Aged should be able to support familysupfam1
Supervisor helpful to r in getting job donesuphelp
Number of workers r supervisessupnum
Any people supervised by you supervise otherssupothrs
Does r supervise others at worksuprvsjb
Enjoy taking surveyssvyenjoy
Willingness to use video chatsvyid1
Willingnes for in-person surveysvyid2
Has r tried to influence votes of othersswayvote
How old was r when first switchedswitage1
How old was r when second switchswitage2
What was r's first religious preferenceswitch1
What was r's second religious preferenceswitch2
What was r's third religious preferenceswitch3
Has r ever had a different religionswitched
Ever switched plan medical care providerswithlth
How many religious preferences mentionedswitnum
Why did r make first switchswitwhy1
Why did r make second switchswitwhy2
How well local church counsels sympatheticallysympcoun
R feel sympathy towards blackssymptblk
R belongs to a synagogue, temple, minyan, or high holiday congregationsynmem
The factory not lowering price acceptable?tablprce
How frequently do you go to garage sales etctagsales
Punishment for stealing and selling weaponstakearms
Punishment for stealing and selling truck partstaketrck
Talking back to parents is badtalkback
Talked with someone depressed past 12 monthstalkedto
How likely to talk directly if coworker not worktalkemp
How often does r discuss politics?talkpol
R discusses politics with person #1talkpol1
R discusses politics with person #2talkpol2
R discusses politics with person #3talkpol3
Comfortable talking with supervisor about personaltalkspvs
How likely to speak supervisor if coworker not wtalksup
If employee not working: talk directly to the employeetalkteam
How often does r talk to person #1?talkto1
How often does r talk to person #2?talkto2
How often does r talk to person #3?talkto3
How often does r talk to person #4?talkto4
How often does r talk to person #5?talkto5
Govt wire-tap home phone linetaphme
Should authorities have right to tap phone conver'sationtapphone
Govt wire-tap work phone linetapwrk
R's federal income taxtax
Do authorities tax legallytaxbylaw
Wrong to cheat on taxes?taxcheat
Past 12 months r web to learn taxestaxes12
Taxes on middle income people too hightaxmid
Do authorities ensure taxes are paidtaxpaid
Taxes on low income people too hightaxpoor
Taxes on high income people too hightaxrich
Favor conscription given taxes?taxserve
Should rich pay bigger share of taxes?taxshare
Choice between reducing taxes or spending moretaxspend
Ethnicity of college faculty reflect studentsteacheth
Mgt and employees work together re safetyteamsafe
New techs increase number of jobstechjobs
New techs make work more interestingtechwork
Called tech support at worktecsup
Birth control information to teensteenpill
Household members 13 thru 17 yrs oldteens
Kids 13-17 in hh(experimental version)teens_exp
Sex before marriage:teens 14-16teensex
Morality of teens having sexteensex1
Greenhouse effect danger to my familytempfam
Greenhouse effect danger to envirtempgen
Greenhouse effect danger to envirtempgen1
I would accept temporary employmenttempwork
Worry about economic burden of terminal illnesstermecon
Worry about emotional burden on my familytermemot
Have you or close friends relative faced with terminal illnessterminal
Believe doctors can control my paintermpain
Worry if no money get second class caretermpay
My religious community very helpfultermrel
One of the vignettestermvig
People with secret should be subject to drug teststestdrug
God concerned with human beings personallytheism
Heard job from a notices posted my workplacethisjob1
Heard job through my unionthisjob2
Heard job from my supervisorthisjob3
Heard job from one of my coworkersthisjob4
Heard job i near the top of a seniority listthisjob5
Heard job i was asked to take the new jobthisjob6
Heard job others (specify)thisjob7
How often thought about this situationthnkangr
To think for ones selfthnkself
R is threatened or harassedthreaten
Desirability of three-kid familythrekids
Attended religious services last thursdaythursday
Ever received a traffic ticketticket
Time r would spend on familytimefam
Time r would spend on friendstimefrnd
Time r would spend on household worktimehhwk
Run out of time before getting things done at hometimehome
Time r spends with child 1timekid1
Time r spends with child 2timekid2
Time r spends with child 3timekid3
Time r spends with child 4timekid4
Time r would spend on leisuretimeleis
How difficult r takes an hour off during working hourstimeoff
Time r would spend on paid worktimepdwk
Time r would spend relaxingtimerelx
Run out of time before getting things done at worktimework
How often too tired to do houseworktiredhm1
Come home from work too tired to do the chorestiredhme
How often too tired from housework to do job welltiredwk1
Arrived at work too tired to function bc of hhworktiredwrk
How much does r give to religiontithing
X should talk to religious leadertlkclrgy
X should talk to family and friendstlkfam
R has ever told anyone about experience with leader1toldexp1
R has ever told anyone about experience with leader2toldexp2
R has ever told anyone about experience with leader3toldexp3
R ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader1toldrel1
R ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader2toldrel2
R ever told any authority in congregation about experience with leader3toldrel3
At what age you first told someone that you had sex with same sextoldsmsx
At what age you first told someone that you were gay/les/bitoldsxor
How many of r's coworkers know r is gay/les/bitoldwork
Regular tomatoes no genestomatoes
Too diff to do anything about envirtoodifme
Science makes our way of life change too fasttoofast
How often not enough stafftoofewwk
Most important issue for americatopprob1
Next important issuetopprob2
Total incentive for case, including pre- and post- incentive for baseline and antotalincentive
Number of employees: r's entire firmtotalnum
How much money contributed in arts, culture, etctotart
How much money contributed in educationtoteduc
How much money contributed in environmenttotenvir
How much money contributed in priv & comm. foundtotfound
How much money contributed in healthtothlth
How much money contributed in human servicestothuman
How much money contributed in informal-alonetotinfrm
How much money contributed in internationaltotintl
How much money in the largest of these decisionstotmoney
How much money contributed in other (specify)tototh
How much money contributed in political org. etctotpol
How much money contributed in pub-soc benefittotpub
How much money contributed in recreation adultstotrec
How much money contributed in religious orgtotrelig
How many people responsible to youtotsup
Total times unemployedtotunemp
How much money contributed in work-related orgtotwork
How much money contributed in youth developmenttotyouth
Man alone-both responsible for providing incometradmod
Importance of on-the-job training for you jobtraining
R have the training opportunitiestrainops
How many years spent on trainingtrainsch
Women as jet transport pilottransair
Hwould you be to mention problemstransoth
How likely to mention problems to relativestransrel
Trauma of relatives, last yeartrarel1
Trauma of relatives, last 5 yrstrarel5
Trauma last year, self & relativestratot1
Trauma last 5 yrs, self & relativestratot5
Trauma scale, last yeartrauma1
Trauma scale, last 5 yearstrauma5
R use web for travel in past 12 monthstravel12
R use travel site in past 30 daystravel30
R made travel reservations past yeartravelgn
Transportation r took when travelling to ustravelus
How much trust r has in major private companies in americatrbigbus
Child with med get into less trouble with thetrbllaw
How much do you trust business and industry?trbusind
How much trust r has in american courtstrcourts
Company stock publicly tradedtrdestck
Workers need strong trade unions to protect their intereststrdunio1
Workers need strong unionstrdunion
R seek treat moderate activitiestreat1
R seek treat downhearted and bluetreat10
R seek treat health interfere with social ltreat11
R seek treat climbing stair'streat2
R seek treat doing less than desired physictreat3
R seek treat limited types of worktreat4
R seek treat doing less than desired emotiotreat5
R seek treat working less carefullytreat6
R seek treat pain interfere with worktreat7
R seek treat not calm and peacefultreat8
R seek treat lack of energytreat9
People are treated with respecttreatres
How much do you trust the u.s. congress?trlegis
How much do you trust the news media?trmedia
How much do you trust university research centers?trresrch
Trust profs judgments in assigning readingtrstprof
Number of asian r trusttrtasian
Proportion of regular church attendee r trusttrtattnd
Number of black r trusttrtblack
Number ofbrenda r trusttrtbrnda
Number of child care worker r trusttrtchild
Number of cohabiting ppl r trusttrtcohab
Number of strong conservativer trusttrtcon
Number of police officer r trusttrtcops
Proportion of democrat r trusttrtdems
Number of electrician r trusttrtelecs
Number of gay r trusttrtgay
Number of church attendeer trusttrtgoatt
Number of hispanic r trusttrthisp
Number of ppl owning second homer trusttrthome
Number of janitor r trusttrtjans
Number ofjose r trusttrtjose
Number of karen r trusttrtkaren
Number ofkeith r trusttrtkeith
Number of kevin r trusttrtkevin
Number of lawyer r trusttrtlaws
Number of strong liberalr trusttrtlib
Number oflinda r trusttrtlinda
Number ofmaria r trusttrtmaria
Number ofmark r trusttrtmark
Number of ppl in military service r trusttrtmils
Proportion of same race as r among ppl r trusttrtmyrac
Number of non church attendeer trusttrtnoatt
Number of ppl in prisonr trusttrtprisn
Number ofrachel r trusttrtrachl
Proportion of republican r trusttrtreps
Number of shawn r trusttrtshawn
Number of social worker r trusttrtsocs
Number of ppl unemployed r trusttrtunemp
Number of white r trusttrtwhite
Can people be trustedtrust
Can people be trusted (see codebook)trust1
People can or cannot be trustedtrust5
Would trust the courtstrustcrt
Would trust my doctortrustdoc
Would trust my familytrustfam
Most people can be trustedtrusting
R trust management at worktrustman
Can people be trusted (no volunteered response on web)trustnv
There are only a few ppl r can trust completelytrustpeo
We trust too much in sciencetrustsci
Can people be trusted (with volunteered response on web)trustv
Can people be trusted-version ytrusty
How likely r make effort for new job next yeartrynewjb
Attended religious services last tuesdaytuesday
Use tumblrtumblr
R would choose tv program about polar bearstvbears
Hours per day watching tvtvhours
R would choose tv program about native ppl in the arctictvinuit
R would choose tv program about polar ice meltingtvmeltng
R use movie site in past 30 daystvmov30
How often r watches tv newstvnews
R would choose tv program about oil drilling in the arctictvoil
R would choose tv program about ozone hole over the antarctictvozone
How often r watches public tv showstvpbs
Hours per week r watches religious tvtvrelig
How often r watches tv drama or sitcomstvshows
Use twittertwitter
Weak vs. strongtwoclass
Husb & wife should contrib to family incometwoincs
Both men and women should contribute to incometwoincs1
Desirability of two-kid familytwokids
Children should learn other language in high sctwolang
How well business leader knows effect of reducing fed inc taxtxbiz
How well economist knows effect of reducing fed income taxtxeco
How well elected official knows effect of reducing fed inc taxtxpol
R belongs to more than one church affiliate groupstypchurh
Rwas the agency a new or used car dealer'ship?typdealr
Work in independent or part of larger orgtypeorg
How often r types urls by selftypeurl
What kind of visatypevisa
R belongs to more than one farm organizationstypfarm
R belongs to more than one fraternal groupstypfrat
R belongs to more than one school fraternitiestypgreek
R belongs to more than one hobby clubstyphobby
R belongs to more than one informal groupstypinfrm
Women as typist in pentagontypist
R belongs to more than one literary groupstyplit
R belongs to more than one nationality groupstypnat
R belongs to more than one other groupstypother
R belongs to more than one political clubstyppolit
R belongs to more than one professional societiestypprof
R belongs to more than one school service groupstypschl
R belongs to more than one service clubstypserv
R belongs to more than one sports groupstypsport
R belongs to more than one labor unionstypunion
R belongs to more than one veterans groupstypvet
R belongs to more than one youth groupstypyouth
Number of aunts and unclesunaunum
Working condition would be much worse without unionsunbetter
Rank of boredom when unemployedunbored
How often does r contact uncles or auntsuncaunts
Don't know response to unemployment itemsundk
Illegal immigrants access to public univer'sities?undoccol
Us citizenship for children of illegal immigrantsundockid
Should illegal immigrants get work permits?undocwrk
Ever unemployed in last ten yrsunemp
Unemployed in last 5 yrsunemp5
Rank of family tensions when unemployedunfamten
How often r was unhappy or depressed in past 4 weeksunhappy
How often does r work in unhealthy condsunhlthy
Does r or spouse belong to unionunion
Does r or spouse or partner belong to unionunion1
Desire to be closer to goduniongod
Strong trade unions are bad for us economyunionsbd
How good union for the countryunionsok
Americans united or divided on valuesunited
Man vs woman head of universityunivgndr
Rank of how to spend time when unemployedunjobexp
Unions are very important for job securityunjobsec
Relations between management and workersunmanrel
Rank of shortage of money when unemployedunmoney
Rank of no people contact when unemployedunpeople
How often does r work in unpleasant condsunpleznt
Unions in this country have too little powerunpower
Unions just block economic progressunprog
Relatives unemployed in last yrunrel1
Relatives unemp between 5 & 1 yrs agounrel4
Number in household not relatedunrelat
Rank of loss of respect when unemployedunrespct
Un should intervene if human right is seriously violaunrghts
Rank in society of unskilled workersunsklrnk
Rank of loss of confide. when unemployedunslfcon
Would you vote for or against having a unionunvote
Why short breath at the top of a mountainupbreath
Refuse vols with no basic skills?upgrade
Does r know how to upload files to wwwupload
How likely x is experiencing normal ups-and-downs of lifeupsdowns
How often r's friends or family were angry with rupset
Help for marital problem #1upset1
Help for marital problem #2upset2
The government should ensure that the wages of low-paying jobs increase as the eupwages
What percentage of population is american indiausamind
Thinking us how often feel angryusangry
What percentage of population is asianusasn
What percentage of population is blackusblk
Is r us citizenuscitzn
Is r us citizen (no volunteered response on web)uscitznnv
Is r us citizen (with volunteered response on web)uscitznv
Traditional class divisions still remainusclass1
Achievement depends on family backgroundusclass2
Achievement depends on educ and abilityusclass3
Ones own efforts don't countusclass4
Personal income not determined by workusclass5
Differences in class are an incentiveusclass6
Differences in class reflect own effortusclass7
Social differences are acceptableusclass8
U.s. protect environmentusdoenuf
Have sought care with mental health since planusedmntl
Have you ever taken prozacusedproz
How often during past month r felt used upusedup
Ok to have frds just bc they are of use to rusefrds
Does r use computer at homeusehome
How often does r use language other than englishuselang
Contacted in the media to express viewusemedia
Thinking us how often feel enthusiastic?usenthus
Will take medicine because personal troubleusepsyc1
Will take medicine because cant cope w stressusepsyc2
Will take medicine because feeling depressedusepsyc3
Will take medicine because intense fearusepsyc4
How much past skills can you make use in presentuseskill
Percentage of time use techusetech
Used vcr in lst yrusevcr
R use www other than emailusewww
Thinking us how often feel frustrated?usfrustr
What percentage of population is hispanicushisp
Thinking us how often feel hopeful?ushopefl
Take active part in world affairsusintl
What percentage of population is jewishusjews
What percentage of population is of mixed heritageusmixed
Did r correctly name us representativeusrep
Thinking us how often feel satisfiedussat
U.s. spies foreign govts more threat 10 yrs agousspy
Terrorism by u.s. citizens more threat 10 yrsusterror
How many hrs/week do you usually workusualhrs
Remain in u.n. or pull outusun
Thinking us how often feel upset?usupset
Expect u.s. in war within 10 yearsuswar
Expect u.s. in world war in 10 yearsuswary
Expect us in world war in next 10 years (no volunteered response on web)uswarynv
Expect us in world war in next 10 years (volunteered response on web)uswaryv
What percentage of population is whiteuswht
How often do you feel worried for us?usworry
Estimated value contributed in arts, culture, etcvalart
Estimated value contributed in educationvaleduc
Estimated value contributed in environmentvalenvir
Estimated value contributed in priv & comm. foundvalfound
Total donations past year r and immediate familyvalgiven
Estimated value contributed in healthvalhlth
Estimated value contributed in human servicesvalhuman
Estimated value contributed in informal-alonevalinfrm
Estimated value contributed in internationalvalintl
Estimated value contributed in other (specify)valoth
Estimated value contributed in political org. etcvalpol
Estimated value contributed in pub-soc benefitvalpub
Estimated value contributed in recreation adultsvalrec
Estimated value contributed in religious orgvalrelig
Estimated value contributed in work-related orgvalwork
Estimated value contributed in youth developmentvalyouth
Vaccines do more harm than goodvaxdoharm
Parents choose not to vaccinate their childrenvaxhstncy
Vaccines are important for childrenvaxkids
Vaccines are safevaxsafe
Worse type of judicial mistakeverdict
Version of questionnaireversion
Any in hh receive mil or vet benefitsvetaid
Family members served in armed forces?vetfam
Any family members in armed forces nowvetfamnw
Branch of servicevetkind
Years in armed forcesvetyears
Born on date with a vietnam war draft lottery numbervietdraft
How willing r would make friends with xvigfrnd
How willing r would have a group home for xviggrp
X is experiencing alchl dependencedepression schizophreniaviglab06
How likely x is experiencing vignettesviglabel
How willing r would have x marry in r's familyvigmar
How willing r would have x as a neighborvignei
How willing r would spend time socializing with xvigsoc
Vignette versionvigvermy
Vignette version numbervigversn
How willing r would work closely with x on a jobvigwork
Use vinevine
Violent - not violentviolasns
Violent - not violentviolblks
Violent - not violentviolhsps
Violent - not violentvioljews
Would child do something violent toward otherviolpeop
Would child do something violent to own selfviolself
Violent - not violentviolso
Situation caused by watching violent tvvioltv
Violent - not violentviolwhts
Sci knowledge: antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteriaviruses
Do you hold a special visavisa
How often r visited art museum last yearvisart
Perceived events at great distancevisions
Visited art museum or gallery in lst yrvisitart
Number of visitor's in householdvisitors
How often r visited public library last yearvislib
How often r visited natural history museum last yearvisnhist
How often r visited science museumvissci
How often r visits holy place for religious reasonsvistholy
How often r visited zoo last yearviszoo
Non-college postsecondary education (voednme1)voedcol
Non-college postsecondary education (voednme2)voedncol
Postsecondary institution attended for creditvoednme1
Postsecondary institution attended for creditvoednme2
Done other types of volunteering for child's school or youth orgvolacty2
Since last yr any volunteeringvolactyr
Done volunteer work in arts, culture, etcvolart
Volunteered for organizations of artsvolarts
R done volunteer work for a charityvolchrty
Done volunteer work in educationvoleduc
Done volunteer work in environmentvolenvir
Done volunteer work in priv & comm. foundvolfound
Done volunteer work in health past 12 mnthsvolhlth
Done volunteer work in human servicesvolhuman
Done volunteer work in informal-alonevolinfrm
Done volunteer work in internationalvolintl
Volunteer in last monthvolmonth
Done volunteer work in other (specify)___voloth
Done volunteer work in political org. etcvolpol
Done volunteer work in pub-soc benefitvolpub
Done volunteer work in recreation adultsvolrec
Done volunteer work in religious orgvolrelig
Volunteered charitable past 12 monthvolwkchr
Volunteered other kinds past 12 monthvolwkoth
Volunteered political activities past 12 monthvolwkpol
Volunteered religious past 12 monthvolwkrel
Done volunteer work in work-related orgvolwork
Done volunteer work in youth developmentvolyouth
Did r vote in 2000 electionvote00
Did r vote in 2004 electionvote04
Did r vote in 2008 electionvote08
Did r vote in 2012 electionvote12
Remember if voted in 2016 electionvote16
Remember if voted in 2020 electionvote20
Did r vote in 1968 electionvote68
Did r vote in 1972 electionvote72
Did r vote in 1976 electionvote76
Did r vote in 1980 electionvote80
Did r vote in 1984 electionvote84
Did r vote in 1988 electionvote88
Did r vote in 1992 electionvote92
Did r vote in 1996 electionvote96
How important always to vote in electionsvoteelec
Web make r decide to vote for a political candidatevotefor
Variance primary sampling unitvpsu
Variance stratumvstrat
How long r wait treatment moderate activitywait1
How long r wait treatment downhearted and bwait10
How long r wait treatment health interferewait11
How long r wait treatment climbing stairswait2
How long r wait treatment doing less work pwait3
How long r wait treatment limited types ofwait4
How long r wait treatment doing less work ewait5
How long r wait treatment working less carewait6
How long r wait treatment pain interfere wiwait7
How long r wait treatment not calm and peacewait8
How long r wait treatment lack of energywait9
Answered advertisements for jobswantads
R is sure that other ppl want the best for rwantbest
Would r like a job nowwantjob
Which job would you preferwantjob1
Would like to have a job now or in the futurewantjob2
Did the seller provide a warranty?warrntyc
Did the seller provide any warrantywarrntyh
How important to keep watch on action of govtwatchgov
Water pollution danger to my familywaterfam
Water pollution danger to envirwatergen
Water pollution danger to envirwatergen1
How paid in main jobwaypaid
How likely x s situation caused by the way raisedwayraise
Total wealth of respondentwealth
R's ability to use internetwebable
Information online helped me understand a doctorwebdocexp
Internet is useful to decide if doctors give good advicewebdradv
Infomration online affected health positivelywebhltbeh
R uses home internet through mobile devicewebmob
Hard to distinguish reliable and unreliable info onlinewebrely
Internet is useful to decide if symptoms are seriouswebsympt
R has internet via webtvwebtv
When r first began using webwebyr
Attended religious services last wednesdaywednesdy
Who has final say about choosing weekend activityweekend
What is your weekly wage before taxweekly
Weeks r worked last yearweekswrk
Which is the best method to report weight of leafweighing
R weighs how muchweight
Respondent weightweight_issp
Welfare makes people work lesswelfare1
Helps people overcome difficult timeswelfare2
Encourages out-of-wedlock childrenwelfare3
Preserves marriages in difficult timeswelfare4
Helps prevent hunger and starvationwelfare5
Discourages pregnant girls from marryingwelfare6
Classify place where partners workswhatco2
How would you classify the place where (#momfill) worked? Was this mainly...?whatma2
Use whatsappwhatsapp
How would you classify the place where you (#whatslf2fill)? Was this mainly...?whatslf2
Classify place where spouse workswhatsp2
When received college degreewhencol
When received hs degreewhenhs
Where is 1st person staying?where1
Where is 1oth person staying?where10
Where is 11th person (visitor) staying?where11
Where is 12th person (visitor) staying?where12
Where is 13th person (visitor) staying?where13
Where is 14th person (visitor) staying?where14
Where is 2nd person staying?where2
Where is 3rd person staying?where3
Where is 4th person staying?where4
Where is 5th person staying?where5
Where is 6th person staying?where6
Where is 7th person staying?where7
Where is 8th person staying?where8
Where is 9th person staying?where9
Doing your job in one or several different placeswherewrk
Industry scientists less reliable than univer'sity scientistswhichsci
How long ago did this event happen?whnangry
Presence of others: children under sixwhoelse1
Presence of others: older childrenwhoelse2
Presence of others: spouse partnerwhoelse3
Presence of others: other relativeswhoelse4
Presence of others: other adultswhoelse5
Presence of others: no onewhoelse6
From whom did you borrow this money?wholoand
Describe your purchasewhosold
Should only minorities teach minority historywhoteach
Percentage change population of whites in 25 yrwhtchng
Does r feel close to whiteswhtcls
Does r know whites from communitywhtcom
Do whites get proper govt attentionwhtgovt
Does r know whites as relativewhtrel
Does r know whites from schoolwhtschl
Whites different from minoritieswhtsdiff
Does r know whites from workwhtwrk
Why did r start businesswhybiz
Religious change experience1whychng1
Religious change experience2whychng2
Religious change experience3whychng3
Why were you discriminated againstwhydisc5
Why job abolished or laid offwhyjbct1
Why job abolished or laid offwhyjbct2
Main reason your job endwhyjbend
Why r left last jobwhyleave
Why that much possibility of job abolished or laid offwhylose1
Why that much possibility of job abolished or laid offwhylose2
Why that much possibility of job abolished or laid offwhylose3
Why job abolished or laid offwhynojb1
Why job abolished or laid offwhynojb2
Reason why r's family has no petwhynopet
Poor schoolswhypoor1
Loose morals and drunkennesswhypoor2
Not enough jobswhypoor3
Lack of effortwhypoor4
Usual reason r work at homewhywkhme
Ever been widowedwidowed
How likely you two will get married?willwed1
If right person would you marry?willwed2
R feels discriminated because of agewkageism
How often do you work from homewkathome
Employee doing these things at work to rwkbhvrs
R is likely to get a bonus or pay increasewkbonus
Use computer at workwkcomptr
How often contacted about work when not workingwkcontct
How often r take part in decisionswkdecide
Work for pay in a farm etc owned by your family?wkfambiz
A lot of freedom to decide how to do jobwkfreedm
R threatened on the job last 12 monthswkharoth
R sexually harassed on the job last 12 monthswkharsex
Did r work outside home with child under school agewkkidscl
Did partner work outside home with child under school agewkkidscs
Who decides weekend activitieswkndact
Importance of personal contact at workwkpersnl
R is likely to be praised by supervisorwkpraise
R feels discriminated because of racewkracism
Response to misbehavior from coworkerswkrspns
R feels discriminated because of genderwksexism
Workplace runs in smooth mannerwksmooth
Does r or spouse have supervisorwksub
Does r or spouse or partner have a supervisorwksub1
Does supervisor have supervisorwksubs
Does supervisor have supervisorwksubs1
Does r or spouse supervise anyonewksup
Does r or spouse or partner supervise anyonewksup1
Does subordinate supervise anyonewksups
Does subordinant supervise anyonewksups1
Describe your present job situationwktenure
Satisfaction comes from workwktopsat
How often job interferes fam lifewkvsfam
Do you work weekendswkwkends
Did r work outside home after child started schoolwkyngscl
Did partner work outside home after child started schoolwkyngscs
Rich - poorwlthasns
Rich - poorwlthblks
Rich - poorwlthhsps
Are legal immigrants rich or poorwlthimm
Rich - poorwlthjews
Some rich some poor ok in free societywlthpov
Rich - poorwlthso
Are illegal immigrants rich or poorwlthundc
Rich - poorwlthwhts
R can do job without computerwocomptr
Since 1st job ever been without a jobwojob
How many years without a jobwojobyrs
Women benefit from traditional familywomenben
Women hurt from traditional familywomenhrt
Word aworda
Word bwordb
Word cwordc
Word dwordd
Word eworde
Word fwordf
Word gwordg
Word hwordh
Word iwordi
Word jwordj
Word kwordk
Word lwordl
Word nwordn
Number words correct in vocabulary testwordsum
Do you worry about losing economic supportworecsup
Unemployed and looking for work a month +work1
During past 12 mo, r was unemployed and looking for workwork10
R use web for work in past 12 monthswork12
Being demoted or move to worse positionwork2
A cut in pay or reduced hourswork3
R use work site in past 30 dayswork30
How many full time jobs r has in past 3 yrs since 2005work3yrs
Being passed over for promotionwork4
Having trouble with one's bosswork5
Own business losing money or failingwork6
A husband, wife, partner being firedwork7
A husband, wife, partner cut in paywork8
Ones' spouse being unemployedwork9
Hard working - lazyworkasns
Hard working - lazyworkblks
R does numerous things on jobworkdiff
Days r normally worksworkdy
Work to get welfareworkfare
Job requires r to work fastworkfast
R work for whomworkfor
R work for whomworkfor1
To work hardworkhard
Hours r usually worksworkhr
Hard working -lazyworkhsps
Are legal immigrants hard workingworkimm
Hard working - lazyworkjews
Cut back on your work?workless
How successful in work lifeworklife
Are you currently working for payworknow
Has r worked for parties or candidatesworkpol
How many times in the last 90 days did r work while illworksick
Hard working - lazyworkso
Are illegal immigrants hard workingworkundc
Does r work at least 10 hrs/wkworkweek
Hard working - lazyworkwhts
World image:much evil vs. much goodworld1
World image:the good must act vs. notworld2
World image:god not here vs. hereworld3
World image:man is good vs. corruptworld4
World image:arts are good vs. notworld5
World image:chaos vs. harmonyworld6
World image:ach. reveals god vs. notworld7
Do you worry about not finding jobwornojob
Felt worried?worried
How often could not control worrying in past 2 weeksworry
Do you worry about losing jobworryjob
How good local church wor'ship servicesworship
Should authorities have right to detain the suspectedwotrial
Has r written to newspaper's for groupwritegrp
Shld woman with preschooler work?wrkbaby
Working-class women's lives improvedwrkclass
Job is just a way to earn moneywrkearn
Enjoy job even if $ not neededwrkenjoy
Govt or private employeewrkgovt
Govt employeewrkgovt1
Private employeewrkgovt2
Shld woman work after kids leave home?wrkgrown
How often r works at homewrkhome
Hours per week use computer make moneywrkhrh
Hours per week using other computer make moneywrkhro
Work is persons most impt. activitywrkimp
I can work independentlywrkindep
Importance of independent work in a jobwrkindp
I find my work meaningfulwrkmeangfl
Minutes per week use computer make moneywrkminh
Minutes per week using other computer make moneywrkmino
How much you compare to people do same jobwrkmuch
Shld mom work aftr marriage, before kids?wrknokid
Ever worked full time at other parts of orgwrkoth
Shld woman work after youngest in school?wrksch
Usual work schedulewrksched
What is your working schedulewrkshift
R self-emp or works for somebodywrkslf
Does r work in family business or farmwrkslffam
R 1st job: self-employed or no?wrkslfst
Labor force statuswrkstat
R has enough time to get the job donewrktime
Work arrangement at main jobwrktype
Blacks overcome prejudice without favorswrkwayup
Blacks overcome prejudice without favors - follow-on versionwrkwayup_next
How well youcompare to people do same jobwrkwell
#Years you have worked for pay since were 16wrkyears
How well local church works with youthwrkyoung
International bodies should enforce environmentwrldgovt
In past 30 days feel worthlesswrthless
Neighborhood affected by water pollution over the last 12 monthswtrpollu
Weight variablewtss
Weight variablewtssall
Weight variablewtssnr
Person post-stratification weight, nonrespondents adjustedwtssnrps
Poststratification and nonresponse weight for analyzing nea follow-onwtssnrps_nea
Poststratification and nonresponse weight for analyzing gss next follow-onwtssnrps_next
Person post-stratification weightwtssps
Poststratification weight for analyzing nea follow-onwtssps_nea
Poststratification weight for analyzing gss next follow-onwtssps_next
Use web to learn about visual artswwwart
Has anyone met on web become business partnerwwwbiz
In last month listen classical music on webwwwclass
In last month listen country music on webwwwcntry
Has anyone met on web become coworkerwwwcowrk
Has anyone met on web become friendwwwfrnd
Has anyone met on web become partnerwwwgfbf
In last month listen gothic music on webwwwgthic
Can r use www at homewwwhome
Www hours per weekwwwhr
Hours per week use computer wwwwwwhrh
Hours per week using other computer wwwwwwhro
Hours per week using work computer wwwwwwhrw
In last month listen jazz music on webwwwjazz
Is www through phone linewwwline1
Means to wwwwwwline2
Use web to learn about literaturewwwlit
Www minutes per weekwwwmin
Minutes per week use computer wwwwwwminh
Minutes per week using other computer wwwwwwmino
Minutes per week using work computer wwwwwwminw
Use the web to learn about musicwwwmusic
Has anyone met on wen become neighborwwwnei
In last month listen oldies music on webwwwoldie
Has r met person on webwwwpersn
In last month listen rap music on webwwwrap
In last month listen religious music on webwwwrelig
In last month listen rock music on webwwwrock
Has anyone met on web become spousewwwsp
Has anyone met on web become volunteer with rwwwvol
In last month listen world music on webwwwworld
How often does work exhaust rxhaustn
Sex with person other than spousexmarsex
Is extramarital sex wrong?xmarsex1
Seen x-rated movie in last yearxmovie
Seen porn film (theater or vcr) last yrxmovie1
Seen pornography in past yearxmoviey
Expanded norc size codexnorcsiz
Gss year for this respondentyear
Year business startedyearbiz
What is your yearly wage before taxyearly
Time at current jobyearsjob
Lived in u.s., years:yearsusa
Total dollar value of payments in that yearyearval
How often r is asked to help influence important decisionyouinflu
Largest decision in which you had the final sayyoumoney
What should younger generation be taughtyoungen
R's life improvedyourself
How many people do you supervise directlyyousup
Archived livestreamed music or theater in past 12 monthsyrarmus
Archived livestreamed reading event in past 12 monthsyrarpo
Attend art exhibit in past 12 monthsyrartxbt
How many years r born a member of church group1yrchurh1
How many years r born a member of church group2yrchurh2
How many years r born a member of church group3yrchurh3
How many years r born a member of church group4yrchurh4
How many years r born a member of church group5yrchurh5
How many years r born a member of church group6yrchurh6
Online class in past 12 monthsyrclass
Create art in past 12 monthsyrcreat
How many years r born a member of farm organization1yrfarm1
How many years r born a member of farm organization2yrfarm2
How many years r born a member of farm organization3yrfarm3
Financial situation compared to last yearyrfnce
How many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups1yrfrat1
How many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups2yrfrat2
How many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups3yrfrat3
How many yrs r been a member of fraternal groups4yrfrat4
How many years r born a member of school fraternity1yrgreek1
How many years r born a member of school fraternity2yrgreek2
How many years r born a member of school fraternity3yrgreek3
How many years r born a member of hobby club1yrhobby1
How many years r born a member of hobby club1yrhobby2
How many years r born a member of hobby club1yrhobby3
How many years r born a member of informal group1yrinfrm1
How many years r born a member of informal group2yrinfrm2
How many years r born a member of informal group3yrinfrm3
How many years r born a member of informal group4yrinfrm4
How many years r born a member of informal group5yrinfrm5
When did your last paid job endyrjobend
How many years r born a member of literary group1yrlit1
How many years r born a member of literary group2yrlit2
How many years r born a member of literary group3yrlit3
How many years r born a member of literary group4yrlit4
Attend live music or theater in past 12 monthsyrlvmus
See movie in past 12 monthsyrmovie
How many years r born a member of national group1yrnat1
How many years r born a member of national group2yrnat2
How many years r born a member of national group3yrnat3
How many years r born a member of other group1yrother1
How many years r born a member of other group2yrother2
How many years r born a member of other group3yrother3
How many years r born a member of other group4yrother4
How many years r born a member of other group5yrother5
Listen to art podcasts in past 12 monthsyrpod
How many years r been a member of political club1yrpolit1
How many years r been a member of political club2yrpolit2
How many years r been a member of political club3yrpolit3
How many years r born a member of professional society1yrprof1
How many years r born a member of professional society2yrprof2
How many years r born a member of professional society3yrprof3
How many years r born a member of professional society4yrprof4
How many years r born a member of professional society5yrprof5
How many years r born a member of professional society6yrprof6
Read fiction or poetry in past 12 monthsyrrdg
How many years r born a member of school service group1yrschl1
How many years r born a member of school service group2yrschl2
How many years r born a member of school service group3yrschl3
How many years r born a member of school service group4yrschl4
How many years r been a member of service club1yrserv1
How many years r been a member of service club2yrserv2
How many years r been a member of service club3yrserv3
How many years r been a member of service club4yrserv4
How many years r been a member of service club5yrserv5
How many years r been a member of service club6yrserv6
How many years r been a member of service club7yrserv7
How many years r been a member of service club8yrserv8
Importance of tenure to payyrsfirm
Years r has known the named1yrskwn1
Years r has known the named2yrskwn2
Years r has known the named3yrskwn3
Years r has known the named4yrskwn4
Years r has known the named5yrskwn5
How many years r born a member of sports groups1yrsport1
How many years r born a member of sports groups2yrsport2
How many years r born a member of sports groups3yrsport3
How many years r born a member of sports groups4yrsport4
How many years r born a member of sports groups5yrsport5
How many years r born a member of sports groups6yrsport6
Livestreamed music or theater in past 12 monthsyrstmus
Livestreamed reading event in past 12 monthsyrstpo
Online art tour in past 12 monthsyrtour
How many years r born a member of labor union1yrunion1
How many years r born a member of labor union2yrunion2
How many years r born a member of labor union3yrunion3
How many years r born a member of labor union4yrunion4
How many years r been a member of veteran groups1yrvet1
How many years r been a member of veteran groups2yrvet2
How many years r been a member of veteran groups3yrvet3
How many years r been a member of veteran groups4yrvet4
How many years r been a member of veteran groups5yrvet5
How many years r born a member of youth groups1yryouth1
How many years r born a member of youth groups2yryouth2
How many years r born a member of youth groups3yryouth3
How many years r born a member of youth groups4yryouth4
How many years r born a member of youth groups5yryouth5
Respondents astrological signzodiac
Med for behavior problems turn kids into zombieszombies